Cantonment Murder Suspect Captured

August 11, 2016

A Cantonment murder suspect was captured Wednesday night in Escambia County.

Marquis Derrell Bryant, 19, was wanted for homicide in connection with the shooting death of 29-year old Alphonso Leon Griffin.  Griffin suffered a gunshot wound and was found in the yard of a residence in the 200 block of Sheppard Street in Cantonment just after 9 p.m. on July 23. He was transported by ambulance to Sacred Heart Hospital where he later passed away.

Bryant was booked into the Escambia County Jail at 10:35 Wednesday night on charges of first degree premeditated murder, resisting an officer without violence and grand theft of a motor vehicle. He is being held without bond.

Bryant was captured by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office just five days before the shooting, but not placed under arrest.

On Sunday, July 17, Bryant allegedly stole a classic Ford Mustang. On Monday, July 18, deputies spotted Bryant in the stolen 1965 Mustang at 3:47 p.m. near Hicks Street and Muscogee Road, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. When a deputy attempted a traffic stop, Bryant refused.

The deputy followed the vehicle, not exceeding the speed limit. Bryant opened the driver’s side door while the vehicle was still in motion. He then jumped from the vehicle and fled on foot.

The Sheriff’s Office said Bryant was located by a K-9 a short time later.

Sgt. Andrew Hobbs, spokesperson for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said deputies suspected that Bryant ingested some type of narcotics before being captured. He was transported to a local hospital for medical care. Hobbs declined to say which day Bryant was released from the hospital, citing medical privacy laws.

Hobbs said deputies submitted a grand theft auto warrant for judicial review. At the time of the murder, the warrant had not yet been signed by a judge.


30 Responses to “Cantonment Murder Suspect Captured”

  1. Mike Honcho on August 13th, 2016 6:46 pm

    Just so you know if you are driving a stolen car just for a joy ride you still stole the car. Think about what you post. I have known this kid for a long time helped coach him when he played football at Cantonment not saying he was a bad kid but this really isn’t a surprise.

  2. Tina S. on August 12th, 2016 9:28 pm

    Life sentence is not good enough. The chair would be much better, but us tax payers will have to pay for him for while. You know there is all these appeals and they live many years before termination of life is decided. Mr. Griffin will never see the light of day again and Bryant shouldn’t either. I hope there are many witnesses to testify and they were his friends at one time. Prayers for the Griffin family and May God Bless you during this time.

  3. I already did on August 12th, 2016 3:50 pm

    @ Esc Co leo incase you forgot I already food the bill when someone Is in custody on top of that me and every other tax paying citizen foot the bill for you also so do us a favor and do your Job

  4. Howie F. on August 12th, 2016 3:29 pm

    That address that has been posted: Seems like it could be there or somewhere close to it that my former neighbors son’s truck was discovered in the back yard. Truck was found stripped and demolished. Stolen out of their driveway on Old Chemstrand Road in a high end area and was missing for 2 years.

    There is many thugs that will do anything for money. Cantonment used to be a great place to live years ago. Now it’s a place that I want to run from or stock up on your ammo. Keep your windows, doors, and vehicles locked. Install cameras and stand by.

  5. Brett and Donna on August 12th, 2016 3:03 pm

    No, I or my wife is not misplaced. We don’t look at the Jail View and could care less. It’s your business if f you want to check out every tom that’s been arrested.

    Don’t judge others when they make a statement and before you know the facts.

  6. I seen on August 12th, 2016 1:30 pm

    Adina save the lies there was multiple eye witnesses me being one of them and I will and am going to testify and make sure he gets the life sentence he deserves and that justice is served

  7. Good ol sherrifs on August 12th, 2016 1:27 pm

    As far as the address goes you can thank the escambia county sheriff’s office for putting it on the jail website it’s public information ijs

  8. Brett and Donna on August 12th, 2016 10:34 am

    No, I or my wife is not misplaced. We don’t look at the Jail View and could care less. You have more time than good sense if you want to check out every tom, dick and harry that’s been arrested.

    Don’t judge before you know the facts.

  9. C J in Navarre on August 12th, 2016 10:29 am

    Not guilty until proven guilty. As for the stolen vehicle, what makes you think Bryant stole it. Someone else could have stolen it and he was joy-riding. From reading this story, (which the media gets half the facts right) allow law enforcement to do their job. They are not always right in their decisions, but someone has to enforce laws. By the way, you can’t attach charges unless the person is proven guilty. A year or longer will pass before this case is tried in court. We are citizens and not judges. Leave the judging and sentencing to the court system. Eventually there will be witnesses to come forth and not this “he say she say bullcrap”. Relax people. There are habitual offenders still on the streets worse than Bryant. I read one comment about sueing. There you go, someone always wanting a buck out of something. Wasting your time trying to get money because Bryant left the hospital. Can you prove that this murder was committed by Bryant and that it would not have occurred if he was in jail? Nobody knows that answer.

  10. dman on August 12th, 2016 9:45 am

    “The address:

    I don’t care whose address it is. No addresses or phone numbers should be written on this site unless it’s your own. The address of another person is none of your business or ours. Do you know that you have jeopardized Bryant’s family because of your smartness to place their address on this site.

    Sometimes addresses and phone numbers are here as beneficial, but in this case it is not.”

    The address is right under his mugshot on the Escambia County Jail View. It’s totally public. I find your ire misplaced.

  11. Brett and Donna on August 12th, 2016 8:50 am

    The address:

    I don’t care whose address it is. No addresses or phone numbers should be written on this site unless it’s your own. The address of another person is none of your business or ours. Do you know that you have jeopardized Bryant’s family because of your smartness to place their address on this site.

    Sometimes addresses and phone numbers are here as beneficial, but in this case it is not.

  12. Mike Honcho on August 12th, 2016 12:29 am

    Before you start haten on cops remember this was a criminal, stole a car, ran from cops and is a SUSPECT in a murder investigation. I for one am glad we have the caliber of law enforcement we have.

    Serve Protect keep up the good job.

  13. William on August 12th, 2016 12:16 am

    >>You with the address posted, that’s really being smart. Certainly it can’t be your address. You’re just trying to start trouble ! I’m surprised the moderator approved that.

    The address belongs to Mr. Marquis Bryant.

  14. Brett and Donna on August 11th, 2016 11:10 pm


    Sunday July 17, Mustang stolen

    Monday July 18, Bryant spotted driving the stolen car. A chase begins and Bryant jumps from the car and fled on foot. He was captured soon after by K-9. Deputies SUSPECTED that Bryant ingested narcotics. < Did they see him do it, or they dreaming this up? He was taken to a local hospital for medical care. Which can be anything. So maybe a day or two in the hospital. Then 3 days later a murder occurs. You don't know who did it. An arrest for the stolen vehicle yes, but what proof do you have that Bryant killed someone. Just saying !

    You with the address posted, that's really being smart. Certainly it can't be your address. You're just trying to start trouble ! I'm surprised the moderator approved that.

  15. nod on August 11th, 2016 7:27 pm

    Ease up you guys, Let’s make sure we give him a fair trial before he’s executed.

  16. Mike Honcho on August 11th, 2016 6:44 pm

    I agree with fisherman, and a question if he was out on bail and arrested would he have been denied bail the second time. Just wondering after reading leo co post.

  17. my two cents on August 11th, 2016 6:21 pm

    Lawsuits are not always about “quick bucks”, it’s about teaching negligent people or organizations a lesson so as to prevent future negligence.

    Why would someone put their address in the comments unless they are looking for trouble like George Zimmerman OR it is not really their address and they are trying to bring attention to someone they don’t like.

    Either way seems careless.

  18. anne on August 11th, 2016 5:59 pm

    Doesn’t he look worried? Some people just don’t care.

  19. Esc co Leo on August 11th, 2016 3:37 pm

    @ penny

    Keep in mind, it isn’t the Ecso that has to pay the bill, it is YOU. So if YOU want to be responsible for that bill just because he decided to eat dope instead of get caught with it, or whatever boneheaded thing he next guy does, just send us a blank check and we can take care of that.

  20. Consider Parent on August 11th, 2016 2:28 pm

    Do the esc sherriff know he swallow drugs or just going by wat Bryant said ? Yes I think if they had arrest him that day Mr. Griffin would have still been here with his son nd the community kids who he love dearly … Because Mr. Bryant were out on Bond nd the bondmans would have got off his bond . Smh the escambia county have mess up again and trying to cover up now . R.I.H Fronzo you got your wings fly high brother … We truely miss you from earth …

  21. Dont believe it on August 11th, 2016 2:23 pm

    It’s not about a quick buck her child is dead bease of the negligence of the sheriff’s office to arrest a criminal that they was in a stolen vehicle of which he jumped out of and ran to jail which is their JOB and as far as not wanting to pay for his bill me being a tax paying citizen I pay for the inmate to be in jail regardless I also foot the check that the sherrifs department issues to the deputies who failed to fulfill their duties! Protect and Serve they sure dropped the ball on this one and it cost an innocent person their life

  22. fisherman on August 11th, 2016 1:31 pm

    @Penny pinched
    Yea sue!!! sue!!!! sue!!!! First reaction get a quick buck see it all the time.
    Every criminal has rights and you need to follow the law. It’s the court system that turns these individuals out. Look up his record he should have been in jail. So blame the judges not the sheriffs office.

  23. Wondering on August 11th, 2016 12:38 pm

    I’m just wondering if the three individuals who drove this killer away from the scene of the crime will be charged with accessory once their names come out

  24. Penny pinched on August 11th, 2016 11:22 am

    I can see escambia county sheriff’s not wanting to foot the bill for the hospital if maybe it was just a slap on the wrist charge such as possession or something of that nature but due to his extensive past record and already being out on bond he definitely should and been taken into police custody for grand theft auto right then and there, no exception or explanation can be given for not doing their job, if I was the young man that lost his lifes mother I would be suing the living hell out of escambia county and letting them foot that bill since they wanted to save money and in return let this criminal loose to go on and kill someone

  25. Esc co Leo on August 11th, 2016 10:40 am

    Delaying an arrest due to medical issues is almost a DAILY occurrence. The people of Escambia county do not want to be responsible for the hospital bill and the cost of an office staying with them, sometimes for days, until they are released and can be arrested.

    Keep in mind, had he been arrested for the car theft, he still would have had a bond and likely been out the same day. So arresting him would not necessarily have prevented the murder. It’s possible, but probably not.

  26. Richard Accord on August 11th, 2016 10:37 am

    Note to self: In the unfortunate event of an arrest; quickly digest a white powered doughnut, blink excessively, scratch and complain of stomach pain, burning. Sit back and enjoy a Free ride to hospital. After quality care, tv, meals, air condition basically using valuable resources, walk out behind the meal cart.

    Honestly, does it matter if the ECSO is sent the bill for treatment? Simply subrogate against this fine individuals heath insurance company for reimbursement.


  27. Hmm on August 11th, 2016 9:35 am

    Does anyone else find it strange that they couldn’t arrest him for grand theft of the vehicle when it happened? How/Why does this happen? If he was the guy probably wouldn’t have been murdered.

  28. Karen on August 11th, 2016 9:09 am

    @Concerned Citizen – I think it’s standard practice NOT to place a suspect under arrest if they are hospitalized because it keeps the Sheriff’s Department from having to pay the bill for the treatment. I understand your frustration but I doubt anyone knew or had the foresight to predict that he would be released and commit a murder.

  29. Justin J on August 11th, 2016 7:25 am

    Great Job LE!

  30. Concerned Citizen on August 11th, 2016 3:35 am

    I still can’t understand why this man was released after stealing a vehicle and fleeing from law enforcement?! Why is a grand theft auto charge submitted for judicial review awaiting a signature from the judge anyway?! This just doesn’t add up? One thing I do know is that if this man would have been locked like he should have been a life could have possibly been spared, a young son could still have the father he adored and his mother wouldn’t have to worry about raising him on her own. This guy is an habitual offender too. Come Escambia county!! We can do better than this?! Why don’t you start really cleaning up the streets instead of brushing it under the rug! Prayers for his loved ones, and especially his son. Hoping they can put enough charges on him that he never sees the light of day!! Because the persons life he took will never see it again!! Tighten up Escambia County!!