Scott Plans DC Trip To Urge Zika Funding

August 26, 2016

Gov. Rick Scott will travel to Washington, D.C. in early September, when Congress returns from its summer recess, to seek funding to fight the mosquito-borne Zika virus.

“During Congress’ vacation, we have identified 43 cases of locally acquired Zika in four Florida counties,” Scott said in a prepared statement Thursday. “The Zika virus demands immediate federal action and I will impress upon our congressional members the urgency to protect our residents and visitors.”

Scott intends to meet Sept. 6 with members of Congress, which is in a seven-week recess.

President Barack Obama early this year proposed spending $1.9 billion to address the Zika issue, but Congress could not agree on funding.

The Florida Department of Health on Thursday reported that in addition to the locally transmitted cases, there are 534 travel-related cases of Zika in the state. Travel-related cases stem from people bringing the disease into the state after being infected elsewhere. The state reported 11 new travel-related cases Thursday, with three in Miami-Dade County, two in Alachua County, two in Orange County, and one each in Duval, Monroe, Osceola and Polk counties.

Florida also has a total of 70 cases involving pregnant women. The virus is particularly dangerous to pregnant women because it can cause severe birth defects. Much of the state’s focus on local transmissions have been on Miami’s Wynwood area and on an area in Miami Beach. However, this week cases of locally transmitted Zika were reported in Pinellas and Palm Beach counties.

by The News Service of Florida


7 Responses to “Scott Plans DC Trip To Urge Zika Funding”

  1. Bob C. on August 27th, 2016 11:51 am

    Escambia County used to have fairly regular mosquito spraying to help keep down the numbers of the things.
    If you were having an outbreak of mosquitoes you could call mosquito control and in a day or two they’d be on site spraying with the trucks. Usually helped for a few days or longer.
    Many were happy when gov. scott cut taxes…well, I’ve always said “You want taxes cut back, what public services are you willing to give up?”

    One of the politicians running now for office has an adv that says something like, “governor scott trusts him so should you” Now folks THAT is a Big Joke.

  2. gatorbait on August 26th, 2016 3:09 pm

    The Funding that Gov Scott cut from the state budget was to go to the county municipalities to supplement each county in the states mosquito control budget.
    He would rather privatize and contract mosquito control to private companies.
    such as Mosquito control services LLC and those like it. This way tax payer money can be funneled into his or his buddies pockets. Gov Scott did close down the states only Entomology lab in Panama city. Cuts and lay offs at the Dept of Health , county health depts. forcing people to use his private clinics for health services and children’s school physicals. Cuts to the states EPA and regulatory authorities, now Algae blooms in water ways in south Florida, Gov Scott keeps appealing to the Federal Government for help for problems that he created. He did the same thing with the Dept of Corrections, privatizing prisons , now DOC is a total mess. see the pattern, Scott wins, residents of Florida lose.

  3. bab on August 26th, 2016 1:07 pm

    Gov Scott cut 500000.00 dollars out of the budget that was meant for the Panama city mosquito lab. just Google search it. he or jeb bush has been a friend to state health agencies.

  4. bob on August 26th, 2016 12:39 pm

    You are so right be, he didn’t cut 500000.00 from the Panama city mosquito lab I was mistaken. nothing to see here just move along the doors is to the right are to the oven. Oops I am sorry again, it’s the exit!

  5. bewildered on August 26th, 2016 10:48 am

    The two comments contradict each other. It’s a fact that Scott’s wife is owner or co-owner of MCS mosquito control services. So it would not have made sense to cut mosquito funding. After all – politicians are only out to line their own pockets with cash – they could not care less about the welfare of the ordinary citizens.

  6. Bob on August 26th, 2016 8:26 am

    A lot of this falls right at the gov Scotts feet. He has cut mosquito funding time and time again to give to his country club republicans more sweat heart deals. Now with the folks scared to come here, he would like to blame somebody else.

  7. gatorbait on August 26th, 2016 8:20 am

    Tricky Rick at it again, follow the money. Rick Scott keeps all his assets hidden in a blind trust in his wifes name. Ann Scott has a multi-million dollar investment into a Mosquito control service. “MCS” Mosquito Control Services LLC. of Metairie La.
    Licensed to do business in Florida.