Couple Sentenced In Meth Case That Injured Child

August 16, 2016

A couple has been sentenced to prison after a young child consumed acid used in the process of making meth.

Amber Nicole Cooley, 24, and Kyle Joseph Cooley, 27, were sentenced to 10 years in state prison by Circuit Judge Ross Goodman for charges that arose when a 3-year old child ingested ingredients used by the couple to manufacture methamphetamine in their home. The 10 year sentence is a minimum mandatory, requiring that the couple serve the entire sentence without receiving gain time.

The Milton couple entered pleas of no contest to charges of manufacture of methamphetamine in the presence of a child causing  great bodily harm, two counts of child neglect causing great bodily harm, unlawful possession of listed chemicals, possession of a controlled substance, and possession of drug paraphernalia


On December 9, 2015, Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a medical emergency at the Cooley home on Fleetwood Drive in Milton. Upon arrival they found a 3-year old child that had severe burns to the face, neck, mouth, and chest area. Amber Cooley stated that the child had swallowed drain cleaner, which contains a strong acid used in making methamphetamine. The child was taken by Life Flight to Sacred Heart Hospital for treatment and has been released but continues to undergo surgeries for injuries that will leave permanent scarring. Deputies found numerous items used formanufacturing methamphetamine inside in the Cooley home. A second child hadchemical burns to the face and was also treated for these injuries.


6 Responses to “Couple Sentenced In Meth Case That Injured Child”

  1. Believe on August 17th, 2016 8:51 am

    Returning evil for evil is not the answer. This couple will now have to live the rest of their lives knowing what they have done to their own children. All for a drug they became addicted to. The only hope these people and others like them have is in a God who can save them from themselves and the World tells them He does not exist. May we all find the love, peace and forgiveness provided to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. “For God so loved the world” I have experienced days and weeks in Children and Family court, it will literally break your heart. Gods people need to pray.

  2. Motherof2 on August 17th, 2016 7:53 am

    10 years is not enough at all.. But atleast in 10 years when they get out that child will be old enough to tell them how big of a piece of work they are! I couldn’t lay my head down at night after giving birth to a child knowing I have done something to affect there whole life (for the bad). I say death penalty! These judges need to seriously toughen up! Guess he/she didn’t think what is my kid was visted there & did this!

  3. Gregory Boyd on August 16th, 2016 8:08 pm

    10 years for the meth charges now what for hurting ychildren

  4. molino jim on August 16th, 2016 2:45 pm

    Why not let these nice parents drink the same thing the child drank. He has to have damage from the burns all the way down. These burns will not go away and very well will cause this child problems for the rest of his life. There is no hope for meth heads

  5. Mother of 3 on August 16th, 2016 2:28 pm

    “The child was taken by Life Flight to Sacred Heart Hospital for treatment and has been released but continues to undergo surgeries for injuries that will leave permanent scarring.” And 10 years is all ? That child will live a lifetime of pain and these two will walk in 10 years. Makes me sick !

  6. XD9RACER on August 16th, 2016 8:31 am

    These two do not deserve God’s gift of children if this is their way of showing their gratitude for having them. 10 years is not near enough for subjecting these little children to this pain and suffering. They both need to be spayed and neutered while locked up so they can’t make any more when they get out. GETERDONE.