First Baptist Of Bratt Honored For Operation Christmas Child Collections

June 27, 2016

Christmas is still several months away, but Christmas was on the mind of church members Sunday at the First Baptist Church of Bratt.

The church has served for the past five years as a collection point for Operation Christmas Child, which provides simple, gift-filled shoe boxes that bring Christmas joy and evangelistic materials to children in countries across the globe.

Sunday, Bethany Daily,  Northwest Florida area coordinator for Operation Christmas Child, gave special recognition to Tim Hawsey and Michelle McKinley at the church. Over 2,300 boxes have been collected by the First Baptist Church of Bratt since 2010.

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One Response to “First Baptist Of Bratt Honored For Operation Christmas Child Collections”

  1. Ruby Amerson Wells on June 28th, 2016 7:44 pm

    No one understands what an undertaking this project is unless you have served on the collection point that handles Operation Christmas Child. Bratt Baptist we applaud you and thank you for your service.