Century Task Force Meets Again In Sunshine; Recommends $700K Grant App

July 29, 2016

Two days after holding a meeting in an apparent violation of Florida’s Sunshine Law, the Town of Century’s Community Development Block Grant Citizen’s Advisory Task Force (CATF) met again “in the sunshine” Thursday, recommending that the town apply for a grant up to $700,000 for housing rehabilitation and replacement.

A published public notice stated that the CATF would meet Tuesday at 4 p.m.; however the meeting was held at 2 p.m., the time noted in letters to CATF members.

Town consultant Robin Phillips of Jones-Phillips and Associates said the public noticed 4 p.m. time was a typographical error by her firm.

“There was never any intent on the Town’s or on our part to mislead or misinform anyone.  It was an unintentional typographical error, ” Phillips said in a letter to NorthEscambia.com.

After re-holding the CATF meeting Thursday afternoon and a public forum, the next step in the grant application process is a second public hearing during a town council meeting on August  15.

Florida’s Sunshine Law requires that the public’s business be conducted in open, public noticed meetings. Violators can face fines and/or time in jail.

Pictured top: CATF members Helen Mincy, Robert Mitchell and Sylvia Godwin during a Thursday afternoon meeting. Task force member Alfonzie Cottrell, who was present for Tuesday’s meeting, was absent on Thursday. Pictured below: Town consultants Robin Phillips (left) and Debbie Nickles on Thursday. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


11 Responses to “Century Task Force Meets Again In Sunshine; Recommends $700K Grant App”

  1. Retired on July 29th, 2016 8:22 pm

    700 K..Aug 15… Yes!!!
    Breath in
    Breath out
    Move on

  2. Angela on July 29th, 2016 7:30 pm

    When regular citizens make a mistake we go to jail and bond out then wait for a hearing and a judge may or may not dismiss it. Why are they so special? Mistakes have been made recently I see. First the mayor stands and says I broke the law now this. Those grants have always been hush hush until certain people got it then you find out maybe this isn’t the first time just the first time they got caught. New competent leaders are needed. No more mistakes. Century has been dying for a while now and we need some new life

  3. Reader on July 29th, 2016 5:38 pm

    >>>What good did it do to publish this error…We all make mistakes and I think you did here. The grant writers and residents are important and worthy of our support, don’t mess it up.

    Typical small town Century good ole’ boy attitude. Why, if the leaders in Century break the law (and knowingly holding a public meeting at a time not properly public noticed is *criminal* under the law), should NorthEscambia look the other way?

    if the media does not police the government, who will? Why should wrongdoing in Century be overlooked? Good ole boy gov’t I suppose.

    The meeting was advertised at 4pm and held “in secret” at 2pm. Typo or not (can’t Century leaders read their own public notices?). That is a clear violation of the law. I applaud NorthEscambia.com for standing up for the law, not the good ole boys in Century that think the law does not apply.

  4. JCarnley on July 29th, 2016 5:12 pm

    I have given some thoughts about these two articles and though technically, there is truth to the sunshine law. In this case, North Escambia I admonish you to stop for a minute and realize to whom much is given much is required. You have a large influence due to your volume of readers. What good did it do to publish this error. The citizen and ESPECIALLY the consultants do much for the health and welfare of the residents of Florida.
    I expect better of you in the future. I respectfully disagree with your spin and slant on this story and ask that you realize how much difference you can make in the area either for the good or the bad.
    We all make mistakes and I think you did here.
    The grant writers and residents are important and worthy of our support, don’t mess it up.

  5. Alex on July 29th, 2016 2:31 pm

    It seems that a lot of people lately are breaking the law but did not mean to so it is OK,.

  6. Willene Bryan on July 29th, 2016 12:50 pm

    Thank you to these people of Century’s Community Development Block Grant Citizen’s Advisory Task Force . You are special people to take part by volunteering in something that where you can meet and study over some great things for Century. You can’t find to many people that will do this or even take the time to even come to the meeting even if they know what time it is going to take place. Thank you also Debbie Nickles for all you do. You are one special lady to do as much as you do. I can’t even imagine all you do in a day’s work. So many phone calls and some with the same ole questions every day. God bless you. To me it really sounds like someone just wants to start something over nothing. How many of you have never made a mistake. I really don’t think you can give me a never have, if you do, them little lies is just as bad as them BIG OLE LIES. I wonder how many showed up for the second meeting.
    Thinking of Nadine right now, I can just hear her…………

  7. Mayberry on July 29th, 2016 12:31 pm

    How is the housing situation there in Century? I keep reading about the individual programs and wonder if the state money came through. Did the town council set up the agreements to link up those programs? If the town does follow this recommendation by Citizens, what will it be used for? You all realize these are citizens mostly, not elected sworn in public servants. Please don’t make a mountain out of a molehill for people struggling to accomplish something.

    “Howdy do to you and you! It’s me it’s me it’s Ernest T! You ain’t seen the las of Ernest T Bass!”

  8. Nick Nickles on July 29th, 2016 11:22 am

    Thank you Ms. White. Your comment exhibits common sense and the fact we are all humans and as humans we make mistakes. Its amazing a simple typo has been made out to be some dark conspiracy. I would also like to commend you for having the backbone to identify yourself and not hide behind some fictitious screen name.

  9. No Typo on July 29th, 2016 10:07 am

    it does not matter if it was only a typo. Part of holding a meeting in the sunshine in Florida is making sure it was properly and legally advertised. It was legally advertised at 4 p.m. — holding it any earlier was in the shade and criminally negligent.

  10. Shirley White on July 29th, 2016 9:51 am

    Thank you to Century Task Force for even being willing to volunteer your time and service to Century! I personally am proud to be a part of a town that is trying even though we sometimes struggle. We accomplish so much more when we lift up and applaud the efforts of others who are actually working on our behalf. Typo’s are exactly what the definition says they are: an error in typing. Let’s not cast stones at people who are trying to do us a service. Thank you again to the Task Force and all who help implement better growth to our town.

  11. jeeperman on July 29th, 2016 7:19 am

    It does not matter if the time was “only a typo”.
    An intentional or deliberate “typo”, it matters not.
    The meeting should have been delayed till the published time or rescheduled to another day.
    Century might want to re-consider and hire a consultant that will not get them into trouble.