Rubio Reverses Course And Will Run For Re-election

June 22, 2016

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., has reversed course and will seek re-election to his seat, according to numerous media reports Wednesday morning.

Rubio’s decision comes as Republicans try to maintain control of the U.S. Senate. “I think that the point that really drove me to change my mind is that as we enter this kind of new chapter in our history here is, there’s another role the Senate plays that I think can be really important in the years to come,” Rubio told the Miami Herald.

“And that’s the power given to it in the Constitution to act as a check and balance on the excess of the president. It’s even more important given the fact that control of the Senate could very well come down to what happens in the Florida race.”

by The News Service of Florida


12 Responses to “Rubio Reverses Course And Will Run For Re-election”

  1. Sedition on June 22nd, 2016 8:33 pm

    An admitted lover of the “patriot act”.
    No vote for Rubio.

  2. Wharf Rat on June 22nd, 2016 7:15 pm

    The more you learn of Alan Grayson, the more you will pray for Rubio to carry the field.

    Please, please not Grayson!

  3. Bob C. on June 22nd, 2016 5:30 pm

    Isn’t this the dude whose Greatest Accomplishment is the Worse Attendance in the US Senate thus had the Poorest Voting Record?
    If you ain’t there you can’t vote.
    Where’s Marco?
    Marco, how about you go get a real job doing roofing or something like that?
    Just Say NO Mo Rubio.

  4. bill w on June 22nd, 2016 4:31 pm

    A honorable man who always keeps his word.

  5. Ponderosa hill on June 22nd, 2016 4:00 pm

    Sure is hard to get rid of these career types……guess they get accustomed to fame & fortune . Only plus is ……he’s prolly better than any of his opponents . He’s got the teeth,hair and gift of gab to win , and it seems that’s all they need ( along with sayin they’re conservative ) !

  6. Karen on June 22nd, 2016 3:55 pm

    I will NOT vote for him he has proved himself to be a part of the RINO problem.

  7. Frank on June 22nd, 2016 2:04 pm

    He is an Angel compared to the like of Crooked Hillary!

  8. Sage 2 on June 22nd, 2016 1:50 pm

    As the saying goes…A new broom sweeps clean! We need a truckload of new brooms and the voters can take out the trash by electing people to office that are there to serve the PUBLIC’S best interest and not themselves or to “feather their nests.”

  9. bama54 on June 22nd, 2016 1:18 pm

    He will not get my vote!! In my opinion he was/is part of the problem in Washington DC.

  10. William Carney Camp Sons of Confederate Veterans on June 22nd, 2016 1:09 pm

    There is a rebutable presumption that all incumbent politicians should be voted out.I had great hopes for Senator Rubio but his record in the Gang of 8 and some of his statements during the campaign indicated he may not have been as conservative as he came across and may well have deceived the Tea Partyin Florida much the same as Nikki Haley did in South Carolina.

  11. Bryan Bethea on June 22nd, 2016 12:18 pm

    Yes, this is good news because it virtually guarantees that the Democrats will pick up this Senate seat in November. I guess getting humiliated by Trump and the Republican voters of Florida in March wasn’t enough. Now he wants to be humiliated by the entire voting population in the state.

  12. Kathy on June 22nd, 2016 9:49 am

    Good news!