Century’s Mayor Race: Runoff Between Hawkins, McCall

August 31, 2016

Unofficial results in the Century mayor’s race show that there will be a November runoff between incumbent Freddie McCall and former council member Henry Hawkins.

Unofficial totals show:

Henry Hawkins 128
Freddie McCall 112
Ben Boutwell 93
Felic Fussner 0

The top candidate would have needed 50 percent plus one vote in order to have avoided a runoff.

McCall has served two terms as mayor, while Hawkins served four years on the town council followed by an unsuccessful run for mayor in 2011.


4 Responses to “Century’s Mayor Race: Runoff Between Hawkins, McCall”

  1. lets see on August 31st, 2016 4:34 pm

    Whoo Hoo.. Lets go Hawkins. Lets win this!

  2. George on August 31st, 2016 11:09 am

    So who did Mr. Fussner vote for? I guess not for himself since he got 0 votes?

  3. Retired on August 30th, 2016 10:50 pm

    Good job, appreciate all the candidates. As far as Boutwell and Fussner, even though your run for mayor this time was perhaps not the right time yet. I liked some of your ideas. I hope you all work together in the community doing your part and using your own unique talents and ideas. Boutwell’s ideas of cleaning up the town as the Northern gate is great, Fussner’s idea of a Riverwalk park or Big Escambia Creek conserved lands should be realized. McCall’s experience to continue things that are started will be great. Hawkins in the community to help the people realize their potential will continue. God Bless Century Please.

  4. Mark on August 30th, 2016 8:50 pm

    Congrats Mr. Hawkins. Now it’s time to team up with Mr. Boutwell and get his votes and get Century going in the right direction.