Evers Announces AR-15 Winner

July 6, 2016

Congressional candidate Greg Evers has announced the winner of a custom AR-15 “Homeland Defender” rifle. The winner is Carrie Martin of Crestview.

“Here in the Panhandle, everyone knows we can’t rely on the federal government for anything. That’s what this contest is all about,” Evers said. “I’m thrilled this rifle is going to someone who understands the importance of the right to bear arms.”

Before the rifle can be claimed, Martin must complete federally required paperwork and a background check. The transfer will take  place next week at the Pensacola Indoor Shooting Range.

“I’m looking forward to meeting Carrie next   week,” Evers said. “We have to coordinate the paperwork and our schedules, but even a  mountain of federal government paperwork won’t stop us from making this happen.”

Evers is seeking the Republican nomination for the seat currently held by U.S. Rep. Jeff Miller, who is not seek re-election.

Submitted photo.


9 Responses to “Evers Announces AR-15 Winner”

  1. Sedition on July 7th, 2016 9:34 am

    @joy bryant

    You are incorrect on so many levels…
    1) The Second Amendment was not put in place because the deer, turkeys, squirrels, rabbits we coming. It was the redcoats, the British, a tyrannical government. It is there for us to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government usurping powers that it Constitutionally does not have.
    2) It was not a military weapon used in Orlando, nor was it an assault rifle. It wasn’t even an AR-15 as widely reported by main stream media. It was a Sig Sauer MCX.
    3) The rifles of which you speak do not take clips, they require magazines. Any responsible gun owner would know the difference.

    But you are right on one point…we DO need to wake up to the murders and slaughtering of people. The shooter in Orlando was watched by the FBI and they let him slip through the cracks anyway. It wasn’t the gun that murdered all those people, it was a terrorist nutjob.

  2. Bubba Blogger on July 7th, 2016 9:19 am

    Joy, apparently you’ve never fired an AR-15…….you’re missing out. When the liberal lefties start talking about banning these types of weapons, what they are really saying is we’re going to take your rights to own weapons away. If you believe they are not, you are sadly mistaken/naïve We have the Constitutional right, as Americans, to bear arms.. Don’t be a sheep…be the wolf!

  3. Kate on July 7th, 2016 7:33 am

    As a NRA spokesman, as a man who values guns more than life, I don’t think so. The great Rubio couldn’t do it why would you think he could?

  4. joy bryant on July 7th, 2016 6:33 am

    I can’t believe that people THINK their guns are being taken away!! NOT ONE gun has been taken and NO law has suggested it- BUT what DEER, turkey, squirrel, rabbit are you going to kill with that military weapon???? NONE – we pass laws to protect our animals and what they can be culled with but it’s ok to have a damned assault weapon like this.
    I own guns – I believe in guns BUT I don’t need all those bullets in a clip for any reason at all.
    Wake up to the murders and slaughtering of people. what in the world does it take for people to use their brains and quit watching the BS on TV all day – especially FOX entertainment – take stock of the world. STOP THE SLAUGHTER.

  5. A Alex on July 6th, 2016 12:40 pm

    Kate, put your thinking cap on .. HE WANTS TO MAKE SURE THE FEDS DO THEIR PART. Not like current gang.

  6. faithinUS on July 6th, 2016 12:26 pm

    So Evers wants to become another one of the NOers preventing the government from functioning properly?
    Seems ironic, and a bit stupid too, that a candidate with at least 3 US military bases in his district is complaining about not being able “to rely on the federal government for anything”.

  7. Kate on July 6th, 2016 7:26 am

    Interesting that he wants to be part of the federal government that he doesn’t believe wants to protect you.

  8. Bob C. on July 6th, 2016 6:45 am

    Back in 1971-72 an R&B group the Staple Singers had a hit song, Respect Yourself.

    Mr, Evers and the Thinking and Aware Citizens know now that there needs to be a new song, PROTECT YOURSELF.

    Thank you Mr. Evers for helping to protect Our Rights.

  9. bigblock345 on July 6th, 2016 5:28 am

    Congratulations Carrie Martin.