Vietnam Vet’s Flag Display Honors Military

July 2, 2016

On this Fourth of July weekend, Floyd Calloway on Bluff Springs Road has a flag display in front of his home supporting our military. Calloway is a retired Marine and a Vietnam veteran. Photo for, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “Vietnam Vet’s Flag Display Honors Military”

  1. KImberly on July 2nd, 2016 9:36 pm

    Thank you Mr Calloway for your service!!! May the good Lord Bless you & your family this 4th of July and everyday!!!

  2. Old Soldiers wife on July 2nd, 2016 2:21 pm

    Thank you for putting up this display, we are going to ride by and see it. Sweet daughter, you put a tear in my eye. Celebrate our freedoms as Americans. Yes the Old Soldiers know much and I’ve found often are the ones who don’t engage or argue but are able to tame their tongue, although they often hold much inside. I was told no one wants peace more than a soldier.

  3. proud american on July 2nd, 2016 9:48 am

    Thank you Mr. Calloway for your service to the country. Displays like this are what today’s youth need to see and proud veterans like Mr. Calloway are the hero’s our kids should know about.

  4. Tammy Reid on July 2nd, 2016 7:36 am

    Thank you so much Heroes…that means alot to us…Floyd Calloway isn’t just a hero, marine, veteran…. He’s my father..people just doesn’t realize what a man or a woman has to go through when they had or is now fighting for our freedom….what their family goes through… I wasnt born yet when my father was in Vietnam… But I have seen the aftermath… Agent Orange is a killer…my brothers and I have to set and watch what it is doing to our father…just because they came back alive they have a killer inside them…and it slowly kills them… And there’s nothing they can do to help…if you can see there’s many different flags BC my father just doesn’t honor the Marines…he honors all branches of the military….bc they all fight together for our freedom…and he knows what they are going through… So Memorial Day and 4th of July is just as important to him and us like Christmas is to a 5year old…

  5. Glen on July 2nd, 2016 6:59 am

    This display is amazing at night when he turns on the lights, its a must see.

  6. HEROES and FLAGS on July 2nd, 2016 6:12 am

    What a awesome display of the MOST POWERFUL FLAGS IN THE WORLD. Them flags speak volumes without saying a word. Sir I want to THANK YOU on this INDEPENDENCE DAY and for each and everyday that I get to walk around with my FREEDOM. ALL DONE BY THE WONDERFUL MEN AND WOMEN that has put there lives on he line and the ones that are still doing it today. You all are LOVED AND PRAYED FOR EACH AND EVERYDAY for the rest of my life.