Residents Urged To Monitor Tropics, Check Storm Preparations

August 29, 2016

Escambia County Emergency Management is closely monitoring the tropics.  Residents are urged to do the same by monitoring local media, including, for the most up-to-date forecasts daily, as the track is currently very uncertain. While this storm may not or may not impact our area, residents are encouraged to take the time now double check their storm supplies and began basic storm preparations.

The key to reducing the stress and impact on your family is to prepare by having a plan, getting a kit and staying informed:

  • Review or make a family plan. This includes:
  • Knowing your evacuation zone. Check online at
  • Know where you will go. If you live in an evacuation zone, know where you will go and how you will get there.  Will you go to a friend or relative’s home, a hotel, or as a last resort, a public shelter? It is always easier to go tens of miles, not hundreds.
  • Have a communication plan. Plan now how you will contact one another and where you will meet.
  • Plan for those with special needs. Make arrangements in advance to accommodate those in your family with special needs like the elderly, children and pets. Always have at least an extra three day supply of medical supplies, medication and any other special items you may need.
It is also recommended that residents begin take a few minutes to inspect their home and yard. Check for, fix or remove loose items on your home and sheds. Clear loose and clogged rain gutters and down spouts. Trim trees and shrubs around your home.


One Response to “Residents Urged To Monitor Tropics, Check Storm Preparations”

  1. Road scholar on August 29th, 2016 10:14 pm

    Same old story, different year. My neighbors trees hanging over my property. They are clueless. They are transient and have no idea what past hurricanes have done in the neighborhood to others fences and buildings.

    Of course, my insurance has to deal with their carelessness. At this point in my life, I don’t need the aggravation. However, my chainsaws, generators, and, gas supply are ready to go…whatever happens.