Clinton, Trump Essentially Tied In Florida In Latest Poll

August 10, 2016

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has pulled into a statistical tie with Republican opponent Donald Trump in Florida, according to a poll released Tuesday.

Clinton, who narrowly trailed in a Quinnipiac University poll of the state last month, now leads the Florida race with 46 percent of likely voters, to 45 percent for Trump. That is well within the survey’s margin of error of 3 percentage points.

The Quinnipiac poll seems to back up nationwide surveys that have shown Clinton gaining support in the wake of both parties’ national conventions last month. The poll of 1,056 Florida likely voters was conducted from July 30 to Sunday, which also largely coincided with a fight between Trump and the Muslim-American family of a fallen soldier whose parents slammed Trump at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

In a four-way race, the poll found, Clinton and Trump are tied at 43 percent each. Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson, the former governor of New Mexico, received support from 7 percent of those surveyed, while Green Party nominee Jill Stein drew 3 percent.

Last month, Trump held a three-point lead against Clinton in Quinnipiac’s head-to-head poll, with his lead growing to five points when Johnson and Stein were added to the mix.

Florida is the largest of several states that will likely decide November’s election. The Connecticut-based Quinnipiac also released poll numbers Tuesday showing Clinton leading by four points in Ohio and 10 points in Pennsylvania.

In all three states, Clinton’s support came heavily from voters who are opposed to Trump. Florida voters, though, are more hospitable to Clinton than in the other battlegrounds — 41 percent of her Florida supporters say they are mainly voting to stop Trump, while 42 percent said they are casting their ballots because they like Clinton; another 13 percent are doing so because the former secretary of state is the nominee of the Democratic Party.

“It is not that her voters are in love with Secretary Clinton — they just dislike her less than they disdain Trump,” said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

But Trump relies on an anti-Clinton vote even more: 54 percent of his supporters in Florida say they are backing him to oppose Clinton, with just 29 percent saying they are doing so because they like Trump. Another 10 percent of his backers are going with Trump because he is the GOP nominee.

Both candidates are underwater in terms of Florida voters’ opinions of them, with 39 percent viewing each of the major party nominees favorably. Trump’s unfavorable rating is 54 percent, with Clinton getting that mark from 55 percent of voters.

There are also large gaps between the candidates along racial, ethnic and gender lines. Clinton leads among Florida women, 53-40, while Trump outpolls her by roughly the same margin among men, 51-39. Trump draws the support of 57 percent of white voters, to 36 percent for Clinton, while non-white voters back her by almost 50 points, 68-21.

The survey’s partisan breakdown differs some from the earlier Quinnipiac poll. In July, 31 percent of respondents were Republicans, 29 percent were Democrats and 32 percent were independents. The survey released Tuesday still had the GOP making up 31 percent of the sample, but the Democratic share rose to 34 percent while independents fell to 30 percent.

Both candidates have focused heavily on Florida in recent days. After a visit to the state last week, Trump is set to return to Florida on Wednesday and Thursday. Clinton continued a swing through the state Tuesday, visiting Miami.

by Brandon Larrabee, The News Service of Florida


19 Responses to “Clinton, Trump Essentially Tied In Florida In Latest Poll”

  1. david lamb on August 12th, 2016 2:37 pm

    Innocent blood! a state trooper in Arkansas, Vince Foster, Mr Brown, and many others mysteriously died or killed by the Clintons! How they come out clean after every escapade ios beyond my comprehension.

  2. TUMom on August 12th, 2016 1:28 pm

    What do you expect from Florida. There are more illegals in this state than there are true citizens. God help us all.

  3. john on August 12th, 2016 6:45 am

    The one fundamental difference there may be, I can’t prove, that Christians should consider is Hillary very well may have innocent blood on her hands, as Trump may not. Too many things have happened now and in the past to suggest otherwise.

  4. Howard on August 11th, 2016 9:23 pm

    I would love to see Mr. Trump become President. He is a business man who is achievement oriented and eager to put this great nation back to work. He knows what it takes to be successful, and is willing to invest the time and energy needed to turn our country around. Thank you.

  5. Howard on August 11th, 2016 8:52 pm

    Enough is enough! Who should choose the next president of the USA? Should it be the members of the media?Or, should they just report the news as they see and hear it and leave the elections to be decided by the people?

  6. No Excuses on August 11th, 2016 7:07 pm

    While I agree that both candidates leave something to be desired, I don’t want another four years of an administration that will mirror Obama’s. We call it “Obama 2.0″ at our house. In my opinion, a vote for any write in candidate or person other than Trump is a vote for Hillary Clinton, and that is NOT what our country needs right now. I think Mike Pence will be a stabilizing influence on a Trump presidency – I’m voting for Trump.

  7. Angelique on August 11th, 2016 5:20 pm

    I’m proud to vote for Donald Trump.

  8. Ponderosa hill on August 11th, 2016 4:57 pm

    David Lamb: Sure glad you’re here & able to provide a “look” into the serious consequences of military nuclear intervention. I’m barely able to stomach the mouth and thin skin on TRUMP but even worse and I mean ” far worse ” are the CLINTONS” ( we’ll be getting both of them ) remember Bill ? If Hilliary is really sick you’re gonna get BILL in her place and yes I know about the veep Kaine….. What a joke for VP. For the others on this board who think a vote for Johnson,Stein, or anyone/thing else is just not getting it. I’ve been around a long time (very long) so it’s our descendents I’m thinking of ……and our drop dead gorgeous Country.

  9. david lamb on August 11th, 2016 4:44 pm

    a write in or third party candidate or even not voting will insure a Clinton win. Unfortunately America is set up on a 2 party system.

  10. Margielu on August 11th, 2016 11:12 am

    Hurrah for Angelique, who gets it!

    When both ballot choices are wrong for America, use the voice of the ballot box and write in a real choice!

  11. Margielu on August 11th, 2016 11:10 am

    Three words:
    Write In Candidate.

    God save us from the pre-printed choices in this ballot, because there truly is no difference between wrong and downright wrong!

  12. david lamb on August 11th, 2016 8:57 am


  13. david lamb on August 11th, 2016 8:53 am

    Ponderosa Hill: I served in the Air Force for 23 years, 18 years @ Offutt AFB, Omaha. That is why this misplaced Escambia County native lives here now. My job in the AF was an Electronic Tech working on many systems on Airborne Command Post aircraft. My specialty was on a nuclear launch system that would send a launch signal, while airborne, to all minuteman, peacekeeper missile silos in case the ground launch crews were destroyed.
    I said all this to say that with these two running for president, you asked me to “sleep well” Well ah…………. Hope one of them has sense enough to think before they push the red button @ o dark 30!!!!! I know well what that will mean!

  14. Ponderosa hill on August 11th, 2016 5:08 am

    David Lamb: You’re right….voting very important….. but keep in mind there’s several areas in Florida…..( Miami ,Tampa,Orlando,Gainesville,Tallahassee ) where Obama won and essentially that won the State for the Democrats. If Trump loses Florida then I think he loses the entire election . The way the Electoral College Votes line-up ( last two elections) the Republican Candidate CAN’T win without winning Florida ( see the five (5) areas above). Then…( the Republican Candidate ) must also pick-up States like OHIO, and PENNSYLVANIA etc. and also must win ALL of the States that Romney won last election. It’s possible for a “Republican” to win……but looking at how it all lays out ( Nationally ) state by state, county by county it’s very , very unlikely . Sleep well

  15. david lamb on August 10th, 2016 9:14 pm

    In the Disney movie “Jungle book” there is a scene where the buzzards are jumping up and down on a tree limb, as the bear and tiger fight, saying…. what to do, what too do…..
    This election is that way. neither candidate is to our likeing. many voters say I’m not voting for Trump… PERIOD! If there is a time that one vote counts, this is the year. Every vote counts. You cant stay home and not vote .The stakes are too high. Not voting means Hillary wins…. Go to the poles and vote for Trump . In my opinion he is the lesser of two evils.

  16. Gary on August 10th, 2016 2:19 pm

    John, I agree with you. Excellent post.

  17. anne on August 10th, 2016 10:37 am

    I think they are on the same team, definitely not on our team. Only God can help the USA now but I’m getting the feeling he is tired of our way of life without him

  18. Angelique on August 10th, 2016 10:01 am

    Don’t be lazy on voting day. It’s all meaningless if we don’t actually vote. Register to vote now while you still have time. Please don’t sit at home thinking “well, everyone else will get out there and do it.” and not vote. Vote.Vote.Vote. Have a say so in your future and children’s. Our kids would be pissed if the adults of our generation just let it turn into some other country and we were too lazy or stupid to take part in preventing regression or not improving. Our generations before us have always strived to preserve our American freedoms and died leaving it better than before. We are Americans of the Republic of the United States and We don’t suck.. and we will vote!! We must.

  19. john on August 10th, 2016 6:50 am

    Every four to eight years, form here on out, America will go to the polls with a sense of satisfaction, only to return four years later dissatisfied, but where is God’s man, only to be mocked off stage, we will reap what we sow.