Operation Blue Spaghetti: Firefighters Show Support For Law Enforcement

August 1, 2016

The crew of Escambia Fire Rescue Engine 4 in Cantonment joined other fire stations in Escambia County for “Operation Blue Spaghetti” on Sunday.

Firefighters cooked spaghetti and invited and invited on-duty law enforcement to stop by a fire station have join them for lunch.

“This is our way of saying thank you, we support you, and we’ve got your back,” firefighter Tim Najim said.

Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge


3 Responses to “Operation Blue Spaghetti: Firefighters Show Support For Law Enforcement”

  1. LOVE TO ALL on August 1st, 2016 6:49 am

    This is so awesome!!! Thank You to all OUR Firefighters and Law Enforcement officers with the County, City, and State Troopers. And never forget our EMT they seem to begotten sometimes. I appreciate everything you all do for us even the one County Cop that gave me the ticket the other day. All I could say is Ok Sir I was speeding you just doing your job. And by the way sir Thank You for all you do. That’s how you suppose to act and let the man do his job like keeping us safe. I give you all my love and prayers everyday you out there. We have the best hands down in the World.

  2. Honest John on August 1st, 2016 5:53 am

    What a nice way to show support for law enforcement. The plate of spaghetti sure looked delicious. Firefighters are also good cooks. Thank you Escambia Fire Rescue.

  3. ECSO K9 on August 1st, 2016 5:26 am

    Big thanks to the Ferry Pass crew for inviting the midnight shift to come
    eat after hours! We appreciate the hospitality and you guys treated us great! Thank you!