Town Upset Contractor Isn’t Mowing Along Hwy 29

July 14, 2016

Weeds along the North Century Boulevard  sidewalks in Century are several feet high in several places after not being mowed this season, and that has the town looking for answers.

According to Century Town Council President Ben Boutwell, the Florida Department of Transportation contracts with Broadspectrum (formerly known as Transfield Services) to mow along the rights of way of the state highway within the town limits. In most of the town, the right of way has been mowed by individual home or business owners. But in other locations, some weeds are over five-feet high.

“Why isn’t the contractor taking care of our roadways,” Century Town Council President Ben Boutwell asked, noting they are being paid for a service not being rendered.

Boutwell said repeated attempts by the town to get the grass cut have failed.

Now, he said he wants to see the Town of Century bid for the contract and collect the money from the state to fund the grass cutting along North Century Boulevard.

In addition to being an eyesore, Boutwell said the weeds are creating a traffic hazard in some locations by blocking the view of oncoming  traffic from side streets. photos, click to enlarge.


20 Responses to “Town Upset Contractor Isn’t Mowing Along Hwy 29”

  1. Michelle on July 16th, 2016 10:58 pm

    I bet they were still taking payments for a job that residents were doing? Stop paying them, that will get their attention.
    Then bill them for over payment.

  2. Cindy on July 15th, 2016 5:23 pm

    I agree with Joe…this poor town has been through so much already that its really sad to see the grass not even being mowed and weeds up to 5 ft tall. it truly is an eyesore.

  3. Hilda Malone on July 15th, 2016 3:33 pm

    This grass is very dangerous especially where people have to pull out on 29 if there is a hill you have to see over it ,especially when people are going 80 miles an hour.Also they need to sharpen their mower blades between Cantonment and Century by the time the cutters get halfway up here there just ragging the grass off. It’s not cut good so therefore it pops up fast.Also there is still debree laying beside HWY 29. just out of Century city limits this needs to be removed,since March is to long

  4. jeeperman on July 15th, 2016 7:09 am

    Surely there is a performance requirement in the contract.
    And obviously that performance has not been adequate.
    Cancel contract and hire LOCAL.

    But we are talking about the F.D.O.T. and so it will take a few years of “studies” on environmental impacts and cost analysis to get the grass cut by 2019.

  5. Sheepdog on July 15th, 2016 12:05 am

    William – Yes, it is a state road, but that’s not the real issue here. The grass that’s NOT being cut effects Century and Escambia County. Century is a gateway for travelers coming into Florida and into Escambia County – specifically into District 5 of Escambia County. We don’t have time for progress delaying turf wars and finger pointing about responsibilities, nor should the citizens tolerate such. The contractor is NOT doing what they are paid to do. The contractor is not even an American company. They were Transfield Services which in 2015 became Broadspectrum, an Australian corporation headquartered in Australia. In April, 2016 Broadspectrum was taken over by a Spanish corporation, Ferrovial SA. Why aren’t local companies being used to do such things as cut grass? Government agencies at all levels – state, district, county and local – need to work together to fix this problem as well as other existing problems in this area. They all need to do what is right and to ensure continual improvement for the betterment of all.

  6. District 5 on July 14th, 2016 10:56 pm

    OK, I get it it’s the states responsibility what FDOT does as far as cutting the grass, maintainsing the road. It does not belong to the County or Century. Are you advocating we all just ” ROLLOVER” and take it?? The county commissioners all signed the letter in solidarity to address the traffic issues. I expect the same with the grass through here and the defunct buildings. Code Enforcement is at the county and obviously the town doesn’t call it in on its townspeople through there.
    I respectfully disagree with you.

  7. William on July 14th, 2016 7:49 pm

    >>The County Commissioners need to own up to this and not depend on the municipality of Century to do it.

    As you said in your own comment, it is a state road, not a county road. The county commission has nothing to do with it. If state tax dollars are paying a company to cut the grass, it’s their responsibility.

  8. Retired on July 14th, 2016 7:46 pm

    Talk about piled higher and deeper, Research “FDOT who cuts the grass” Ferrovial, A Spanish based company is involved with a hostile takeover of Broadspectrum, a Australian based company that took over Transfield Services… Images of this problem of tall grass all over Florida. Perhaps the contract here in Century can be taken over by the fact the other company defaulted. What a mess, no wonder Mr. Godwin could be seen by the road with some of our incarcerated citizens cutting the grass.

  9. Escambia County Resident on July 14th, 2016 6:30 pm

    You know what I don’t get? The road is a State Road and a US highway designated going into my area. I am embarrassed to have relatives come through here. It has buildings that need to come down, grass mowed and more. It is not up to nor the responsibility of Century only although thank God someone is starting to make the connection. The County Commissioners need to own up to this and not depend on the municipality of Century to do it. As I see it County Commissioners pass the buck and do not take responsibility. District Five Commissioner, Steve Barry, this is your district and represents the whole area. You need to get up off it and get this corridor in order. Enlist the other districts to help. Quit ignoring it and do your job. How this looks affects how the County looks.

  10. Well on July 14th, 2016 4:08 pm

    Cephus it has nothing to do with the county it is a state road and right of way.
    Also the company now responsible for All State right-of-way maintenance in Escambia county is called Broadspectrum not Transfield.
    Sounds like it would be good for weed control.

  11. Century resident on July 14th, 2016 3:12 pm

    Just to let everyone know 100% of the maintenance of state roads like U.S. 29 and Hwy 97 and the Interstates are the responsibility of FDOT not the county. The mowers you see on Hwy 29 are a private company contracted by FDOT, not county mowers.

  12. Retired on July 14th, 2016 12:50 pm

    Ben, so glad you are on board with your fresh eyes, military know how, and gumption to look at the contracts and perhaps address the issues from a deeper level. We know you can get the prisoners but that is not the issue and good luck dealing with the FDOT. Sometimes its easier doing it yourself or locally but yes, pay yourself. That’s smart. We are noticing things and have put some thought into why things look the way they do what we might do. Property owner and residents have their own rights and I appreciate what they do. Ours isn’t perfect and find some of the things we want to do are expensive so by the grace of God so goeth I. If someone can’t afford to repair something, a code enforcement on top doesn’t help. But I do notice the good things too.

  13. William on July 14th, 2016 10:33 am

    >>Can the county code enforcement ticket the town of Century? LOL!!!

    No. It’s a state road. Now maybe they could ticket the state…

  14. TerriSanders on July 14th, 2016 10:22 am

    Can the county code enforcement ticket the town of Century? LOL!!!

  15. Cephus on July 14th, 2016 8:45 am

    This area was a construction zone for a while. That is why it was not on the county mowing schedule. Now if it has been released back to county it should be in rotation. They should make contractor for road work cut the grass. Especially if it will be a while before crews get there. I see some tractors coming up hwy 29 now.

  16. About time on July 14th, 2016 6:37 am

    About time something was said, it looks terrible and it is embarrassing for the town. They put in all these new sidewalks and Noone is maintaining them.

  17. Joe on July 14th, 2016 6:12 am

    My wife and I travel quite a bit and it is always disheartening to come off the interstate down through Century and the rest of Escambia and see all the overgrown areas as well as all the trash along the side of the road. Many people of this county make a living from tourism, so we need to keep a.better image of the area.

  18. area resident on July 14th, 2016 5:43 am

    Sorry this has happened, but glad the mowing issue has come up. Escambia County Florida needs to wake up. All grass areas along interstates and highways need to be mowed. The trees in the clover-leaf areas need to be trimmed and the sucklings at the bases of the trees need to be removed. This would not only enhance our area, but would deprive the transients of places to hide. Is it any wonder that the rest of Florida disassociates themselves from us?

    I’m with Dan, get the convicts out there to sweat it out a little. I keep my yard up in the hot, humid summertime–it won’t hurt them to help the community they have helped to tear down!

  19. Dan on July 14th, 2016 12:43 am

    Why are we paying anyone to cut the grass when we have a prison right down the road with a lot of men with nothing to do I think the town should negotiate a deal with the prison

  20. SouthenBelle97 on July 14th, 2016 12:25 am

    We’ve had to now our own to the last year because it hasn’t been done. Glad to see somebody’s finally standing up for this town! If you pay for it, you should get it, otherwise your just giving the money away.