Century Holds Meeting In Apparent Violation Of State Sunshine Law

July 27, 2016

The Town of Century conducted a meeting Tuesday afternoon in an apparent violation of Florida’s Sunshine Law. The state law requires that the public’s business be conducted in open, public noticed meetings.

A public notice published on NorthEscambia.com and in the weekly Tri-City Ledger newspaper in Flomaton stated that the Town of Century’s Community Development Block Grant Citizen’s Advisory Task Force (CATF) would meet at Century Town Hall at 4 p.m. on Tuesday.

NorthEscambia.com arrived for the 4 p.m. meeting to find the front doors of the Century Hall locked  and the parking lot empty.

When reached by phone, Debbie Nickles, Century’s town planner, said the meeting had been held at 2 p.m. Tuesday. She said letters mailed to the four citizens on the task force had advised them to arrive for a meeting at 2 p.m. She said the discrepancy between meeting time in the letters and the legal public notices was discussed, and the meeting was held despite the improper public notice.

Nickles said she was present at the meeting, along with town consultant Robin Phillips and CATF members Sylvia Godwin, Helen Mincy, Robert Mitchell and Alfonzie Cottrell.

According to the meeting minutes, the CATF voted to recommend that the council apply for the CDBG grant.

When NorthEscambia.com reached Century Mayor Freddie McCall on his cell phone Tuesday to inquire about the meeting, he was with a local group at a church camp in Kentucky and said he was unaware of the meeting. Town Clerk Leslie Gonzalez did not work Tuesday and did not answer her cell phone, and Deputy Clerk Kim Godwin said she was unaware of the meeting.

Nickles said that another CATF meeting would be scheduled and properly noticed. At about 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, the town provided notice that the committee would meet again Thursday afternoon at 1:50 p.m.

Pictured: The Century Town Hall was locked and the parking lot empty at 4 p.m. Tuesday, the time of a publicly noticed town task force meeting. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


13 Responses to “Century Holds Meeting In Apparent Violation Of State Sunshine Law”

  1. Citizen on July 28th, 2016 7:22 pm

    Anyone note the irony that a couple of the people that were in the meeting have been the ones who are outspoken and complaining some of the time.
    Shoe;s on the other foot. Does it fit? Are you being fair? Are you getting something I deserve. I doubt it. Big Deal.

  2. Angela on July 28th, 2016 5:24 pm

    This just shows they try to do what they want to do? Now who going to check them? I’ll wait.

  3. jeeperman on July 28th, 2016 4:28 pm

    “She said the discrepancy between meeting time in the letters and the legal public notices was discussed,”
    And then proceeding after knowledge of the mistake, the meeting should have been postponed till 4pm or rescheduled, period.
    They all knowingly agreed to skirt the law.

  4. Retired on July 27th, 2016 11:43 pm

    @Sylvia Godwin
    You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

  5. Sylvia Godwin on July 27th, 2016 7:23 pm

    Thank you retired for encouraging words.

  6. Retired on July 27th, 2016 1:53 pm

    How fortunate that the citizens of Century can apply for these grants through the local government. They can not apply individually. I recognize some of names as being some of the citizens who suffered much since the tornado. It is wonderful that the city planners and grant writers are still working to help strengthen the community.
    I’m proud to see them working together.
    I think we have learned a lot through this process, even though the tornado was horrible, to see them working together through this adversity through channels of government that will work is a beautiful process. I realize some of the programs did not come through.
    Your tenacity and hope will soon bear fruit.
    In spite of negativity around the country I continue to try to walk a mile in another’s shoe and try to rise above. That is work with in myself.
    It is a choice we all have to make. I for one believe in the leaders with in the local government and citizens of Century.
    Keep the Faith.
    And don’t forget to let the Sunshine in, face it with a grin

  7. Really on July 27th, 2016 1:17 pm

    I thought they closed at 4. Why was parking lot empty at 4?

  8. tg on July 27th, 2016 9:38 am


  9. just listening on July 27th, 2016 9:16 am

    To rectify simply, at the next scheduled meeting, declare any decisions and discussions at this meeting null and void and start all over and replace the participants with new ones so to have clear minds. Just saying

  10. DLo on July 27th, 2016 7:55 am

    Is there anyone left that doesn’t think that the government in Century is a joke and outlived it’s usefulness, a long time ago? How bad does it have to get, how many empty, unfulfilled promises, ridiculous ordinances, back room, closed meetings, and general incompetence does the town have to suffer? Is it limitless, will you just put up with it as long as it is served up to you. It’s time to dissolve the town government in Century, it was time a long, long time ago.

  11. Bob C. on July 27th, 2016 7:34 am

    Gotta have a Citizen Complaint to the 1st District Attorney, Mr. Eddins if somebody wants to DO Something about it.

    Eddins may or may not wish to pursue anything.

    Finding may be there is “No Intent to break the law”.

    Everybody walks and business as usual.

  12. chris on July 27th, 2016 6:10 am

    Shocking that this would happen in Century!

  13. Bamajoe on July 27th, 2016 5:52 am

    Politics as usual. They will probably vote for Hillary.