ECSO Seeks Car Burglary Suspect

August 12, 2016

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office is seeking a man caught on camera during a vehicle burglary in the Nine Mile Road area. Investigators say the man stole ammunition, guns and other items Wednesday morning in the 1400 block of Sturbridge Place off Ashland Avenue. Anyone with information is asked to call the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620 or Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP. Courtesy images for, click to enlarge.


14 Responses to “ECSO Seeks Car Burglary Suspect”

  1. @Anne on August 13th, 2016 5:06 pm

    Anne, If your car is stolen and used in a vehicular homicide would you plead guilty to any wrongdoing?

  2. Dick on August 13th, 2016 2:29 pm

    This scum bag looks like the same person that attempted to steal one of my vehicles a couple of months ago in Ensley around 3:30 AM. He couldn’t get mine he stole my neighbors car about 4:00 AM that same morning. Got a pretty good video of him and turned it over to ECSO. Hope he tries to steal the wrong vehicle and the owner makes him pay his just dues.

  3. christian on August 12th, 2016 11:37 pm

    you say never leave your weapons in a vehicle but i bet most of you leave your guns in your vehicle when you go into areas forbidding them or if you just plain dont have a permit. I personally have roomates and toddlers in my house. I keep my gun in my car, which I make sure is locked. The argument is invalidated by the fact that when you leave your home with hunting rifles etc. the same risk is there…..thieves… you blame a victim for having his car hotwired after forcible entry???? property is property and respect is respect. .

  4. Aj on August 12th, 2016 3:50 pm

    Locked or unlocked … Sometimes you can’t stop theft form happening…. You really think a thief walks up to a locked house or car and says dang…. It’s locked ! Heck no! They been breaking glass and doors for a long long time…ive got guns laying everywhere on my property and cars.never know when you need it… May see a thief in the middle of the night. If so y’all will read about it I’m sure…

  5. anne on August 12th, 2016 2:54 pm

    If that gun is used in any crime I think the owner should be charged in some way too. The sheriff is constantly asking people not to leave a gun in the car

  6. Sedition on August 12th, 2016 1:14 pm

    Typical hoplophobic reasoning…let’s blame the gun owner and not the CRIMINAL.
    I swear, the crook could have kicked in the guy’s house door, killed the home owner, raped his wife, and used a pound of C4 to blow the door open to a 2 ton gun safe and you would still scream “If he didn’t have guns in his home, then the poor, poor underprivileged soul wouldn’t have stolen it”.
    And I’m not just talking about the anti-second types…I’m including the gun-owning Fudds who think that the only firearms that should be allowed are those used for hunting waskawy wabbits.
    No one “put a another gun in the hands of a thug”, the thief broke the law and STOLE it. There is a big difference.
    The CRIMINAL committed a CRIME. Put the blame squarely where it belongs.
    What’s next, telling people that own cars that if they didn’t own one then it wouldn’t get stolen?
    I will admit, the gun would have been put to better use in the hands of the owner and the ammo would have been better used putting holes in the thief’s head.

  7. fisherman on August 12th, 2016 11:37 am

    I as a gun owner never leave a weapon in the vehicle never !!!!! You have to be a responsible gun owner period. No excuse for the owner who left it in the vehicle. A thief in my opinion is nothing more than a low life individual who doesn’t care about nothing but them selves. They should be made to walk the streets with a sign around their neck saying I am a thief and I steal from anybody.

  8. C J in Navarre on August 12th, 2016 10:43 am

    I agree with fisherman. Take your possessions in the house when you exit your vehicle. Wallet, cell phones, lap tops, tablets, guns – thieves love these items.

    As for comment – “I can’t stand a thief. They have no value in this world. Leaving your weapon in your vehicle isn’t too bright either. You just put another gun in the hands of a thug on the streets”

    I’m with you on this, but the vehicle owner needs to take better responsibility in owning a gun. A small child could have crawled in that vehicle and that’s the end of the story and someone’s life.

  9. dman on August 12th, 2016 9:39 am

    Yes, Kate. And Spoons, forks, and knives made me fat. Actually they are contributing to the obesity problem in ‘Murica; and since that kills waaaay more people than guns, I say let’s ban all western eating utensils! Chop sticks for everyone! I digress.

    It does cause one to scratch their head. Were the doors actually unlocked? The article doesn’t specify. William, do we have any info on that? Conversely, it’s not all that difficult to pick a lock. Find this bum and lock him up.

  10. paul on August 12th, 2016 8:57 am

    @Johnny.. The “Stuff Happens” isn’t an excuse I want to hear from a gun owner. Gun owners need to be responsible for their weapons at all times. I know I am. ;)

  11. Johnny on August 12th, 2016 8:21 am

    Oh, I’m sure the victim left the gun in the car and then said, hey, I’ll leave my doors unlocked, too. Stuff happens and people forget to lock their doors sometimes. Keyfobs malfunction. Stuff happens. Ever happen to you? It’s happened to me. How about focus on the scum criminal walking around the neighborhood at night checking car doors and not bash on the victim here.

  12. paul on August 12th, 2016 8:02 am

    I can’t stand a thief. They have no value in this world. Leaving your weapon in your vehicle isn’t too bright either. You just put another gun in the hands of a thug on the streets.

  13. Kate on August 12th, 2016 7:34 am

    Couldn’t be part of the gun problem in America now could it? I love the ol saying guns don’[t kill people kill, well seems its stupid people kill or provide the weapons to kill.

  14. fisherman on August 12th, 2016 7:33 am

    Anyone who keeps a gun in their vehicle over night locked or unlocked doesn’t need a gun. This type of crime goes on all the time Wake up folks and when you leave your vehicle take your weapon inside with you.