Sheriff’s Office Reports Increase In Common IRS Phone Scam

June 1, 2016

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office reported a number of calls Tuesday from residents reporting a common IRS phone scam.

The Sheriff’s Office said residents are reporting someone calls claiming to be an IRS employee, and then asks the call recipient to pay they money they owe or go to jail.

The ECSO said residents receiving one of these phone calls sgiykd hang up and call the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration at 1-800-366-4484 or visit their website at


6 Responses to “Sheriff’s Office Reports Increase In Common IRS Phone Scam”

  1. Rebecca on June 1st, 2016 12:17 pm

    I’ve gotten a few calls claiming to be from the IRS over the last several weeks. It’s always been a recording, never an actual person. The recording has said it’s our final notice from the IRS and then gives us a number to call. The first time I listened to most of the message just to hear what it said; since then I just hang up.

    We’ve gotten the people from “Microsoft” with foreign accents wanting to “fix” my computer. We also have gotten a recording from “Rachel” with “Cardholder Services” wanting to call a number about our account…no company is ever identified in that one.

    And then I had somebody call and after I said “hello,” he said “Grandma?” (I’ve heard of that scam before so I wouldn’t have fallen for it, but I don’t have any grandkids.) They don’t give specifics as to who they are, but try to convince you that they are your grandchild (They say, “I’m your favorite grandson,” and you say, “Oh Johnny!” and they say “Yep.”) and then say they’re in trouble and need a bunch of money wired to them.

    With all this hullabaloo going on with “telemarketers” (meaning scammers posing as telemarketers) I don’t trust anybody that calls soliciting anything. If it’s a recording, I hang up. If it’s a person, as soon as they ask for a response, I’ll tell them, “I’m not interested,” and hang up without waiting for them to respond.

  2. A Alex on June 1st, 2016 10:17 am

    Got a call 6 months ago. Oregon area code. Told the foreign guy to send the paper work to my address, then I asked him what address he had and he claimed it will be sent to my bosss office.
    I told him oknow and hung up. Been retired for 5 years.

  3. fisherman on June 1st, 2016 8:38 am

    Same goes for Microsoft calling that you have a computer problem. I tell them are you sure my computer has a virus and they say yes. I tell them that’s funny as I don’t have a computer and they hang up. All these are scams.

  4. Randy on June 1st, 2016 8:18 am

    I received a call from these bottom feeders. Played along with them for a bit and finally got tierd of trying to understand them and finally told them I would wait on the front porch for them.

  5. NWFLA Linda on June 1st, 2016 7:21 am

    Yesterday my husband received these calls 10 times. First time there was an actual human on the phone who, because of his foreign accent, could not pronounce Internal Revenue so my husband decided to “play” and kept asking the guy “why was internet service calling” him. The guy finally hung up in frustration. The following calls were mixed – a female, robotic recording and then the guy calling with orders to call back. ” IRS last attempt to reach you – filing lawsuit against you – call back immediately to avoid further legal action – we have a case file.” They need to polish up their threatening dialogue and approach – they never ask for anyone by name and never offer an actual case file number. It’s sad to think there must be some folks who are falling for this.

  6. Melissa Miller on June 1st, 2016 6:23 am

    This happened to us. They wanted 9800.00 paid within 30 mins or my husband goes to jail. They only wanted cash. What a bunch of stupid idiots. He got all the info we could before the crazy guy finally hung up on him.