Hundreds Walk To Share Message Of Unity, Love For Police (With Gallery)

July 18, 2016

Hundreds of people from Atmore and North Escambia came together Sunday evening to take part in a “love walk” from the Atmore City Hall to a local park.

The walk was planned to send a message that the local area is close-knit and supportive of people of all races and law enforcement.

“We want to send a message to each other and to the rest of the nation that the senseless violence that has plagued others will not be tolerated in Atmore,” Mayor Jim Staff said. “At a time when other communities are divided, in Atmore we want the nation to know that we stand together.”

“In Atmore, we are determined to stand together as a community,”  Staff said. “We have a long tradition of tolerance, respect for each other and respect for our law enforcement officers who every day put their lives on the line for us.”

City officials and local pastors called for a loving — and Godly –  attitude among local residents in the wake of violence that has struck Dallas, Baton Rouge and other cities.

For a photo gallery, click here.

Pictured top: People from multiple races came together following a “love walk” to hear a message of unity and pray Sunday evening in Atmore. Picture below: The “love walk” ends at Heritage Park in Atmore. Pictured below: Pastor Ted Bridges of the Walnut Hill Baptist Church shares a Biblical lesson. Pictured bottom: Participants took the take to thank local law enforcement. photos, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Hundreds Walk To Share Message Of Unity, Love For Police (With Gallery)”

  1. AC on July 19th, 2016 1:09 pm

    Thank you for reporting this. I have found no other coverage of this online, even from Atmore newspapers, or heard this on any of the local television newscasts. I bet if this had been an altercation between police and members of the community every news media outlet in the area would have made this front page news. Few people get to see the positive relationship between the police and us (the citizens) because that is not “newsworthy” – so all they see is the negative and it skews their perspective.

  2. DJC on July 19th, 2016 12:15 pm

    Very positive way to support the community and police. We cannot not allow the problems that occur in other parts of this country bring negativity and division to our community! I am proud to be a product of Atmore.

  3. Molino Mom on July 18th, 2016 1:09 pm

    Had I known about this, I would’ve definitely been there! What a great message this sends! God Bless all of you.

  4. dman on July 18th, 2016 9:16 am

    Excellent display and good on you, Atmore! There’s many reasons I love that town and this is one of them!

  5. Johnny on July 18th, 2016 8:38 am

    Thank yall very much for the support of law enforcement. Thank you Bro Ted and other pastors who participated in this. The Bible says to love your neighbors as yourself…let’s continue to embrace that… Deputy Johnny Wilson

  6. Puddin on July 18th, 2016 8:05 am


  7. Sam on July 18th, 2016 6:05 am

    Every community is fighting a drug problem. That means crime is up everywhere. We don’t blame our police, we need them more than ever. The major media networks want ratings. They are on the air 24/7 so to keep viewers watching and advertisers paying they blow everything out of proportion. Turn off the t v.

  8. Century Resident on July 18th, 2016 2:08 am

    Beautiful. That’s how I feel and what I want for us in our town too.