Motorcyclist Critical After 50 Foot Plunge Off Bridge

July 9, 2016

An Escambia County motorcyclist is in critical condition after plunging about 50 feet off an interstate bridge Friday afternoon.

According to the Florida Highway Patrol, 22-year old Campbell Dean Gares was merging from I-110 to I-10 when he attempted to pass between a box truck and another vehicle. He lost control, crashed into a concrete barrier. He was ejected from his 2004 Yamaha motorcycle and went over a railing, falling up ro 50 feet. He landed on a grassy shoulder of I-10 below.

Gares, who was wearing a helmet, was transported to Sacred Heart Hospital in critical condition. He was cited for reckless driving by the FHP.


19 Responses to “Motorcyclist Critical After 50 Foot Plunge Off Bridge”

  1. mike on July 13th, 2016 9:35 am

    watch for ALL vehicles. bikers, hooliganism in town will get you killed. ride like you are invisible, & keep in mind, popping “wheelies”, doing “burnouts”, & other exhibitions of speed is a $1000 fine in FLA.

    i hope young Mr. Gares will be okay, so many b4 him never got a 2nd chance. :(

  2. Burnie D Silcox on July 12th, 2016 5:30 pm

    Went to hosp. Tue. to check on Campbell Broke 1 arm, surgery needed.He goes for surgery wed. on his hips broke both, needs plates & screws. He is in much pain. But thank God he had his helmet own and he is alive.I ve been family friend with his parents since before he was born. By the way he got cut-off, 5 pm on Fri. afternoon you know how we all drive, to fast. Prayers for his recovery

  3. Vic Himler on July 11th, 2016 7:11 am

    Watch for Motorcycles. Yes this boy did a foolish thing, but Look twice for Motorcycles someone’s
    Grandkids want to see Grandpa again! Thanks

  4. Bernard Sullivan on July 11th, 2016 7:10 am

    DCP and Anne: Be advised that the leading cause of motorcycle fatalities nationally is a four-wheel vehicle making a left turn into the right-of-way of a motorcycle that they did not see.

    I ride. I always feel a bit of gratitude when I see on of those bumper stickers or signs. I pump my fist in the air when I ride under a STATE-POSTED warning on overhead Interstate information signs to watch out for motorcycles.

    And I don’t give a rip about your reaction to the signs. My life and the lives of my fellow motorcyclists are more important than your evident low tolerance for very minor annoyances.

  5. DCP on July 10th, 2016 2:53 pm

    I totally agree with Anne. I am sick of seeing the “Watch for Motorcycles” bumper stickers. I watch out for ALL vehicles, but motorcyclists need to realize that we can’t “watch for you” if you are going 75-80 MPH, ignoring traffic laws and your own safety, and weaving in and out of traffic. If we are “watching for you” and then you come out of nowhere…’re going to be on the unfortunate end of the scenario. ALL drivers make mistakes, but I like my chances of surviving my own or another’s mistake better than a motorcyclist’s chances. I’d like a bumper sticker that says, “Motorcyclists, watch for 4-wheel vehicles.”

  6. Garry Hunter on July 10th, 2016 11:24 am

    I pray that the rider of this bike recovers from this incident. Being a owner and operator for many years of a bike I know how it is to have to watch out for 4 wheel vehicles…but when bikers don’t obey the laws of the road and spitting lanes and going between vehicles is a accident waiting to happen. ..I hope this young man learns his lesson it he survives..praying he does.

  7. BPD on July 9th, 2016 9:25 pm

    Hope he heals to ride again, albeit with more respect for himself and others around him. I ride (not a crotch rocket and not cruiser) and would ask that if you are following a bike, give a little extra room as most bikes have excellent brakes. I tense up every time I have to brake hard, hoping the guy behind me stops in time.

    Ride Safe.

  8. john on July 9th, 2016 9:01 pm

    According to the news article above, it sounds to me like the cyclist was lane splitting, that is extremely dangerous and it is illegal in the state of Florida, someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t thank so. To you bikers out there be safe be seen, I’d rather look un-cool like a big yellow banana going down the road than cool on a black bike, black leather, black helmet, squashed on black asphalt, so go with the flow and never, never, never, never, ever make any sudden moves, do this and you’ll live to ride another day. Praying that young man recovers.

    All….and one thing else, some people need to read the FULL story before they comment, not just the headline.

  9. GEORGE on July 9th, 2016 5:26 pm

    This is exactly the reason you need to check twice for motorcycles, if you have time. Just like with anything there is good and bad.

  10. Rolltide2485 on July 9th, 2016 4:08 pm

    This story has nothing to do with people not paying attention. It’s about young riders that don’t respect their bikes. If your going to ride one then you need to respect it. As a rider myself lane splitting should not bepracticed. I’ll say a prayer for him and his family.

  11. Puddin on July 9th, 2016 1:54 pm

    Prayers for the rider. Hope he’s OK. Motorcycles are dangerous. They require extra care and attention. (I drive a small one). They are also hard to see, so bigger vehicles need to watch out for them. I always feel like a target out there.

  12. anne on July 9th, 2016 1:51 pm

    Those Watch for Motorcycles signs on peoples lawns make me insane! We do watch for them, to see their stunts like the one above This guy will be a better driver if he lives. We have all done stupid stunts at his age, most of us were just luckier than he was. These kids are all over 9th Ave headed to PSC and yes, they pass between the 2 lanes of traffic all of the time. When we learn better, we do better. To his family, prayers for all of you.

  13. tabitha sostre on July 9th, 2016 12:53 pm

    My brother was run over on his bike, while he and 20 others were merging for an ambulance. The lady that hit him never hit HER BRAKES because she never even saw him because she was texting and driving.


    I just pray God give them all wings if and when something happens, carry them to safety.

  14. Too risky on July 9th, 2016 11:07 am

    I see a young man on a motorcycle heading south on Hwy 29 between Walmart and Hardees doing the same thing almost every morning around 6:20. Passes cars on the right and left shoulder at lights, sometimes he passes right up the middle. I just shake my head knowing it will be just a matter of time before that young man faces the same fate.


  15. Greg Brown on July 9th, 2016 10:32 am

    Billy D. , I’m not sure where you are getting your statics from, but #1, I have never seen a statistic on “abnoxiously loud motorcycle” fatalities, #2 many of the cruiser fatalities are due to the fault of an in attentive 4 wheel driver and #3 as a motorcycle rider of over 40 years, I came up with the same assumption, it must have been a crotch rocket. The guy was 22 years old, pulling a stupid stunt requiring quick pick up and agility, neither of which a cruiser has and the younger riders lean towards crotch rockets because of their speed and agility. Most cruiser and tourer riders are older riders and have gotten the recklessness out of their systems.

  16. poohbear on July 9th, 2016 10:25 am

    Trying to pass BETWEEN a box truck and another car. That right there says it all, Obey the laws EVEN if you are on a motocycle.

  17. A Alex on July 9th, 2016 10:10 am

    Billy D, more than likely , Bob C has had a rocket pass him on the shoulder or between cars. As so many of us had them do . None have ever passed me illegally with a loud radio on. AND READ THE ARTICLE, IT STATES HE HAD HIS HELMET ON.

  18. Billy D on July 9th, 2016 8:47 am

    @Bob C, why generalize about what kind of bike he was on? Statistics will tell you that in this area alone there have been more fatalities(and accudents) from folks on obnoxiously loud cruiser bikes than the folks who ride sport bikes and dual sports combined. Why couldn’t you just politely say that you hope the young man recovers? I bet he had his helmet on……..

  19. Bob C. on July 9th, 2016 8:03 am

    Hope the guy recovers fully and thankful nobody else was hurt.

    Why in the world would Mr Gares be attempting to pass between a box truck and another vehicle?

    I bet it was one of those rocket-crotches and he was going faster than the posted speed limit.