Child Abuse Charge Upgraded To First Degree Murder

August 17, 2016

An Escambia County man is now charged with murder in connection with a child’s death.

Alonzo Thompkins, 26, has been in the Escambia County Jail since last week on two counts of aggravated child abuse. Now, one count has been upgraded to first degree murder for the death of 2-year old Cornelius Savage who died August 8. The charged was upgraded based upon a preliminary  autopsy report that showed the child died in Thompkins’ care.

Police were dispatched to the residence around 9 a.m. August 8 after the child’s mother  returned home and found her two-year-old son was not breathing. Thompkins had been left alone with the 2-year-old male, who was the son of Thompkins’ girlfriend.

Thompkins was arrested August 8 after the child died. The second charge was placed on him August 9 after an investigation determined a three-year-old child in the residence had multiple bruises on her body and a broken collar bone.

The investigation is continuing, according to authorities.


7 Responses to “Child Abuse Charge Upgraded To First Degree Murder”

  1. deserve to be put death on August 22nd, 2016 9:32 am

    I beleave anyone who harm a child like abuse that leads to death, or sexaul abuse should be put to death as soon as possible, instead of a sentence and out in few short years to do it again, pass a law that is mandatory death

  2. TUMom on August 20th, 2016 9:16 am

    What kind of monster beats up on an innocent baby and what kind of mother doesn’t know her child has a broken collarbone and bruises on her body and doesn’t question how it happened? I think she should be in jail right along with this monster!

  3. Sniper on August 18th, 2016 1:13 am

    Torture. The PC world we live in will give this scum 3 meals a day for the rest of his life.

  4. Eye4anEye on August 17th, 2016 4:11 pm

    This is when an eye for an eye would be justified…I can’t imagine the pain that poor baby was going thru & how scared he probably was…Anyone that can harm an innocent baby is PURE EVIL!!!

  5. JUSTICE FOR ALL on August 17th, 2016 8:56 am

    This makes me sick!! This piece of crap needs to go straight to electric chair. I would love to see him literally burnt the hell up. Since he wanted to play GOD…This is where it should be NO COURT NO JUDGE NO JURY JUST THE EXECUTOR. He only deserves the Death Penalty. And don’t let him live another a day longer then what that poor baby got to live. I couldn’t image the pain that they went through. How didn’t the mom know about her 3 year old having a broke collar bone. The baby had to be pain. Charges of torture needs to be added. I will be praying for this little girl and the baby boy is in a better place. This is sad!!

  6. century mom on August 17th, 2016 8:48 am

    Lock him up and throw away the keys better yet let him rotten in the jail house till that baby comes back

  7. Traumaqueen on August 17th, 2016 5:53 am

    There is a special place in hell for people like this.