North Escambia Native Rebekah Bydlak Tops $100K Raised In Congressional Race

June 7, 2016

Congressional candidate Rebekah Johansen Bydlak has announced that she closed out the month of May with over $100,000 in donations from over 200 donors, and over $90,000 cash on hand.

A candidate for Congress in Florida’s 1st Congressional District, Bydlak, 25, would make history if she is successful in the August 30 Republican primary, becoming the youngest woman ever elected to Congress and the first female to represent Florida’s 1st District.

“Every day, I talk to people in Northwest Florida who are sick and tired of politics as usual,” Bydlak said, “Our early success is a clear sign that I offer these voters the outsider alternative they are looking for. We need a strong advocate who will cut spending, protect our veterans, and fight for individual liberty and getting the federal government out of our lives. I am that advocate.”
Bydlak, a resident of Cantonment and a McDavid native said her fundraising momentum has continued into the early days of June.

“I am confident that we will continue to raise the funds necessary to support our  strong grassroots team that will carry us to victory in August,” she said, “Our many supporters across the First District can be confident that every dollar they have given to my campaign will be spent getting our message to voters as effectively as possible and fighting for the cause that we all share.”

Bydlak is a native of Northwest Florida and a graduate of Pensacola State College and the University of West Florida. She holds a master’s degree in political science and public administration from UWF and spent the last three years advocating for lower spending and debt among the public, elected officials, and candidates across the country as director of outreach for the Coalition to Reduce Spending.

Bydlak is seeking the Congressional seat currently held by Rep. Jeff Miller, who has announced that he will not see reelection.


4 Responses to “North Escambia Native Rebekah Bydlak Tops $100K Raised In Congressional Race”

  1. Tim McVay on June 16th, 2016 12:01 am

    Rebekah signed the U.S. Term Limits pledge for congressional term limits and she worked for the Coalition to Reduce Spending so yes to all the above

  2. M in Bratt on June 8th, 2016 6:10 am

    Good Luck Young Lady; we certainly need a breath of fresh air in DC.

    @E Penn; You may be making some political statement by registering to vote with “no party affiliation”, but you are shutting yourself out of a large part of the process. Your statement is falling on deaf ears.

  3. E Penn on June 7th, 2016 10:03 am

    Well, she will have my vote if she makes it to the general election. However, I must wait, since I don’t claim a party affiliation, I have to see if one of the two country clubs allows her to run.

  4. Ponderosa hill on June 7th, 2016 4:23 am

    Well this young lady is saying all the right things ! An outsider with a common sense approach is the Representative I’m looking for. Some info about her ideas regarding term limits, balancing the budget, and reducing the reach of government at all levels will be appreciated.