Man Found Shot To Death In Street

July 21, 2016

Police are continuing a homicide investigation after a man was found dead with a bullet wound Wednesday morning in Pensacola.

A woman called the Pensacola Police Department shortly before 8 a.m. after hearing gunshots. The man, later identified as 34-year Mark E. Freeman, was found fatally shot at the corner of East Avery and North Tarragona Streets.

Anyone with information on the incident is asked to call the Pensacola Police Department at (850) 435-1900.

Photo for, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Man Found Shot To Death In Street”

  1. mike on July 21st, 2016 11:07 pm

    so sorry this happened, very sad thing. i must admit i thought this was drug or gang related. this was an innocent working man on his way to his honest job. that makes this so much worse, & it stirs strong feelings in me unprintable here. :mad:

  2. Prayer and Thoughts on July 21st, 2016 10:30 pm

    This is realy sad news. I want the violence to stop. I ache for the family and for this loss to the community.

  3. Bob C. on July 21st, 2016 9:35 pm

    Tonight’s tv local news told us that Mr. Freeman was walking to the Tin Cow restaurant on South Palafox St. where he worked and is highly thought of by his co-workers and friends.
    This is really very sad to have one more life lost needlessly in Our County and Our City.
    Prayers and thoughts for the Family, Loved Ones and Friends of Mr. Freeman.
    You should have been safe to walk anywhere you wished.
    Rest in Peace and God Bless

  4. area resident on July 21st, 2016 6:25 pm

    I feel bad for this man and his family. What has happened to us as a society? I agree with Mike with regard to the sidewalks. We have lost our self-respect as a community; as a neighborhood; as individuals. Once upon a time even the poor neighborhoods were well kept (I know because I lived there). It starts at the top. If our own county won’t mow and trim, then I guess we can’t expect some of our residents to do it either! Guess we’ll just continue to be the armpit of the state.

  5. mike on July 21st, 2016 5:42 pm

    not safe to walk the streets down there. who is responsible for the right of way? looks like the sidewalk is getting grown over with weeds, needs to be dug out & the sidewalk edges brought back. i don’t care how poor a neighborhood it is, the right of way must be maintained, or some 4×4er might think its okay to go mud dogging in it. :(