ECSO ‘Clean Sweeps’ 9½ Mile Road Area

July 26, 2016

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office has released the results of an Operation Clean Sweep last week in the 9½ Mile Road area.

Monday, the Sheriff’s Office said they attempted to serve five warrants, three arrests were made, 10 traffic citations were issued, the addresses of seven sex offenders were verified and Escambia County Code Enforcement issued 20 citations.

The next Operation Clean Sweep will be held in the Montclair Neighborhood on August 18.

Pictured: An Operation Clean Sweep conduction by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office in 9½ Mile Road area. the Courtesy images for, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “ECSO ‘Clean Sweeps’ 9½ Mile Road Area”

  1. David Craig ECSO Community Relations on July 30th, 2016 10:48 am

    In response to Century resident: Neighborhood Watch works and it’s safe.The Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman event in Sanford in 2012 would never have happened if Zimmerman was acting according to his training. Neighborhood Watch is a non contact endeavor. No one has to have a sign in their yard. We teach good crime prevention and reporting practices without fear of retribution. I invite you to come to our next Neighborhood Watch Academy on 9/20 to learn how beneficial a watch group can be for you and your neighbors. It’s free and starts with a free meal paid for by seizures from drug dealers. Here is a link to the sign up sheet,

  2. Bob on July 27th, 2016 8:03 pm

    I don’t think you need a neighborhood watch group first. Send an e-mail to the Sheriff and ask him-worked for my neighborhood we don’t have one. Mcnesby never did this and Morgan has been doing it since he came into office. I wonder how many they have done? I think it is great!

  3. Century Resident on July 26th, 2016 1:51 pm

    I would like to have ths in my neighborhood. I looked on Escambia Sheriff Page and it looks like you have to form a neighborhood watch group first, to get on the Clean Sweep schedule. Then gather people in the neighbor hood together, pass out fliers even to the folks that are the problem. Although this sounds good, that’s a bit scary, especially after the Trevor Martin fiasco. Do I want a neighborhood watch sign in my yard and then be a target? I prefer to be more anonymous and avoid that. After that fiasco the neighbor hood watch is not supposed to be armed, which I will not agree to. I hope patrols step up and they serve warrents. ECSO, you are welcome here and in all neighborhoods. Keep up the good work dispite the ignorance of others trying to take the teeth out of the one sent to protect us. I do not want to imagine what it would be like without you. I expect you to be courageous and strong and If your strong arm is seen as violent, I believe aggression is a wonderful trait if used for the right reasons. Use it yet don’t abuse it.

  4. Do it ECSO on July 26th, 2016 9:58 am

    Glad to see this but for me please put the Westside on your rader. Or should I say Warrington area it needs to start at the foot if the bridge at Lakewood / Barrancas on out to Dog Track Rd. It sucks to see such a great area that I grew up in by the bay going to the dumps do to drugs thugs and sluts.

  5. Miles Trencher on July 26th, 2016 9:57 am

    God bless our officers. Wearing that uncomfortable vest must be atrocious. I cannot imagine how hot it gets when in direct sunlight. And the fact that their necks must rub against the top of the vest. For Pete’s sake it looks like the officer furthest to the left gas no neck because his vest is riding up so high.

  6. Concerned Citizen on July 26th, 2016 7:34 am

    I wish this would happen in my neighborhood (Olive Road, close to Davis Hwy).
    Just drive down Olive towards Davis–its very sketchy along that path!
    Imagine my horror when I pulled up the “Sexual Predator” website…and there are 436 registered sex offenders within a 5 mile radius of my house!!! And of course I can’t afford to move so I’m stuck!
    I can imagine a cleanup in that area would fill the jail!