Escambia Picks Site For New Jail

July 15, 2016

The Escambia County Commission has voted to purchase property for an expanded jail complex.

The commission will purchase 14.65 acres located on the southeast corner of Fairfield Drive and Pace Boulevard, commonly known as the McDonald Shopping Center, to be developed as the site of the expanded county jail complex for the purchase price of $4.5 million. The motion also included:

  • The county will retain a consultant to develop a master plan for economic development and neighborhood revitalization within a 12-block diameter of the intersection of Pace Boulevard and Fairfield Drive.
  • The development of a youth center in the vicinity of the property that is similar in size, design and facilities as the Wedgewood Community Center.
  • Reserving approximately 300 feet of road frontage for economic development, with an emphasis on small businesses and businesses owned by minorities and women.
  • The design of the expanded jail complex will be “street-friendly” and not institutional.

Thursday’s decision helps move the construction of a new jail facility forward significantly, and the commission vowed to work with current tenants and leaseholders in their transition as the project progresses. Property owners will not be expected to vacate until six to 12 months from now.

The Central Booking and Detention was damaged beyond repair during a natural gas explosion following flooding on April 30, 2014, forcing the county to find temporary housing for about 600 inmates.


5 Responses to “Escambia Picks Site For New Jail”

  1. Joshua Sutton on July 15th, 2016 7:59 pm

    I think the new jail should be were CBD is at.That would save the tax payers a lot of money don’t have to buy the land.

  2. Kane on July 15th, 2016 5:06 pm

    @ Marcelle That is a great place to put it!! It is close to the jail and the bus station it will help restore that area which is rundown and is a complete eyesore already. The best part is it wont be in anyones backyard that does not already have a jail near it so not a lot to complain about here. Great choice of location good job to all involved is what I would say if it had not taken two plus years to pick the option that was the most logical.

    @JC A long time they don’t even have an estimate on how much it will cost to build it let alone the cost of planning it so we are still in the baby steps of this build.

  3. jc on July 15th, 2016 1:48 pm

    I wonder how many years before the planning, how it looks, etc. before it is started

  4. Bubba Blogger on July 15th, 2016 8:34 am

    Finally, finally, finally!!! Praise the Lord! These guys finally made a decision. Now let move forward and build this thing while also removing the old eyesore of a building off of Leonard and H street known as the “CBD”. I wonder if Channel 3 still does the Eyesores show anymore.

  5. marcelle perritt on July 15th, 2016 8:21 am

    Why do they want to keep the jail in one of the most dangerous areas of the County??
    Employees going to and from work already have to walk through a wall of less than upstanding citizens!