Broxson, Hill Pump Big Bucks Into Local Senate Race

July 30, 2016

State Rep. Doug Broxson, R-Gulf Breeze, has loaned $50,000 to his campaign as he tangles with Rep. Mike Hill, R-Pensacola Beach, for a Northwest Florida Senate seat, a newly filed finance report shows.

Broxson and Hill are running in the Aug. 30 Republican primary in Senate District 1, which became open when Sen. Greg Evers, R-Baker, decided to run for Congress.

Neither candidate raised much money during the latest reporting period, which ran from July 9 to July 22. But Broxson put $50,000 of his own money into the campaign — matching an amount that Hill loaned to his campaign earlier in the month, according to finance reports.

In all, Broxson had raised $287,921 and made the $50,000 loan as of July 22. He had spent $198,706.

Hill, meanwhile, had raised an overall total of $113,072 and made the $50,000 loan. He had spent $130,298, according to the reports.

The winner of the Republican primary is virtually guaranteed to win the seat because the only other candidates are write-ins.

Senate District 1 includes Escambia, Santa Rosa and part of Okaloosa counties.

by The News Service of Florida


13 Responses to “Broxson, Hill Pump Big Bucks Into Local Senate Race”

  1. Sharon on August 9th, 2016 7:03 pm

    Don, I don’t know what situation Jon is speaking to. I have been attempting to research the Conservative Leadership Fund. The Chair is Russell Doster of Doster Broker Group in TALLAHASSEE His son Brett Doster started Front Line Strategies, a full service public relations firm that provides communications strategies, organizational services, policy guidance, and paid media for political and corporate campaigns,www.flspr.combiography.cfm?i=brettdoster. I believe I posted Russell Doster’s phone # earlier if you had questions for him. I do know Mike Hill to be an upstanding conservative and if he changed his mind on something you can be sure he had a good reason. He does not bow to special interest. Another interesting article One of the flyers berated Mike Hill for voting for the same bill the Broxson had voted for. I have been gone several weeks this summer, to my knowledge I have not received any negative mailer from Mike Hill, just one with one side tell why not to vote for Broxson and one side telling about Mike Hill. I have receive 4 or 5 from Doug Broxson in the last couple weeks. I did take the time to contact Mr. Broxson about the misleading flyers and my disappointment in the trashing of a good man.

  2. Don on August 5th, 2016 6:53 pm

    @Jon…you had helpful comments, but they weren’t entirely clear. I understand the point about how Hill started going negative first, but I didn’t understand the comments about Hill saying he was going to support something and then didn’t and that he tried to deceive and undermine. Did Hill do this on one major legislative effort or a number of bills? I am an ordinary Republican, but I do look up the URLs provided by the Conservative Leadership Fund in their attack mailers. All I see are “Red Herrings”, not evidence of anything. Hill does appear to have the money going after him, as unscientifically, I see roughly twice as many, maybe more, TV ads and attack mailers against him now. Heaven forbid that our local media (either the TV station or newspaper) doing any reporting to clarify things. So Jon, I would appreciate if you would come back online to explain what specifically Hill did to tick-off folks. Thanks.

  3. Jon on August 4th, 2016 7:28 am

    I know both of these guys fairly well and both are considered anti-establishment. When Clay Ingram was a candidate there was no question he would get all the money from the big-wigs in DT Pensacola and the Republican Party. He dropped out because of the potential conflict with his current job at the chamber. All the negative ads against Hill are from the republican PACS. Hill came out with the first negative ad against Broxson claiming that he was liberal and was a supporter of common core. (1) neither of the guys are liberals, they’re both convervative. (2) Broxson was one of two republicans in the whole state to vote AGAINST common core. Once that ad went out unfortunately the gloves came off. I do know why the vast majority of the Republican Party is against Mike Hill. There is one rule that is to never be broken on Capitol Hill and that is to say you’re going to support something and then don’t. It may be frowned upon to not follow the party’s wishes or lead but it is unacceptable to deceive and undermine.
    Like is said in the beginning. Both these guys are considered anti-establishment. The difference is that all the PACS know what they’re getting with Broxson.
    I personal was leaning toward Hill but when his ad came out that Broxson was liberal and supported common core that changed my mind. If he’s willing blatantly lie and insult our intelligence on something that’s open public information that’s pretty easy to research then that proved to me that he can’t be trusted.
    You can go to vote smart on the web and do the research. If you’re a conservative there’s really only one candidate. Broxson is endorsed and ranks highest in most all the conservative areas…NRA etc, etc, etc

  4. GEORGE on August 1st, 2016 8:12 pm

    I need to know more about them before I decide whom to vote for. Maybe I will be able to see through all the dirt and make the best choice.

  5. David on August 1st, 2016 4:42 pm

    Broxson gets his mud slung for free by these groups out of Jacksonville and Tallahassee. That means that lobbyists are behind it all and he is automatically obligated to work for them (not us), if elected. Hill has to pay out of his own pocket and is not selling out. Just follow the money.

  6. Sharon Keesler on August 1st, 2016 4:10 pm

    I like Don wonder who is the Conservative Leadership Fund, why is a group based in Tallahassee sending hate mailers on Mike Hill. If they really are conservative why are they trying to destroy another conservative? Who are they, what do they have to gain with Mr. Bronson? Mike Hill is good man, well qualified to be our state senator. Mike Hill gets my vote!

  7. dman on August 1st, 2016 2:42 pm

    I am familiar with both of these men and their families. They are both good, hard working, honest men. I’m a little disappointed in the mud-slinging coming from both. Gentlemen, please go about this in a better way. You’re better than this. Do your best and remember, everything works out for those who serve the Lord. You Both know that already, just now act like it.

  8. Don on July 31st, 2016 10:12 am

    @Just Saying…we don’t need to worry about a liberal or a Democrat being elected in this office. What concerns me is an outside group coming in and making some pretty outrageous claims against one of the Republican candidates, Mike Hill. Its bound to benefit the other candidate, Doug Broxson. Who is behind this effort, who is footing the bill, and who has deniability? In all likelihood, we are going to have Broxson or Hill as our next Senator.

  9. Just saying on July 31st, 2016 7:30 am

    @cb….more liberal Democrats needed…I wasn’t going to respond, but why in crap do you think this country is in such bad shape now.lets take Prayers out of our schools, can’t pray at sporting event, try to take god out of our pledge of allegiance, and oh it’s ok to marry the same sex, Demos’ are going way against the way this country was founded. Oh yea, it’s ok to have Trans gender bathrooms..they all need their own bathroom and a desperate island. Wake up Americans!!!! And also Pray!!!!, not only when some gets killed but that this Great Country can get back to the way it’s used to be., oh and to take “In God We Trust” off our currency!!!! Really, and people wonder what is wrong with country!!! God built it.., and he can destroy it…Just Sayin!!!

  10. Dan on July 31st, 2016 4:24 am

    It should go along way letting you know how valuable a job can be if the applicant is willing to pay fifty thousand out of there own pocket to get elected

  11. cb on July 30th, 2016 6:26 pm

    More liberal Democrats needed!!!

  12. Don on July 30th, 2016 2:17 pm

    Keep getting attack mailers against Hill, by a group called the Conservative Leadership Fund. Who are they and why are they getting involved in this election?

  13. fred on July 30th, 2016 11:11 am

    Frankly, all I’ve heard are negative, name calling ads from both of these two. No ideas or policy statements whatever. I may just pick a name off the write in list unless I hear something substantive.