Congressional Candidate Bydlak Tours Tornado Damaged Area, Addresses Century Town Council

July 12, 2016

Republic Congressional candidate Rebekah Johansen Bydlak addressed the Century Town Council Monday night after touring areas of Century for a first-hand look at the devastation that was caused by the EF-3 tornado that struck the town on February 15.

Bydlak said she understood how Century had been neglected by FEMA and the federal government following the tornado.

“I know how easy it is for an area this this to be forgotten,” she said. “I won’t let that happen.”

If elected, Bydlak told the council that she would be a friend to Century. “I will be a member of the community. I am a resident of North Escambia,” she said.

Bydlak is a resident of Cantonment and a McDavid native. The 25-year old would make history if she is successful in her Congressional bid, becoming the youngest woman ever elected to Congress and the first female to represent Florida’s 1st District.

Bydlak is a  graduate of Pensacola State College and the University of West Florida. She holds a master’s degree in political science and public administration from UWF and spent the last three years advocating for lower spending and debt among the public, elected officials, and candidates across the country as director of outreach for the Coalition to Reduce Spending.

She is seeking the Congressional seat currently held by Rep. Jeff Miller, who has announced that he will not see reelection.

Pictured top: Republic Congressional candidate Rebekah Johansen Bydlak addressed the Century Town Council Monday night. Pictured inset: Council member Gary Riley listens to Bydlak speak. Pictured below: Bydlak toured the tornado damaged areas of Century prior to speaking to the town council, including this stop at the Wesley Chapel on Jefferson Avenue. photos, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Congressional Candidate Bydlak Tours Tornado Damaged Area, Addresses Century Town Council”

  1. Retired on July 13th, 2016 1:32 am

    We appreciate you coming and glad you will remember us. All the best and good luck.

  2. Cut spending unless I want the money on July 12th, 2016 12:50 pm

    FEMA did cut spending and moved itself under department of home land security post Katrina Era. Post Ivan era. Cutting spending sounds great unless I want the money. It was announced that tornadic event did not qualify, that local charities could help and funds released at the state level like SHIP, block grants etc. The lower ninth ward in New Orleans was not rebuilt mainly because the titles and ownership were not in order and people didn’t qualify nor did they have insurance.

    Welcome to politics brave soul.

  3. dman on July 12th, 2016 12:16 pm

    I like her, I think she could do a great job, but I do agree that she could use some more real world experience. Having degrees is not the same thing as having hands-on, practical experience & wisdom. She’s going to have a tough run against Mr. Evers. Either way I wish her the best!

  4. Citizen on July 12th, 2016 12:00 pm

    I hope you do well in your endeavors. I just want to point out that federal decisions about FEMA were not made locally. People just beware of any politician promising they would have handled this differently and using the disaster or misfortune as an attempt to sway you that they would have done better. Yes things are still broken around here but why??? Watch who or what you hold responsible. How many non profits are in the area? They can do more quicker than the wheels of government especially if they applied for the United Way funds. Where did that go? I like your youth and idealism Bydlak. Stay the course, no matter the outcome of this first attempt.

  5. GEORGE on July 12th, 2016 10:11 am

    Get a job, work a few years, then run for office. I think you will be better qualified. Glad you want to help escambia county.