School Lunch Information: Prices, Free Or Reduced Application Available

August 10, 2016

Parents can expedite the processing of  free or reduced lunch applications in Escambia County by submitting the form online.

For students at 30 Escambia County Schools, all children will be provided free meals with no application necessary and regardless of income.  Free breakfast and lunch will begin on the first day of school at the following locations in Escambia County:

Elementary Schools: Bellview Elementary, Brentwood Elementary, C.A. Weis Elementary, Ensley Elementary, Ferry Pass Elementary, Global Learning Academy, Holm Elementary, Jim Allen Elementary, Lincoln Park Elementary, Longleaf Elementary, Montclair Elementary, Myrtle Grove Elementary, Navy Point Elementary, Oakcrest Elementary, Pleasant Grove Elementary, O.J. Semmes Elementary, Sherwood Elementary, Warrington Elementary, and West Pensacola Elementary.

Middle Schools: Bellview Middle, Warrington Middle, Woodham Middle , and Workman Middle.

High School: Pine Forest High School

Special Centers:
Judy Andrews, McMillian PreK Center, and Escambia Westgate Center.

Alternative Education/Charters:
Camelot, Escambia Charter, and Jacqueline Harris Preparatory Academy

Parents of the students at these schools are not required to submit an application for the Free and Reduced Lunch program at that school.

For schools not on the list, parents must apply for  free or reduced price meals. For the 2015-2016 online free and reduced meal application, click here for a secure form.

Application forms are sent to all homes with a letter to parents or guardians. To apply for free or reduced priced meals, parents of students not approved by direct certification must fill out the application and return it to the school. Additional copies are available in the front office.

Children from households with incomes of less than or equal to the income criteria may be eligible for either free or reduced priced meals. Each school and the school system’s Food Services office have copies which are available to the public.

Meal prices are as follows:


  • Full price breakfast – $1.25
  • Reduced price breakfast – 30¢
  • Full price lunch – $2.25
  • Reduced price lunch – 40¢

Middle/High Schools

  • Full price breakfast-  $1.50
  • Reduce price breakfast – 30¢
  • Full price lunch – $2.50
  • Reduced price lunch – 40¢


15 Responses to “School Lunch Information: Prices, Free Or Reduced Application Available”

  1. Former working mom on August 12th, 2016 12:47 am

    Consider for just a moment a parent who works their behind off for years! ” paying to feed the poor” suddenly, the rug is ripped out from under that parent who has a very succesful career… It is replaced with an incurable disease. Now the parent is forced to file and fight for disabilty. AGAINST THEIR WILL. The child is on free lunch so she isn’t hungry. Hi, I am the sorry, pathetic poor. Please, consider your words. We aren’t ALL what we seem.

  2. ProudArmyParent on August 11th, 2016 7:56 am

    I think those that a approve FREE school lunches across the board need to take a closer look at Bratt Elementary! I do not see how that school does not rate FREE lunches.

  3. Fred on August 10th, 2016 11:30 pm

    @parent – the way I see it, it’s simpler to just feed all the kids at this point; the poor because they need it, and the rest of us because we pay for it through taxes. It’s true that there are a great number of “parents” who waste money that we give them, but maybe some of the kids will break that cycle. Too much to hope for? Perhaps, but maybe…

  4. parent on August 10th, 2016 6:55 pm

    So my 5yr old goes to Jim allen and he gets a free lunch. As this is his first year in school i had no idea every child got it. I was fully prepared to pay full price for lunch so i guess according to everyone i should feel ashamed? I’m really not sure how many tattoos, cigarettes and cell phones $11.25 a week will buy maybe i should donate mine to charity so i don’t feel like such a useless bum

  5. tg on August 10th, 2016 2:35 pm

    Melissa you totally miss the point its parents that are responsible for their children not tax payers. If you cant afford children dont have them.

  6. Bill on August 10th, 2016 12:53 pm

    Neither you nor your children have to be U.S. citizens to receive Free and Reduced price meals………why not?

  7. chris on August 10th, 2016 12:45 pm

    I know most students, bring a lunch in Molino, because they can not afford to pay for lunch daily, did they factor that in?

  8. chris on August 10th, 2016 12:36 pm

    I did notice that most of the schools that were given this “free lunch” opportunity, are schools that majority of the children receive free lunch anyway. Its a way to look as if someone is actually making a difference, which he may be doing by helping the 10-20 kids that actually have to pay full price. I don’t smoke and don’t condone it, almost everyone needs a smartphone nowadays( cheaper version of a computer) ,I picked one up for less than $40.00 , unless you can afford a $ and that’s a bargain , its a requirement in most of the classes my children take anyhow. Either way I can go on and on. Instead of condemning the parents on what they do or buy, why don’t you ask your self how many 200. plates of lunch/dinner, trips, hotels, etc have you bought , after all where the heck is all are taxes going to???? The lotto even supports the school, but yet we are still buying excessive amount of school supplies and our teachers aren’t paid anything!!! I am not ungrateful for the how many ever kids get a free lunch, all I am saying maybe the real issues are not about if a parent has a tattoo, smartphone, or smokes, but all the schools should have free lunch, no one likes to be left all, so I say all or none.

  9. anne on August 10th, 2016 10:24 am

    Let’s try, “Are you selling your EBT card for drugs, leaving the kids with nothing to eat but the pan of brownies you burnt to a crisp and cans of beans they couldn’t open because you do not own a can opener?” I could write a book based on what I’ve witnessed in rental homes.

  10. Northof9mi on August 10th, 2016 9:27 am

    Having been a principal in this county many years ago and having to sign the free and reduced priced lunch forms, it reminds me of several points

    1. Melissa is right. Children do need nourishment to function.

    2. The question begs, when a parent indicates no income, yet has phone service, a car, latest style clothing, manicured nails…how can there be no income?

    3. The schools have been placed in a position by funding various programs to replace the parent(s) and their responsibilities as such.

    4. The children go to a sheltered environment, the school, where they are fed, cared
    for, counseled, taught, exercised and then looked after when school is over…until
    they return to what is called home, where there is sometimes not even four walls!

    5. Finally, the profession of teaching/education is the only one that requires the standard of 100% success to be met. Lawyers lose cases, doctors lose patients, mechanics can’t always find the problem to fix and farmers don’t always reap the rewards for their hard work. Yet, teachers…good, bad, pretty, ugly, tall, short, black or white are expected and required to produce great results from children that are damaged goods when they come to the school house everyday, well most everyday.

  11. Concerned person on August 10th, 2016 9:13 am

    Mr. Thomas did not pick the schools to receive free lunch. The schools were chosen as part of a grant which has a criteria. The schools listed in the above article were determined eligible based on the high number of children already receiving free or reduced lunch

  12. William on August 10th, 2016 8:11 am

    The everyone gets free meals at certain school started last year. Here’s an article we ran at the tiime “Why Were No Northern Schools In Escambia County Picked For Free Meals?” that will explain the process.

  13. Melissa on August 10th, 2016 7:59 am

    To tg: Most people now have smartphones. And most people do need phones for jobs and communication with others. Please do not fall into the stereotype trap that people whose kids need those free lunches all have tattoos and smoke cigarettes and so forth. Kids need to eat, period, regardless of what their parents choose to do. It’s all about the children being taken care of. Let’s keep focused on them.

  14. M in Bratt on August 10th, 2016 7:25 am

    This article begs the question of; Mr. Thomas and School Board, why did you decide to provide free meals at all the south end schools, while you ignore the few schools in the north end?

  15. tg on August 10th, 2016 6:51 am

    Applacation should ask Do you buy cigarettes Do you spend money on tatoos Do you have a smart phone.If answers are yes this is where lunch money is going.