Northview, Tate Parents: Complete Chromebook Contract Online

August 9, 2016

High school students in Escambia County, including Tate and Northview, will have access to a Chromebook to use at school and home, allowing students to be connection to available education resources at both locations.

Parents and students are required to view the district Chromebook Contract Video and must review and complete the online Chromebook Contract.

In order for a student to receive the Chromebook as soon as possible, parents and students can:

For more information, refer to information sent home from the school or call your child’s school.


4 Responses to “Northview, Tate Parents: Complete Chromebook Contract Online”

  1. Fr÷da on August 10th, 2016 2:48 pm

    Why is this the first I’ve heard of this about Tate? Will they get them this year?

  2. William on August 9th, 2016 10:48 am

    >>Will this be the same for Ransom ?

    It’s a district-wide contract…our emails to Ransom went unanswered as to whether they will get chromebooks the first of school. EWMS, for those parents, will get theirs later in the year.

  3. Sarah-Jane on August 9th, 2016 10:46 am

    Will this be the same for Ransom ?

  4. anne on August 9th, 2016 9:22 am

    This assumes the students have access to a home computer and the parents use computers. I know many people who are not online and never plan to be. So, for those who do not know, help them out or let them know they can go to the public libraries and use their computers.