Learn How To Do Business With ECUA At Workshop

June 14, 2016

This Wednesday, the Florida Procurement Technical AssistanceCenter (PTAC), will offer a free workshop entitled, “How to do Business with the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority” (ECUA). The event will be held at the University of West Florida, Innovation  Institute, 321 N. DeVilliers Street, Suite 308, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

The informational meeting will educate attendees about the potential of doing business with the Authority, while increasing participation in obtaining future contracts. Participants will learn about the bidding process, qualification  requirements, future business opportunities, and how the ECUA hiring process is conducted.

The featured speakers will include; Bill Johnson, ECUA director of engineering, Tony Howard, ECUA senior purchasing agent, and Chiquita Payne, ECUA human resource generalist.

The workshop is free; however, pre-registration is recommended. For additional information contact Laura Subel, PTAC procurement specialist, lsubel@uwf.edu (850) 474-2549 or register at clientsfloridasbdc.org/center.


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