Bernie Sanders Lauds Hillary Clinton As Convention Opens

July 26, 2016

PHILADELPHIA — After last week’s raucous and divisive Republican National Convention, Democrats opened their convention Monday looking to present a striking contrast in unity as they prepare to nominate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for president.

There’s always Day 2.

Between suspected Russian hackers and renegade delegates committed to U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia often looked at least as rowdy as last week’s proceedings in Cleveland.

The soon-to-be nominee’s name drew boos on the convention floor. The outgoing Democratic Party chairwoman was jeered in front of her home-state delegation, leading to a late decision to strike her from the main program to avoid a repeat in front of a larger audience. At least one delegate had taken a “Stronger Together” sign, scratched out the last word and wrote in its place: “with Bernie.”

All of that was bracketed by complaints about logistics that undermined Democrats’ attempt to be the steady convention.

Not that they didn’t try. Sanders himself touted Clinton twice in the space of a day — once during a boisterous event with his delegates and again before the full convention. In his late-night speech at the Wells Fargo Center, Sanders gave perhaps his most full-throated endorsement of Clinton so far.

He noted how this year’s Democratic platform was, in his view, the most progressive the party has ever produced.

“Our job now is to see that strong Democratic platform implemented by a Democratically-controlled Senate, by a Democratic House and a Hillary Clinton presidency. … Hillary Clinton will make an outstanding president, and I am proud to stand with her tonight,” Sanders said.

Even before he took the stage, Sanders was pushing his supporters to line up behind Clinton. In an email to delegates after some of the booing early in the day, Sanders scolded those who had taken part.

“The political revolution is not about one election or one candidate. … Our credibility as a movement will be damaged by booing, turning of backs, walking out or other similar displays. That’s what the corporate media wants. That’s what Donald Trump wants,” he wrote.

But even Sanders drew boos on some of the occasions when he praised Clinton.

Sanders had also told a group of supporters earlier in the day that supporting Clinton was important in her November election against the Republican nominee Trump.

“We have got to elect Hillary Clinton and (vice presidential candidate) Tim Kaine,” he said as some delegates cheered and many booed. “This is the real world that we live in.”

The party also rolled out other popular or Sanders-friendly public figures to try to patch over differences between Clinton and the opponent she defeated in the primaries after a grueling, months-long battle.

Paul Simon played “Bridge Over Troubled Water.” Sarah Silverman, a comedian who backed Sanders in the primary, put the message most succinctly and most bluntly.

“To the ‘Bernie or Bust’ people: You’re being ridiculous,” she said.

First Lady Michelle Obama, who is wildly popular among the Democratic base, also implicitly drew a comparison between diehard Sanders delegates and Clinton, who responded to a primary loss to President Barack Obama in 2008 by joining his Cabinet.

“Hillary did not pack up and go home, because as a true public servant, Hillary knows that this is so much bigger than her own desires and disappointments,” Michelle Obama said.

The day started out on a discordant note; outgoing Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, someone viewed with disdain by Sanders supporters, was jeered at a breakfast for delegates from Florida, where she serves as a congresswoman.

“It is so wonderful to be able to be here with my home state,” Wasserman Schultz said, as a cascade of boos and heckling began. “All right, everybody. Now, settle down.”

The appearance came less than 24 hours after Wasserman Schultz announced she would step down as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee at the conclusion of this week’s convention.

Wasserman Schultz was tripped up after leaked internal party emails raised questions about her impartiality in the presidential primary between Clinton and Sanders. The emails are believed to have been obtained by Russian hackers.

Some Sanders supporters Monday shouted “Shame on you!” at Wasserman Schultz, while her supporters chanted her first name. The congresswoman tried to put a brave face on the intense interest surrounding her decision to resign as party chair, reportedly under pressure.

Despite his overtures to Clinton, though, Sanders showed no signs of sadness Monday about Wasserman Schultz’s departure. At a rally for his delegates, the crowd roared when Sanders brought up Wasserman Schultz’s departure.

“Her resignation opens up the possibility of new leadership at the top of the Democratic Party that will stand with working people and that will open the doors of the party to those people who want real change,” Sanders said.

by Brandon Larrabee, The News Service of Florida


22 Responses to “Bernie Sanders Lauds Hillary Clinton As Convention Opens”

  1. Facetious Bob on July 28th, 2016 9:26 pm


    Just listened to Chelsea at the DNC. There has been a long questioned concern as to whether Mr. Hubble is her real father.

    After this speech, I wonder if HRC is her real mother.

  2. david lamb on July 28th, 2016 4:42 pm

    turmoil @ GOP ? Didn’t see any delegates walk out in Cleveland, but they sure did in Philly! Not all fun & games A DNC these days with Bernie supporters!
    Hilary is in trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. david lamb on July 28th, 2016 4:31 pm

    Lee, hold on to your hat!!! Hilary doesn’t have the election yet! you might be surprised!
    Sarah Palin was as qualified as any one else, just what are the qualifying credentials? Having classified documents on a unsecure server a qualification? telling lies to FBI a qualification? Making her election about children… cause she cant talk about anything else…cause she has bungled everything else up. Is that a qualification?
    Gotta do better than that Lee!

  4. A on July 28th, 2016 2:19 pm

    it wouldn’t be safe to have Every position in our government Democrats in our Republic. Too much power on one side. Just good common sense. We can prevent that from happening and should.

  5. Lee on July 28th, 2016 10:24 am

    To Nora: Flags??? You’re worried about flags? Does standing in front of a flag make Trump qualified to run this country? The GOP gave up this election when they allowed Trump to bully his way into being their candidate, just like they gave up the election when pairing McCain with a completely unqualified candidate like Sarah Palin. The reason the GOP will lose this election is because they are so busy with turmoil within their party that they have lost focus.

  6. Lee on July 28th, 2016 9:24 am

    I’ve watched all of both conventions so far. I think the GOP bombed with their message of doom and gloom, wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth. Their slate of speakers was anemic, though I imagine it was slim pickins’ considering there are many Republicans who declined to speak (or even attend). Trump missed his chance to clearly define what he’s said he will do, instead continuing with vague pronouncements that he has the answers, his changes will be huge, he’s the best at x, y, z, blah, blah, blah. In stark contrast, the opening night of the Democrats’ convention was uplifting, uniting, and positive. The following nights continued to bring home the message that we are ALL stakeholders in this country, that our principles are what make us great, and that the world still views ours as the greatest country that has EVER existed. Trump’s convention (and I really believe it was HIS convention, not the party’s) focused on bashing Hillary. The Democrats’ convention took the high road and focused on issues that affect all of us. Trump has had plenty of time to clean up his act if he’s serious about leading this country. If he were in school today he’d have already been expelled for bullying. Many employers would have fired him for inappropriate comments. If he were a college student, he’d fail because he exhibits such a poor understanding of our system of government. He seems intent on alienating people. He assumes that being rich (even if not to the extent he claims) qualifies him for whatever he wants, including becoming a dictator like the ones he so admires. Trump is trying to divide people even more because it is easier to divide and conquer than unite. The GOP is being destroyed by this goon.

  7. Kate on July 28th, 2016 7:33 am

    Its a shame that republicans have to see a flag to be reminded of their freedom in America. Democats don’t need visual signs to know where they live.

  8. David Huie Green on July 28th, 2016 1:53 am

    “The Soviet Union, much more unified as a nation than we are at present, fell apart when their Debt to GDP ratio was around 35%.”

    The USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, fell apart when its citizens realized it could not protect them from our military but that we weren’t a threat in the first place and that life as non-socialists was better than life in The People’s Paradise, socialism.

    It began to accept dictators again only after President Clinton One presented us as a threat to them.

    David for remembering
    there are more than just two choices

  9. David Huie Green on July 28th, 2016 1:39 am

    ” Citizen’s United must be overturned.”

    It may be but it shouldn’t be.

    Citizens United versus Federal Election Commission was correctly decided by the Supreme Court. They pointed out that governmental restrictions on political speech violates the First Amendment.

    Those who want it overturned are trying to silence or at least limit speech on the part of those who disagree with them. This is wrong even though the biggest beneficiaries of it have been President Obama and Hillary Clinton. (Which is ironic since it came up in response to attempts to silence Hillary’s critics.)

    Nobody should have to receive the permission of the government to disagree with the government — especially since Hillary will soon be running the government if she can stay out of jail and I have faith in her in that regard.

    David for limited government
    (at least until I become dictator)

  10. dman on July 27th, 2016 4:51 pm

    Kate and Leo are not going to be happy, I’m pretty sure, come November. America has been thrashed by eight years of liberalism/leftism and the country is barely recognizable, let alone financially solvent. For those who don’t do their homework: The Soviet Union, much more unified as a nation than we are at present, fell apart when their Debt to GDP ratio was around 35%. Ours is over 100%. We’ve been SCREWED under the lib dems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes Facetious Bob, I agree 110%.

  11. Nora on July 27th, 2016 3:38 pm

    When the Convention opened I noticed that there were no American Flags anywhere. Nothing that says America. I am pretty old and remember when Democratic Party was great and for God and Country. Now I don’t believe anything they say. The Republican Party now acts like democrats use to.

  12. david lamb on July 27th, 2016 11:36 am

    BTW, we all know that ISIS and most Muslims believe in Sharia law, where women are controlled and certain things are done to them and are not allowed to speak or address men in public, along with many more issues toward women. SO, how do you think that Hilary Clinton can even get thru their thick heads? She will not and has not been listened to by them as Madam Secretary yet! You are living in a dream world!

  13. david lamb on July 27th, 2016 11:21 am

    @ Leo , Leo in GODS word he say that HE will destroy the earth and then rebuild it …. IN HIS TIME. therefore as a Christian I must accept and do believe that Climate Change is a carbon credit scheme by Al Gore and others. While we don’t need to try to pollute the earth, we don’t control GODS time frame. The earth has gone thru weather cycles from the beginning of time!
    @ Kate, I spent 25 years in the Air Force with a specialized Top Secret clearance.
    Had I or any other airman done what Hilary did, I would still be in Leavenworth !
    She should be in Jail and not be running for President. You all seem to ignore the Clinton wrongdoings! They seem to keep getting free passes! Why don’t YOU try some of their shenanigans and see where YOU get!

  14. Kate on July 27th, 2016 7:23 am

    Kate is not on or was on welfare. Kate worked her entire life. Much un like most northescambia republicans who vote republican and complain about everything.
    It is frightening that this the so called Bible belt buckle can demonstrate so much ignorance and hatred. I guess that is why you vote for Trump it fits.

  15. Leo on July 27th, 2016 7:04 am

    Bob I trust HRC to keep our country safe. Not a serial liar, racist and rampant xenophobe. You must be one of the poorly educated that Donald loves. Never Trump.

  16. Facetious Bob on July 26th, 2016 11:48 pm

    @ Leo:

    Maybe ISIS will stop beheading people, and committing mass murders, if you could explain to them how they should be focusing on climate change, or, global warming, whatever it’s called this week.

  17. Leo on July 26th, 2016 7:38 pm

    Ignorant people will reference welfare and free rides. Anyone that abuses the system will do so under a republican or democratic president. Just be thankful that this community will not decide this election. Citizen’s United must be overturned. The party of climate change deniers must be voted out of office,and orange Hiltler must never hold the office of the presidency.

  18. Woman on July 26th, 2016 5:05 pm

    Voting for Hillary Clinton because she’s a woman is like drinking anti freeze because it looks like gatoraid.

  19. No Excuses on July 26th, 2016 3:38 pm

    Kate is entitled to her opinion, but I do have to say, she isn’t up on the news. Hillary changes with the wind like most of us change our underwear! Google a few things and you’ll see!

  20. Get Real on July 26th, 2016 12:57 pm

    “Kate” doesn’t follow the news but is just another angry person scared she will lose her welfare. Obama goes down as the worst to ever be President and she isn’t any better. Clinton has no chance, Obama made sure of that with his lies and inability to lead. I’m a democrat that works everyday and is tired of supporting those that don’t. Clinton wants to flood this country with more looking for a free ride and we wonder why the crime rate is at a all time high. Obama put more money on the national debt than all other Presidents combined, and he promised to pay it down during his term. We need a change for sure and if it’s Trump so be it. This country can’t handle four more years of the idiots leading it now. I’m thankful Bernie is gone, got tired of watching him slobber when he spoke.

  21. Kate on July 26th, 2016 10:43 am

    First of all Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton does not change with the wind. Secondly, Bernie wasn’t a democrat but to run for office of the President. I hope Trump gets elected and turns back to his democratic party that would fix ya’ll real good.

  22. dman on July 26th, 2016 9:09 am

    Bernie, at the end of the day, is still a politician. And he’s a committed leftist. At least he is honest and states what he truly is, compared to the former secretary, whose political identity changes with the wind. What I am happy to see…is the Bernie people…though I disagree with them…not giving into the Hillary Shill. I actually feel bad for them, because they were thrown under the bus by their own party, and are now being told to fall in line like good little soldiers. Hey Bernie folks…there’s another candidate who is going to bust up the DC club- his Name rhymes with Clump…come on over and join us!