Century Applying For $1.3 Million In Grants

August 25, 2016

The Town of Century is currently seeking grants totaling just over $1.3 million for tornado recovery.

The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity has made  $600,483 in emergency funding available for recovery efforts following the February 15 EF-3 tornado. The application process for Century is basically a formality…the state has announced that Century is the only local government eligible to apply for the funds.

Wednesday afternoon, the town held the first public forum of the application process. No members of the public attended.

The application process is currently also underway on  a $700,000 small cities  Community Development Block Grant for housing rehabilitation and replacement.

Pictured: Century Mayor Freddie McCall during a grant application meeting Wednesday at the Century Town Hall. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Century Applying For $1.3 Million In Grants”

  1. Sam on August 25th, 2016 11:43 am

    It’s about time. I hope it all works out for us. But please remember that this is a desperate POLITICAL move by Mayor McCall to sway votes. Remember this Tuesday at the polls. We can do a lot better than what we have now.

  2. molinoman on August 25th, 2016 10:45 am

    Weren’t there people on this great news site complaining about the lack of help and funding to get their homes repaired just last week? I find it ironic that none of these people showed up for a meeting on the money they may be able to get for said repairs. People like to sit around and complain yet do nothing about their situation. They just wait for it to be dropped in their lap. How lazy our society has come and how dependent on the county/state/Government our citizens have become. When we begin to live allowing the Government to raise our kids, pay our food, pay our medical, repair our homes and bury us that is Totalitarianism. Welcome to 1984.