Vote 2016: Q&A With District 5 Commission Candidates

July 24, 2016

The Greater Pensacola Chamber sent an online questionnaire to local candidates running for Escambia County Commission. Questions focus on issues affecting the business community. Below are the unedited responses from incumbent Stephen Barry and Danny Smillie, candidates for Escambia County Commission District 5.

Q1: Rate the regulatory climate for business in Escambia County. Is it good, fair or bad? Explain your answer.

Steven Barry: I would describe the business climate of Escambia County as fair, not in an equitable sense of fairness, but in the sense of the climate being better than it has been in the past, but we still need a lot of work to be a great environment for business.

Danny Smillie: Fair. So many complications, permits, and restrictions to start business. You have to have so much money and insurance to start a business. Many are going out of town because its easier to start a business.

Q2: Provide any examples of how regulations have affected the lives of county residents in a positive or negative way.

Steven Barry: One example of the impact of regulations on the community is what the Wedgewood community is dealing with today. There were decades of little or no regulation, and even when there were regulations, the enforcement was lax. Addressing the issue appropriately is taking us years.

Danny Smillie: Negative. When a family gets permit to setup a mobile home on family property who has a terminally ill family member is revoked before person dies.  Try to get a carport installed and is given the run around. Sent to many offices about permits and drawings and other complicated items.

Q3: Name the top 3 specific county ordinances/regulations you would like to see eliminated. Explain why they should be eliminated.

Steven Barry: The BCC passed a new land development code earlier in 2016, with approximately 2/3 of the aggregate code volume being removed. The rewrite process was a very tedious, slow, six to seven year process. I have not heard much feedback about remaining issues the board needs to eliminate, but I am open to the idea. I want Escambia County to be a place where people and businesses attempting to invest their private capital into our community are treated as an asset, and the county senior staff leadership helps them work through their development. Private capital continuing to grow our tax base, as an aggregate figure, is absolutely integral to keeping property tax rates low.

Danny Smillie: N/A

Q4: Should Escambia County have a Human Rights Ordinance? Explain why or why not.

Steven Barry: I noticed discussion earlier this year related to the Pensacola City Council and discussing the Human Rights Ordinance, but it is not an issue which we have discussed, even in passing.

Danny Smillie: N/A

Q5: Do you see any overlap or duplication of services between the county and the city? If so, what services should be consolidated? How could these services be consolidated?

Steven Barry: I am not particularly familiar with the City of Pensacola governmental structure. However, if there is an opportunity to truly share the cost of services for some of the tax payers we both have a fiduciary responsibility to serve, then I am open to the idea. I would only support the consolidation of clearly duplicative services themselves, not the consolidation, or merger of the entities, Escambia County and Pensacola respectively.

Danny Smillie: No

Q6: How will you work to build a more collaborative environment among our elected officials? How can the county commission better work with other local and state officials to further business interests in Escambia County?

Steven Barry: I believe all of our elected representatives, regardless of the size or scope of the entity they represent, should make every effort possible to have a pleasant working relationship with each other. Many of us share common tax payers, rate payers, and constituents. I have been very supportive of joint meetings between the county and any of the other elected boards each time the issue has been up for discussion. The joint meetings require spending time with each other, and give you the opportunity to build healthy working relationships with your elected colleagues.

Danny Smillie: Have quarterly meetings.  Find a way to reduce permits and the cost of the permits.

Q7: Do you believe the county allocates sufficient resources for infrastructure projects? How would you prioritize these projects and fund them?

Steven Barry: With the voters extending another term of the local option sales tax, Escambia County will have a very healthy amount of annual revenue to devote to capital projects, 35 + million. It’s important to me that our priority setting of the resources take place on the dais, with each commissioner passionately pitching for the respective needs of their district, and for their opinion of the needs of the entire county.

Danny Smillie: No. Build Escambia County new jail which will save millions of dollars being sent to Santa Rosa County. Make sure bridges, roads and evacuation routes for hurricanes are in top shape. Redistribute money, stop waste of money and make roads safe.

Q8: What would your five-year plan for Escambia County look like?

Steven Barry: Generally, a five-year plan to me means that Escambia County will be a better place to live, work, play, and raise a family than it is today. I hope to continue to have a positive impact on that vision. Specifically, in five years there are a number of infrastructure projects in District 5 I hope to see completed, or at least nearly completed:
1. Four-laning of Nine Mile Road
2. Major improvements on Muscogee Road from Highway 29 to the Alabama state line
3. Major improvements on Old Chemstrand Road from Ascend to Highway 29
4. Major improvements on Quintette Road from Highway 29 to the Santa Rosa County line, and the  realignment of the intersection of Highway 95A and Quintette Road

Danny Smillie: More local business, cleaner county, less crime and better roadways.

Q9: What role should county government take in attracting new businesses to the area? Be specific.

Steven Barry: I agree Escambia County BCC has a responsibility in attracting new business to our area, but we also have a responsibility to allow the businesses which are already here, making payrolls, paying taxes, etc., to thrive. Our major responsibility related to this is to manage the financial affairs of the county in a prudent way, so that we keep taxes and fees low. We also have a responsibility for good, healthy leadership, meaning as five representatives of 300,000 citizens we should be expected to be behave well.

Danny Smillie: Be business friendly. Give exceptions on ordinances to let the business grow. As a result, the business will grow and hire more employees.

Steven Barry: OLF-8 represents tremendous potential as an economic development project. I am, and have been, very supportive of the project. Now that we have a signed agreement with the Navy related to the eventual land swap I hope we will begin to develop a master plan for exactly what it will be, in terms of the development infrastructure on the ground.

Danny Smillie: [No answer]

Q11: What should the county do with excess properties that it owns? Be specific.

Steven Barry: All the vacant or undeveloped property the county owns should fall into only two categories; First, a memorialized written intent or rationale exists, so there is a clear use or need for the parcel. Alternatively, there is no defined intent for the parcel now, or in the near future, and we should divest the parcel.

Danny Smillie: Keep the property if it can be used for county improvements. Sell the property if it can not be used for a good purpose.

Q12: Tourism is an integral part of Escambia County’s economy. In what ways can the county commission support tourism in Escambia County? Be specific.

Steven Barry: Tourism is certainly important, and from the TDT figures, the tourism industry seems very healthy. We have many instances of issues not working perfectly, so as this is going well, then I support maintaining the current system.

Danny Smillie: Make sure tourists feel safe while here. Make law enforcement visual so they will feel safe. More lighting to brighten up the city. Improve and clean roadways.

Q13: What can the county commission do to support and attract more manufacturing jobs to Escambia County?

Steven Barry: The BCC can certainly indirectly attract more manufacturing industry by being good stewards of the resources we have, keeping tax rates low, continuing to be very supportive of all of the economic incentives which are in place currently, and again, behaving well and presenting an image of the type of community where anyone would want to live, work, play, and raise a family.

Danny Smillie: Show that we are a strong, growing county.


26 Responses to “Vote 2016: Q&A With District 5 Commission Candidates”

  1. Dudley Herrington on July 27th, 2016 8:18 am

    Fellow Voters and Friends,
    If you were raised in this Escambia County Florida, and paid attention to Dirt Road
    Commissioners in the past , Then you would Understand that “WE” finally have a
    Commissioner who was raised in Escambia County and has done an Excellent Job
    for “US”.
    We will not find such a Genuine Gentleman to Represent “US” as Brother Steven
    Barry has !!!!!!!
    I will TRY to HELP him be RE-Elected with all my Means.
    Thanks for Voting, a Privilege we may not have again, if America elects another democrat .

  2. M. Whitman on July 26th, 2016 10:43 am

    What a contrast in personalities. Barry a well spoken educated stock broker and Smillie a retired county employee with a common mans outlook.

    The first job of my elected representative is to promptly respond to my concerns, its basic customer service. I may not like what I hear but at least get back to me in a day.

    While I don’t know Mr. Smillie, I can say that from my personal experience with Mr. Barry is that he is very slow to respond. He does not do email and does not return calls promptly, I hope he does not treat his clients the same way.

    I also question Mr. Barrys possible conflict of interest in doing the counties business and being a financial advisor, has he ever recused himself in a decision regarding the county when he may also be managing the money one of his clients involved in a county deal?

    I regards to the county land swap of OLF-8 which Barry favored “I am, and have been, very supportive of the project”. While I too think it’s a good idea, we were taken to the cleaners on the deal, we paid more than market value for the Santa Rosa property and the cost and requirements put on us but the Feds could have been negotiated better but the BOCC wanted the deal no matter the cost.

    Its real simple, return a phone call promptly and be very careful how you spend my money.

  3. Ruby Wells on July 25th, 2016 9:57 pm

    It concerns me that for years and years we have discussed the fact that the majority of the roads in ESC CTY that need paving or repair, is located in District 5….however the majority of the roads that is getting repaired is located in the South end of the county. I deeded property over to the county 10 years ago for Mack Rd to be paved, and as of yesterday – nothing has happened. Seven homes on about 1/2 acre. Three days ago I drove from Hwy 97 in Davisville thru the farm country and found a road paved for almost 2 miles and not one house was located on that road. Then they moved the equipment completely out of the Northend of the County….so I suppose I will be waiting another 10 years. I will vote for anyone who can meet the needs of our great community.

  4. Danny Smillie on July 25th, 2016 10:12 am

    This picture was taken from my Facebook. This is my attire when I am out campaigning door to door. I do dress for the job when making a political presentation. It is a shame that people still judge you by the way you look!

  5. Hmm on July 25th, 2016 9:41 am

    Dress for the job you want…I knew this was important but seeing the 2 profile pictures above really drove the truth home.

    Smilie doesn’t appear to be knowledgeable enough to hold this position. His answers reminds me of a school test when you answer quickly to move on to the next question to get it over with. It’s like there’s no real thought behind them. This would make me nervous voting for him to represent my district.

    I don’t know what party they are affiliated with nor do I care but you would think they would want to represent their party well.

  6. mike on July 25th, 2016 12:04 am

    ? 4 both u guys: how do u plan on keeping those syrians outta the area esp after hilly gets elected & opens the floodgates? :)

  7. js on July 24th, 2016 11:12 pm

    Wrote s. barry an email last year sometime. Never heard back.
    And according to his fluffed up answers and non answers,
    he IS the right man for the job, eh? More like, lack of options. What a pair of tools.

  8. Melodies4us on July 24th, 2016 10:05 pm

    Com. Barry has done a great job. Now that he is sure footed, only good things can happen. Thank mr. Barry.

  9. John3233 on July 24th, 2016 9:25 pm

    It seems to me that Mr.Barry is the speaker for the north end that the downtown commissioners have longed for. In fact, he could be called th “invisible man” for the 75 percent of Escamia county that I’d District 5. The number one issue of all other commissioners is tolls and Pentax from the beach. Development of and attracting anything but T Shirt shops and minimum wage jobs is totally OFF their radar. You periodically hear them talking about some potential good industry coming, BUT can you name ONE that actually came here? The invisible man has four hands up the back of his shirt pulling strings to make his mouth work. Change horses and see if Danny can get something going…or show how little help District 5 really gets from downtown.

  10. Citizen on July 24th, 2016 5:54 pm

    @M in Brattn

    Make a lot of sense to me. How do you encourage local county government to reorganize at such a wide sweeping way of managing its (our) finances?
    – a fiduciary responsibility to taxpayers is not only expected but what they swear to do–

    FIDUCIARY – big word…..

  11. Citizen on July 24th, 2016 2:32 pm

    I encourage citizens to write your ideas and suggestions in email, in a clear manner to District 5. I so often see good suggestions here and wonder if they are brought forward.
    Smillie I can see you have a lot of ideas, especially related to the plight of the cost of building and construction permits. What is your plan to reduce them? When you say you would give exceptions to ordinances, that could be a slippery slope.
    Q6 with Steve Barry, have seen that in action.

  12. Donald Danielson on July 24th, 2016 1:19 pm

    Old Chemstrand was mention by Mr Barry but how bout Chemstrand rd. from 9mile to Old Chemstrand. We need widening and turn lanes.

  13. Retired on July 24th, 2016 12:59 pm

    I believe both are good men and I appreciate their willingness to work for the people.
    Both have valuable knowledge about the area. I believe that Steve Barry’s ability to articulate his plans and logical way of going about making those ideas go forward with in the framework in place or his willingness to challenge the status quo is commendable. I believe if citizen’s ideas are brought forward in a clear manner he will act. If I am reading Q3 correctly that is BIG DEAL!!! It took years to get that change but was tantamount to undo past. I hope he sees the value of getting conservation easements around Big Escambia Creek. Business is important but not at the expense of our natural resources. His experience on the planning and zoning board and environmental committee are a plus. Barry for District 5.
    I agree with some of Smiley’s ideas, how can we bring those changes? I think the fire fee should be challenged. Does anyone else? If it were run through as tax, it would be equitable for commercial and residential and based on property value

  14. Ruby Red on July 24th, 2016 12:15 pm

    Mr. Smillie you have my vote. You care about all of the working people in District 5. We all know that you are not a fancy politician, You are a working man like all of us and you will make sure that you help us in Dist. 5. Every where I go in District 5 I hear that you are the right person for the job. You may not have the fancy words, but you do have the 30+ years experience with Esc. County. This is what Dist. 5 needs. EXPERIENCE NOT TALK. I love your signs with the smiley faces. God Bless.

  15. Dan on July 24th, 2016 12:12 pm

    Danny smilie he has been in the community his whole life and understands the problems we face. I have known him my whole life and I know he is a honest person. Danny is not the person to tell you what want to hear he will say what needs to be said and stand behind it. Good luck Danny you have my vote.

  16. 9miler on July 24th, 2016 12:07 pm

    After reading both the replies of the candidates and their respective supporting constituents, there is a direct correlation between each. Sadly, it appears to be literacy and grammar.

  17. bwayne on July 24th, 2016 11:26 am

    Too bad neither of them stated an overpass be built on Hwy 29 over the railroad track that enters Champion and holds up traffic so long since Hwy 29 is a main artery to and from Pensacola. Smillie came close to it in Q7…but not specific.
    Barry speaks with all the political language that all politicians use.

  18. jeeperman on July 24th, 2016 11:13 am

    The construction permitting process and requirements make no sense.
    The problem is that the county is trying to have the permitting departments self supported via permit fees instead of tax payer dollars.
    The result is often times detrimental to the county.
    i.e. want to demolish that falling down building? You need to buy a permit to do so.
    Want to fix your failed septic tank and drain field? You have to buy a permit to do so.
    The stuff that would improve the neighborhood and protect the environment. But nooooo the county wants $$ for a piece of paper first.
    So the dilapidated building remains.
    And the raw sewage gets diverted to a ditch, etc.
    The list goes on and on.
    Permits should be obtained and work inspected to insure the work is proper, but a lot of permits should be free when the result would be improvements to the area.

  19. Janine Walker on July 24th, 2016 11:05 am

    As with any new positions there is a lot to learn. Having a questionnaire by someone who has held the position for two terms against someone coming from the outside is a little off balance. I can tell you what really matters is where their heart is and the willingness to learn all there is to know about the community and their needs. I believe Danny’s heart is with the community. He really cares about the people who make it from pay check to pay check. He understands and cares about how a family may not be able to afford to pay a lot.
    Danny comes from a good upbringing and he is honest.
    Mine and Charlie’s vote is with Danny Smillie! May you be blessed.

  20. Willis on July 24th, 2016 10:05 am

    One thing for certain, I believe Mr. Smiley could bring some national Spotlight back to our area.

  21. bartender on July 24th, 2016 9:24 am

    i agree with danny 100%. hes right about one thing,the permits in this county are higher than any other cant build nothing without a permit.its your land you pay taxes and the county wants more money.not fair to us tax payers.a septic tank permit 550.00 that the most stupied thing ive ever heard.danny knows what this county needs cause hes been a worker before and has not forgot where he came from. none of those commisssioners dont know what a shovel is must less use one. danny knows what its like to be a county worker from the bottom.Hes not one of the good ole boys.

  22. RTR on July 24th, 2016 8:39 am

    It’s obvious that Danny Smillie is not ready for the position.

  23. Jacqueline Rogers on July 24th, 2016 7:47 am

    (Q10 is missing)

    I watch or attend most of the BCC meetings and find that Commissioner Barry has done an excellent job of researching the items that are coming before the board, including trying to meet with the staff pertinent to each issue before the meetings start so that he can speak intelligently about them.

    He is very good at scrutinizing the financial figures and trying to make sure that the way contracts are done are fair and that they are a good deal for the taxpayers in the county. Obviously, given his background, he is a great asset when dealing with financial and budgetary issues.

    He has been responsive to neighborhoods in our community that have been previously overlooked for needed infrastructure improvements and repairs.

    Commissioner Barry works well with the other commissioners, respectful while still being firm on his opinion as to what needs to be done. He is straightforward and not artful in his dealings with people.

    His work making sure that the 4H situation came to a better conclusion (the purchase of the livestock property in the northern part of the county) showed that he is able to build consensus in the community and that is just one example.

    He is patient at the meetings wanting to make sure that his fellow commissioners get their questions answered satisfactorily and he works for the good of the entire county, in my opinion.

    I am so pleased at the way that the environment of the Commission meetings has changed from toxic to professional and I think that Steven Barry is one of the leaders (along with the administration changes) that has helped support that needed change.

    It is easy to get cynical about government and think that things will never change with politicians but I really think that we have elected a good commissioner here and I hope that he is returned to office.

    Again, these are my observations from watching many hours of county commission meetings (and discussing them at Escambia Citizens Watch on Facebook.)

  24. Anne on July 24th, 2016 6:51 am

    It seems that Pensacola Beach gets the greater benefit of county wide Bed Taxes that are collected.
    Why don’t Perdido Key and us in the North End of the county get some of that money?
    Took family to Johnson Beach last weekend and the traffic was terrible backed up and slow moving, Hardly any other public access there for regular familise to go.

  25. M in Bratt on July 24th, 2016 6:14 am

    It concerns me that Commissioner Barry’s solution to one neighborhood’s problems is “more regulation and enforcement”. This has been the historical reaction of the county commission to any issue that comes before them. In my view, the BCC should go through the many volumes of county ordinances page by page, and repeal all the ones that are not necessary to keep the day to day operations of the county running smoothly. The same thing would apply to onerous fees the county charges residents and business that have to deal with the county. Try going through the permitting process for a simple construction project, and you will think you are dealing with the bureaucrats in Washington. Go to the dump to get rid of some garbage, and look at the fees you pay. Gas up your car, and think about the extra $.09 you pay for the pleasure of gassing up in Escambia County, and then there is the fire tax, and the list goes on and on………. Most of our BCC present themselves on the ballot as being “conservative republicans”, but unfortunately, they vote like they are very liberal democrats.

  26. Ponderosa hill on July 24th, 2016 5:40 am

    the answers of these two (2) are pretty telling… is the insider with all the phraseology and mind numbing words . The other Is new to politics and unable to answer some of the mind numbing questions. How bout some questions about why all the speeding ( and wrecks ) on our roads and what to do about it ? How many different ways does the county tax her citizens ? Why do the commissioners have a go between to screen ( and decide) if citizen caller concerns are worthy enough to to be passed along ? ( did we elect this decider queen )? Whats the cost of county payroll and pensions and work related disabled employees ? How much is spent on county owned vehicles and fuel ? whats your plan to Lower expenses and streamline county work ? Why are there so many different speed limits on county roads and what to do about it ? Do county Commissioners get pensions ? If so , how and why and how much ?