Response Team Secures Holman Prison Dorm After Stabbing; Lockdown Continues

August 2, 2016

Officials with the Alabama Department of Corrections reported Monday night that a dorm inside the William C. Holman Correctional Facility in Atmore  was secure following a disturbance hours earlier.

At 9:45 p.m.Monday, a Correctional Emergency Response Team (CERT) entered the dorm without meeting any resistance from the inmates.   Inmates were cooperative and the situation was resolved without use of force or further incident.

The prison was placed on lockdown following an altercation about 3 p.m. between a group of inmates housed in the dorm.

Initial reports indicated four inmates were involved in the altercation.   In an updated report, officials said only three inmates were involved in the incident and confirmed all three received stab wounds in the altercation.   The inmates were treated onsite for non-life threating injuries.

The incident had escalated when several  inmates inside the dorm became aggressive toward the correctional officers who were responding to the altercation.   As a precaution, the officers secured the door to the dorm area and waited for backup from the CERT team.

The facility is reporting some damage inside the dorm area caused by a fire the inmates had started during the disturbance.  Other areas of the prison were not affected.

The ADOC is conducting an investigation to determine the cause of the incident.  The prison will remain on lockdown until the investigation is complete. file photos.


12 Responses to “Response Team Secures Holman Prison Dorm After Stabbing; Lockdown Continues”

  1. john on August 4th, 2016 5:40 am

    What they need to do is let the cert team go in there with AR-15’s when prisoners up-rise, and paint in inside of some of those cells red, that’s what really needs to happen, and they should use frangible rounds as not to damage the cell interior!!

  2. Fallon Leggett on August 3rd, 2016 12:38 am

    You know it never seems to amaze me to hear people’s comments about how the inmates needing a safer environment inside the gates at Holman prison. I’m an Correctional Officers wife and if people could hear about the reasons their there, I’m sure whoever they murdered wasn’t calm before they took their life. EXPRESS Lane for Death Row is needed!!

  3. Bennie on August 2nd, 2016 10:58 am

    They do not need to hire Guards! They need to raise the pay to at least match the State Troopers, Hire more Correctional Officers,(we do not like nor fit the title Guard) .
    And while there are some Officers that are dirty, if you hire enough good Officers that are not and will not become dirty then eventually MOST, not all, but most of the dirty ones will be weeded out. Everyone just really needs to remember one thing, That man or woman that you,John Q. Public, want locked up away from society for ever. That is the very people that these Officers, Support Staff, Medical Staff and the rest of Corrections employee’s have to deal with and be around everyday that they go to work. God bless them all for the job they do, how well they do it with so few, and the safety that they give us all in the “Free World”.

  4. so dangerous on August 2nd, 2016 8:28 am

    The prison will always be a horrible place to work but the facts is the state of Alabama can’t keep correction officers because they don’t have enough officers to do the job, so it leave the one they do have in constant danger. They have areas that only the prisoners control, this shouldn’t be. The State of Alabama, needs to hire more guards and take control . The hen’s shouldn’t run the hen house!

  5. tg on August 2nd, 2016 7:34 am

    This is a prison with no controls,look at the number and frequency of problems.

  6. bewildered on August 2nd, 2016 7:09 am

    Some of the comments suggest to curb violent outbursts not with discipline, but with love and understanding. People with this mindset should volunteer to go into the prison whenever there is trouble, extinguish the fire and take away the knives from the inmates, etc. Talk is cheap like the saying goes. .

  7. David Huie Green on August 2nd, 2016 3:31 am

    No matter what the laws say regarding behavior in prison, all would be better off not doing things which could put them in prison. Not all of your neighbors are as nice as you would expect.

    David for good neighbors

  8. Shannon Johnson on August 1st, 2016 11:13 pm

    Everytime something happens at Holman people seem to think its the death row unit and want to start murdering people. Its the population dorms that are acting out. But yea reprimand violence with violence so that the inmates will understand violence is wrong. Smh.

  9. Brevin on August 1st, 2016 9:56 pm

    People should have less stressful environment it’s hard enough they spending the rest of they life there but again they did sum harsh to get there so it’s “iffy”

  10. Bob C. on August 1st, 2016 8:47 pm

    Corrections Officers face Immediate Danger Every Day.
    The great majority of people they are surrounded by are there because they are BAD PEOPLE and are some there for the rest of their lives, Nothing to Lose.

    God Bless and Protect those CO’s who are locked inside the walls with those thugs.

  11. Willis on August 1st, 2016 8:36 pm

    Need an express lane for Death Row and put some more of them in line.
    Sorry a little insensitive, I suppose… candy , coke and cell phones for everyone.

    Stay safe staff !!

  12. Matt on August 1st, 2016 7:40 pm

    This is what happens when the politicians who never work in prison make the rules for the prison same thing going on with the Florida prison system inmates have more rights than the officers at the century correctional facility they had five inmates stabbed in one day last week and come close to losing a dorm this weekend i hope and pray things change before someone gets killed because that is what is coming if the rules on discipline are not changed and enforced.