Woman Sentenced For ‘Brutal’ Murder Of Stepfather

June 14, 2016

A young woman  accused of the 2014 murder of her stepfather near Munson has been sentenced.

Taylor Lynn Crongeyer was sentenced Monday to three years in prison to be followed by one year of community control and two years probation. She will get credit for 18 months that she has already served in jail.

She pleaded guilty last month to a lesser charge of second degree manslaughter, claiming that she was physically abused. Prosecutors said she shot 40-year Aubrey Dewayne Cooley who was found dead December 26, 2014,  with a gunshot wound to his head at his Dale Hall Road home. He was tied to the trailer hitch of a pickup truck with a rope around his ankles.

When deputies arrived on scene, Crongeyer, who was 18 at the time, exited the residence with a large amount of blood on her clothing, according to an arrest report. When deputies walked through the residence, they found blood spots on the floor, a bedroom mattress and outside on the front and back porch areas. They also found a rifle on the floor at the foot of a bed in the master bedroom.

A spokesman for the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office called incident a “brutal homicide”, arresting Crongeyer just hours after the shooting.


14 Responses to “Woman Sentenced For ‘Brutal’ Murder Of Stepfather”

  1. Jake on June 16th, 2016 12:50 pm

    There is really no telling what this young girl went through. But it must have been pretty awful for her to kill her stepfather, me personally I’m satisfied with the outcome.

  2. Ruboo on June 15th, 2016 10:48 pm

    Unbelievable!!! You can kill someone and only get three years inprisonment. Just can’t get over that one. In today’s time if something was going on she could of seeked out for help but instead chose to take a man’s life. I don’t believe her acuations at all. I believe she is just looking for a way out by trying the sympathy card. I Knew Aubrey and he was a good man. He always talked good about his family. I’m sure he was not perfect but I just can’t believe that he would have done the things a lot of people are speculating about him. I do know it is hard to try to raise kids these days especially when they are headed down the wrong road already. They think they know it all and can’t take punishment or understand the purpose of learning right from wrong. Instead they think it should be their way and don’t care about what your trying to teach them. Now I wonder how many people will look at this case and think we’ll hell I can kill someone and possibly only get three years for doing so. And if they may not swing down the straight and narrow path hell three years might be right down there alley. ” I don’t think this paints a very good picture”

  3. BettyH on June 15th, 2016 9:10 am

    I doubt the DA or prosecutor took her claims at face value.They must have found proof that backs up her claims or they never would have accepted manslaughter and just 3 years. I hope everyone involved can find peace and move forward.

  4. Shay on June 15th, 2016 8:48 am

    Justice for the perpetrator? What justice does he deserve? He battered a young girl. He deserves no justice. When you do bad things to others you lose the right to compassion and understanding. As far as never being arrested. How many child molesters go without being arrested because their victims are to ashamed or scared to tell anybody. To be a tad bit dramatic,how many times were Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gasey or Jeffrey Dahmer arrested? Just because they weren’t arrested doesn’t make them not evil and doesn’t make there crimes less heinous.

  5. Elmer on June 15th, 2016 7:24 am

    Well I guess he got what he deserved
    anybody that abuse’s a child deserves killing
    To me even that she is only 18 she is still a child

  6. 429SCJ on June 15th, 2016 5:18 am

    If you are going to abuse someone, know who you are abusing.

    I hope that this young woman Is able to recover and have a good life one day.

  7. David Huie Green on June 14th, 2016 11:35 pm

    “There must be something here I don’t see. Three years in prison for a ” brutal homicide”. ”

    If you think about it, it may not have been brutal if she killed him before he suffered, no matter what she tried to do to his body afterward.
    (That’s another matter.)

    Regardless, she was not convicted of a brutal homicide but to a lesser charge of manslaughter. At a guess, she was afraid of what sentence a jury might give her if it knew all the facts and the prosecution was afraid of what verdict a jury might give if it knew all the facts.

    They both hedged their bets.
    She took a lesser punishment than possible 40 years to life for what she did;
    they made sure she received some punishment for killing a person.

    Those who want to give her a medal and the people who want to execute her will not be happy. Those who think it means they can go and do likewise would be well advised to remember juries might not be so conflicted if you decided to kill. Further, even three years in prison is no cake walk, do you really know someone you would willingly go to prison for three years to kill? Please remember you will be in the company of some violent people who might decide to have some fun with you and you may not walk out alive — even from a three year sentence.

    David for better people

  8. Terrance Wright Sr on June 14th, 2016 9:27 pm

    Well we no if we want to kill somebody do it in Alabama.. Florida don’t play?

  9. Sage 2 on June 14th, 2016 8:46 pm

    The term was conjured by individuals having seen the result of this woman’s retaliation to abuse. Look at the picture, the “mugshot” and decide was this self-inflicted? She is being punished according to the rule of law.
    I wish her well! She took care of a problem that haunts so many women in abusive situations.
    Look, learn and beware of the abused, battered woman,,,they may decide enough is enough!

  10. Richie on June 14th, 2016 7:54 pm

    Mr. Cooley was shot while he was sleeping. If there was abuse? Had Mr. Cooley ever been charged? I found no criminal records on Mr. Cooley that showed any domestic or criminal history. Mr. Cooley is dead and can’t defend himself. It is sad thing what this young lady did, but how can justice be served for the victim even if there was abuse? 3 years for taking a life and how she tried to get rid of him. I know a young lady who was 17 at the time, who killed no one, didn’t even fire a gun. Was being giving the drug GHB and other drugs to control and manipulate her by other people, get 30 in prison, (because of a 10-20-Life law), in which she has served 18 years. The victim is her biggest advocate and has helped her file clemency, but here we are still 18 years later, waiting for mercy. For this girl, Taylor, she should count her blessings. For the Judge and prosecutor on this case, you have made it open season for people to kill and just say abuse, just to get a lighter sentence.

  11. Jenny on June 14th, 2016 7:24 pm

    Finally the justice system recognized the true victim. The truth was heard and now she can start the life she deserves. Put the the years of suffering behind her!!!!

  12. Bob C. on June 14th, 2016 6:35 pm

    Sentence is insane…what prevention is this for future killers?
    “Duh, they abused me so I killed them in a fit of anger, can I get 3 years with time served creds”

  13. Ha! on June 14th, 2016 1:39 pm

    Hmm-Only 3 years for killing someone who (allegedly) physically abused you. Wish I would have known this a couple of years ago…..might have been a different outcome for my family.

  14. question mark on June 14th, 2016 8:05 am

    There must be something here I don’t see. Three years in prison for a ” brutal homicide”.