Family Fights Parole To Keep Murderers Behind Bars

July 20, 2016

PAROLE DENIED. Click here for an update.

Several North Escambia residents are hoping to help stop the parole of two Nokomis men behind bars for the 1993 murder of a woman and 12-year old girl.

Shannon Dean Barlow, 38, and Franklin Lee Barlow, Jr., 42, are both serving life sentences with the possibility of parole for the murders of Kathy Victor Hall Barlow and Angel Marie Hall.

On October 10, 1993, the Barlow brothers went out with Albert Ganoe “Rocky” Beasley, consuming alcohol and smoking marijuana. They then went to the home of Kathy Barlow in Perdido, Ala., shooting her in the head with a .410-gauge shotgun when she opened the door. According to testimony, he then went to the room of Angel Hall, 12, raped her and shot her in the face.

“The reason why Shannon and Frankie Barlow doesn’t deserve parole is because they viciously murdered my aunt and cousin. They blew my aunt’s head off with a shotgun. They raped, stabbed, strangled, and beat my cousin till her body finally died. There should be no reason in the world why they should be let out. They possess a spirit inside of them that society cannot handle,” Masha Maher of Century said.

Shannon Barlow was sentenced to three consecutive life  terms, and Franklin Barlow was sentenced to two life sentences. Both are now eligible for parole from the Limestone Correction Facility in Alabama. Beasley remains behind bars, sentenced to life without the possibility of parole.

“Another five years and here we are again. It is so sad that victims have to re-live a horrible nightmare over and over again. They should not even have the right for a parole hearing. Their past speaks for itself. They did this horrible crime and pled guilty to murder. They should stay there the rest of their lives. So please pray with us for justice. Kathy and Angel, we will fight these parole hearings for the rest of our lives and theirs. They do not deserve the right to walk the streets anymore. They are a threat to us and society,” said Barlow’s sister, Janie Criswell of McDavid.

The Barlows will have a parole hearing  on August 2. Family of the victims is encouraging the public to speak out against parole for the Barlow brothers.  Personal protests can be emailed to and petitions can be faxed to (334) 353-7701. An online petition can be signed here.

Pictured: This undated photograph shows murder victims Kathy Barlow and 12-year old Angel Hall. Courtesy photo for, click to enlarge.


71 Responses to “Family Fights Parole To Keep Murderers Behind Bars”

  1. Stephanie Vaughan on August 3rd, 2016 6:11 am

    I rarely find anything in this world so horrific that I get involved and would remain involved, but this is a case is one such times. At a late hour on the 1st, I passed your petition on Facebook. I hope it helped, and I hope that you will always notify others when the two (sub-humans) are up for parole. I will use my last breath to keep them behind bars. My prayers are with you and yours.

  2. Leslee Anne on August 2nd, 2016 10:52 am

    I am signing because it would be a slap to the face of the family of the victims.
    That little girl was raped, tortured and killed. She didn’t deserve that, no one deserves that. The older woman didn’t deserve that.
    I am sure these Barlow boys are not the same people they were when they committed these crimes but they took something that can never be replaced.
    23 years does not = two lives gone.
    Condolences to the families.

  3. Frankie on August 1st, 2016 8:22 pm

    Horrible crime! Keep them locked up. Should have fried them a long time ago. Innocent children before monsters like this any day of the week.

  4. Mark Thompson on July 25th, 2016 4:10 pm

    They should’ve received the death penalty, but if life imprisonment is the only option, then so be it. KEEP THEM LOCKED UP.

  5. Penny on July 24th, 2016 12:10 am

    I cannot imagine why these sickos did not get the death penalty!!!! They DO NOT deserve to get out of prison. What they did was horrific and they are EVIL!!! Makes me sick!!!!!!!!! God bless the families of the victims!

  6. Robbin McCombs on July 23rd, 2016 2:14 pm

    There is no justice unfortunately, only opportunities for politics and business. YOU DO THE CRIME YOU DO TIME

  7. Anonymous on July 23rd, 2016 9:01 am

    The online petition still needs a little over 900 signatures. Please sign!

  8. Rachel on July 22nd, 2016 7:16 pm

    Signed here too! I grew up with their dad as family to me. I hate those monsters and believe they need to be lying in the dirt! They don’t deserve a life out here.. Signed!

  9. Clint on July 22nd, 2016 6:25 pm

    This is yet another example of how the judicial system, courts, lawmakers and such let down our citizens. It did so then and hasn’t changed much since. These two people, and there are many like them, are not worthy to be living among other humans. You can blame their actions on whatever you wish to, be it drugs, alcohol, youth, stupidity, cruelty, upbringing, environment, whatever. That does not change the fact of what they did. It would have been better for all concerned had they been put to death. Since they were not, too bad, they should spend the rest of their lives paying for those crimes. ALL who commit such harsh crimes should be eliminated from society whether by death or life in prison with NO parole consideration. Until the judicial system figures that out and starts applying such harsh punishment, good citizens will continue the possibility of becoming such victims. Crime is crime and the punishment should fit the crime. For these two, any future parole consideration should be removed. Lawmakers, judges, and bleeding heart liberals should put society, good citizens and victims first and not criminals. Criminals should be hunted down, caught and tried. If convicted they should lose all societal rights and the punishment should fit the crime. Appropriate death sentences should be carried out fairly quickly unlike they are today whereas so many have been on “death row” for years and years at taxpayer expense.

  10. faye on July 22nd, 2016 6:20 pm


  11. Tina on July 22nd, 2016 6:05 am

    WHY is there even consideration to let them out?
    I don’t know the victims family….but I would be willing to bet that these animals would be safer in prison….if they are released, they will probably be dead in no time. Just saying!

  12. deBugger on July 22nd, 2016 1:41 am

    1:39am, 7/22/16

    STILL 84 signatures needed?


    Dang, NOW I’m starting to get REALLY STEAMED, folks.

  13. Howie F. on July 21st, 2016 9:57 pm

    @ People Change – yeah people do change but not these bro’s. Bad enough they killed, but to kill and rape their own family for no reason is the work of the wicked and satan. Keep them behind bars and there should never be money spent on a Parole Board to even think about letting them out. NO PAROLE PLEASE ! To the family of the victims, May God Bless and Keep You by his side during this time !

  14. Ricky on July 21st, 2016 9:00 pm

    “People Change” your a idiot. They should have been taken out and hanged, but there is still time to rewrite that wrong.

  15. Avis on July 21st, 2016 1:13 pm

    If you have some misgivings about whether or not to parole these criminals on the assumption that they have been rehabilitated, think again. Research what they did at the time of the crime and how they were caught. Now consider that they have years of crime school to hone their behavior. I know people on both sides of this evil crime. It was heartbreaking but it happened and it’s done. Their way of life cannot be adjusted to fit in with free society. Crime prevention can be best accomplished by keeping these murderers where they best fit in, prison. Parole would be catastrophic to many innocent people, some of whom we don’t even know yet. Do the right thing. Do not parole.

  16. Donnie on July 21st, 2016 11:26 am

    People change..yeah some but not these

    We don’t care if you don’t sign the petition. These incarcerated animals won’t change enough to be released. Any person that is grown enough to get drunk and smoke weed and kill – they haven’t changed. And worse than that – shoot your stepmother in the face and rape your stepsister then beat her until her final breath. You are kidding yourself. They are Satan possessed. What if everyone that got drunk and smoked weed went on a killing spree? There’s only one place for these useless thugs – the earth below us ! Stop spending taxpayers dollars to feed these ignorant, ruthless, useless animals. I’m tired of my hard earned money paying for these prisoners. The Judge – you need a hard spanking if you and your Parole Board allow these dangerous fools to walk out of a prison. Life term means just that – Life in prison until you die.

  17. Gary on July 21st, 2016 9:32 am


  18. BentStraight on July 21st, 2016 9:28 am

    The judge in the case was ALREADY lenient because of their age at the time they were sentenced, they avoided the death penalty, the intent of multiple life sentences was that they would never be released again, the parole board needs to recognize and honor that judgment. SIGNED

  19. Tammie Simmons on July 21st, 2016 9:18 am

    These monsters should have been on the death penalty instead of being fed and supported for all these years. They should not EVER see the light of day again.
    So sorry for the family.

    Please DENY parole!

  20. S.J.S. on July 21st, 2016 8:47 am

    I agree they should have been executed this justice system is scrwd! Why haven’t they been stripped of theor lives yet?!! And people are wanting to give them another chance. Do we have no common sense anywhere anymore? Lord have mercy on this world!

  21. Norma Taylor on July 21st, 2016 8:47 am

    Is there a way to know if your signature on the petition was added? I tried yesterday, submitted but could not tell if it was.

  22. Mike Amerson on July 21st, 2016 5:26 am

    To “People Change”, you need to do a little research. Sex Offenders can’t be rehabilitated. Regardless of their age involving a crime such as this one, they only sharpen their skills on how to get away with it. You can rest assured this wasn’t the only crime they committed. It’s just one they got caught committing. For years, they talked about castration to stop them. Some one finally realized this would only make them more of an offender due to not being able to follow through with the act they strive to commit. Most start out as a peeping tom and then go into burglary and eventually to rape. After that doesn’t calm their urge, they start doing all of the above plus killing the victims. These useless offenders went through all of the above steps straight into murder. From there they went to prison where they should remain the rest of their natural life. I’m glad that you aren’t one member on the Parole Board.

  23. Sad and Concerned American on July 21st, 2016 1:34 am

    I gladly signed the petition, and have shared on my Facebook page, and sent the link via my email to several people I know that do not have social media, and have gotten almost 100 friends and family to sign it as well.

  24. deBugger on July 20th, 2016 10:29 pm

    I find it hard to believe that the online petition is still short of the 1500 mark.

    First thing I did this morning, after reading this story, was to sign it, and then send a personal email to addressing the particulars.


  25. Elizabeth Francoeur on July 20th, 2016 9:13 pm

    I have read a few of the comments posted. I agree with some, but I believe that these criminals would repeat their actions if they were paroled. People that commit crimes such as this need to be behind bars and never let out. I am so sorry for the loss the family had to edure and will have to relive over and over again when parole hearings approach. May God Bless you and ease the pain of your loss.

  26. Sydney on July 20th, 2016 8:05 pm

    Those poor souls..

  27. annel on July 20th, 2016 7:48 pm

    I don’t know a thing about this family but I see people can get a chance of parole if they are drunk, high, or both. While I am no fan of death row, I see no reason to give them any chance at freedom after the brutal deaths they are responsible for.

  28. Brenda on July 20th, 2016 7:36 pm

    Signed they need to stay in jail. If they saw they changed then get out they can come after more of the family hurt them or family members will kill them. They don’t need freedom they admitted doing it. That little was a sweet little girl. Please keep them in prison no they can’t harm anyone else.

  29. 429SCJ on July 20th, 2016 7:12 pm

    @ People change

    Yes people do change, they die and they decompose.

    I am of the opinion that those monsters should have been put down twenty years ago.


  30. Karen on July 20th, 2016 6:54 pm

    Both the victim and suspects have the same last name – were they related?

  31. Shanon Willis on July 20th, 2016 6:11 pm


  32. People change on July 20th, 2016 6:02 pm

    I will not sign and frankly find it an injustice that the signatures of strangers who wouldn’t know these men from Adam can sign some silly petition to keep someone incarcerated. I choose to allow the Parole Board decide. If the Parole Board deems them worthy of release, then so it should be. We have a system for a reason and YES people can change.

  33. Paula Green on July 20th, 2016 5:40 pm

    They have no business in society.

  34. Margielu1982 on July 20th, 2016 4:48 pm

    I can’t imagine the horrors this family faces when it comes time for parole hearings for these convicted criminals. Why would a society put them through such a torturous procedure, reinflicting pain again and again? This shouldn’t be the case. I believe that cruel and unusual punishment shouldn’t be administered to criminals. Victims shouldn’t be subject to it either.

  35. Ruth Martin on July 20th, 2016 3:55 pm

    signed agree wholeheartedly .

  36. Jaye Ramirez on July 20th, 2016 3:43 pm

    This is astonishing behavior and my sympathy goes out to the family of these victims!

    These men should never see the outside of prison and why they aren’t executed is beyond me!

    Capital punishment should be enforced for crimes such as this! Instead we place them in over crowded prisons and give them more free board, medical and recreation.

  37. Dawn Beck on July 20th, 2016 3:36 pm


  38. Barbara Logston on July 20th, 2016 3:30 pm

    No PAROLE For the killers!!

  39. Barbara Logston on July 20th, 2016 3:29 pm


  40. GEORGE on July 20th, 2016 3:17 pm

    Okay then I will not be nice I think both of them should be took out and hung immediately.

  41. Rodney on July 20th, 2016 1:34 pm


  42. Sandra Hunt on July 20th, 2016 1:01 pm

    Signed for the family.

  43. AC on July 20th, 2016 12:45 pm

    I signed the petition and emailed the link to several others. Hope everyone reading this does as well. These criminals should never see the light of day. EVER! God bless the family members who lost their loved ones in such a brutal and callous manner .

  44. Denise on July 20th, 2016 12:21 pm

    These are Satan’s varmints and I don’t care how young they were. A 10 year old knows that murdering someone is a crime. PERIOD and end of story. Keep ‘em jailed or kill ‘em with a death sentence. USELESS and RUTHLESS !

  45. paul on July 20th, 2016 12:16 pm

    They should be dead already..

  46. Joyce Carnley on July 20th, 2016 12:10 pm

    Alcohol nor smoking pot is an excuse for what they did to this mother and child. They new right from and just didn’t care. They should have excuted for their crime. I fyou take another persons life the these did, then THEY DO NOT deserve to live either.

  47. dman on July 20th, 2016 11:56 am

    I gladly signed. These two should have gotten the death penalty…something I’m sure bleeding heart democrats would cringe at…but would have been perfect for just this type of situation. Keep them behind bars and throw away the keys.

  48. AMY on July 20th, 2016 11:41 am


  49. Mike J. on July 20th, 2016 11:23 am

    They should have been executed by firing squad. EVERY murderer should be executed in the same manner that they killed their victims.

  50. Katie morrow on July 20th, 2016 10:32 am


  51. Perdido resident. on July 20th, 2016 10:31 am

    23 yrs, 25 yrs, 13, 15 , 19, …WHO CARES?!!?…IT DONT MATTER.!!! A child out of diapers knows right from wrong, and these EVIL scoundrels should not be taking up space and good air upon this earth. Let alone , been housed and fed all this time, then turn them out again!?! Free? Amongst polite society……. BAD IDEA! REALLY!!

  52. Michelle on July 20th, 2016 10:13 am

    You said “I’m trying to adjust this in my mind. 1993 was 25 years ago so these were just kids at the time of the murders 1 of them was 13 at the time and the other was 17, am I wrong or did I miss something”
    Do the math! October will be TWENTY-THREE LONG YEARS for our family not 25. If you do the math, one brother was 15 and the other was 19.
    They were teenagers not kids!!!!!

  53. Brianna Holliman on July 20th, 2016 9:41 am

    They admitted to the murder so they should stay in jail with no Proale and they sat there and watched this happen and didn’t do anything to help them people, so yes I think that they should go to prison for life. And live with what they have done death is an easy way out they should live for what they have done and be remembered everyday and torched for what they did. But anyway heads up tho if they got out it wouldn’t be surprising if they came up missing for what they did.

  54. L.Lambeth on July 20th, 2016 9:31 am

    My question is why are they still alive?????? Parole should NEVER be a question in cases like this. I stand with Marsha and family – these men should never ever be allowed out of prison.

  55. Janie-sister of Kathy on July 20th, 2016 9:06 am

    This is a correction for Elmer: It has been 23 years,{which seems like yesterday}, They started their prison sentence in 1995..Shannon was 15 and turned 16 the next month or so. He was tried as an adult…And yes you are missing something, they killed 2 innocent people which we love dearly. It is a shame we have to do this every 5 years, but we will continue to fight this parole with everything we have. Please keep us in your prayers.

  56. EP on July 20th, 2016 9:03 am

    wish we could have used Texas justice system for these two, not only would there be no parole hearing they would already be exucated

  57. Lisa Donaldson on July 20th, 2016 8:50 am

    They should have had the death penalty as sokn as they hit 21…

  58. Patricia P White on July 20th, 2016 8:32 am

    I agree these men should never be released from prison.

  59. Betty Bryant on July 20th, 2016 8:27 am

    For God’s sake do not parole these demons. They will stike again. As a matter of fact, they should have been executed not taken care of all yhis time!!!!

  60. Betty H on July 20th, 2016 8:22 am

    Whether they were teens or not at the time of the murders they knew right from wrong……they should not be let go back into society. They coldly murdered their step mother and raped tortured and murdered their step sister. They pled guilty so let them do life for their crimes. I don’t want them walking the streets with me ever.

  61. Karen on July 20th, 2016 7:53 am

    I gladly signed the petition & also shared it on Facebook only 457 more signatures needed. Please consider signing & sharing with friends. These two murderers should NEVER be released from prison!

  62. Brianna Holliman on July 20th, 2016 7:43 am

    They admitted to the murder so they should stay in jail with no Proale and they sat there and watched this happen and didn’t do anything to help them people so yes I think that should go to prison for life.

  63. elmer on July 20th, 2016 7:30 am

    I’m trying to adjust this in my mind. 1993 was 25 years ago so these were just kids at the time of the murders 1 of them was 13 at the time and the other was 17, am I wrong or did I miss something

  64. Gail on July 20th, 2016 7:11 am

    I didn’t know either victim but my daughter went to school with Angel. Although I heard what happened, I hoped my daughter wouldn’t hear everything. For the next few days, I saw her come in from school with eyes full of sadness, disbelief and just plain shock. In this instance, I couldn’t tell her that sometimes… accidents just happen. This was the conversation where I just had to tell her that there is pure evil in this world. I realize that people do things when they drink or do drugs that they normally wouldn’t do…but not this. This act was horribly dark and evil. These men should never be allowed to walk our streets. I feel so sorry that Kathy and Angel’s family has to go through this every five years.

  65. Wayne Ward on July 20th, 2016 7:04 am

    Tax payers should not even have to pay for room and board for these creeps should have been put to death a long time ago NOT being considered for parole and put family through this every five years!!!!

  66. Janet Smith on July 20th, 2016 6:41 am

    I also signed. No family should have to relieve such horrfic memories of their loss; these men are animals— I pray they stay behind bars until their death!

  67. Willene on July 20th, 2016 6:36 am

    I Signed shared and e-mailed it. So sorry.

  68. Molino Mom on July 20th, 2016 6:28 am

    I signed as well! These monsters should NEVER be let out of prison! There is something really wrong with our justice system when animals like this are even allowed a parole hearing. They should have been given the death penalty! To just imagine what that 12 year old child went through is enough to warrant the death penalty. UNREAL!

  69. john on July 20th, 2016 6:03 am

    This is insane, they should have been put to death. No life sentence.

  70. area resident on July 20th, 2016 6:02 am

    These animals do not deserve the air they are breathing let alone parole. Two life sentences means two life sentences. The murders of this woman and her little girl are affecting people who, like me, are only hearing about this for the first time today. Please deny parole.

  71. Mike Amerson on July 20th, 2016 5:15 am

    Signed by me with pleasure. To the family of the victims. I’m sorry you have to continue to go through this because of the system.