IP Awards $75K In Grants To Local Schools, Groups

June 4, 2016

In honor of its 75th anniversary, International Paper Pensacola Mill awarded $75,000 in foundation grants to local community organizations. Grants are awarded by the IP Foundation in Memphis, Tenn., which focuses on environmental education, literacy, employee involvement and critical community needs.

“We are privileged to be able to assist our local community organizations in their efforts to make a difference in the lives of the residents and children of Northwest Florida,” said Janice Holmes, communications manager. “Their efforts serve to strengthen our community.”

Local community organizations and their projects that were awarded grants for 2016 are:

  • Autism Pensacola “Kids for Camp Summer Learning Lab”
  • Ballet Pensacola, “Discover Dance”
  • Council on Aging of NWFL, “Big Green, Little Green Hydroponics!”
  • Creative Learning Academy “Enhancing Libraries”
  • Ernest Ward Middle “Eagles Read” and “Fruit Trees 101”
  • Escambia County Extension 4-H “4H Natural Resources and Environmental Education Program” — Escambia County 4-H is an educational program focused on learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills through experiential training in various fields including science, technology, agriculture and livestock, and arts. The grant funds a program that includes a series of camping events. Each event focuses on a particular theme related to natural resources and environmental conservation.
  • Escambia County Public Schools Foundation for Excellence, “Literacy and Environmental Classroom Grants”
  • Every Child a Reader in Escambia “Project Ready 2016”
  • Greater First Baptist Church, “Community Literacy Mentoring and Tutoring Program” — The grant funds materials and supplies for a continuum of supplemental reading and writing activities, including reading and writing materials for their tutoring, homework assistance and mentoring program.
  • Jim Allen Elementary School, “Let’s Get EGGS cited about Reading!” — The grants funds materials and supplies including Reading Egg literacy modules.
  • J.M. Tate High School “Reservations for Preservation” — The grants funds specimen collections, as well as specimen slides for microscopes.
  • National Flight Academy “STEM Saturday Program”
  • Navarre Beach Sea Turtle Conservation Center “STEM Sea Turtle Education Models”
  • Partnership for Community Programs “Bay Day 2016” and “Stormwater Estuary Education Program
  • Pensacola Mess Hall “MicroEye Microscope Station”
  • Pensacola Opera “From Words to Music”
  • Pensacola Promise Chain Reaction “Chain Reaction Service Learning”
  • Quintette Community Park Association “Senior Citizen and Youth Programs” — The grant will help the Quintette Community Park Association to promote the safety, beautification, and well being of the Quintette/Cantonment community, and strives diligently to eradicate those elements that degrade the neighborhood by encouraging the enforcement of the original restrictive covenants; promoting good, clean and environmentally safe streets, anti-littering campaigns, neighborhood crime watches, and other avenues we deem necessary in order to enhance the quality of life in our community.
  • The Global Corner “China and Activity Book for Children”
  • UWF Foundation, “UWF Community Garden,” “Emerald Coast BEST Robotics Hub,” “Summer Institute for the National Writing Project,” and “Summer Camps for Environmental Literacy”


One Response to “IP Awards $75K In Grants To Local Schools, Groups”

  1. Bea thomas on June 6th, 2016 9:28 am

    I am so proud of the Grant and blessing the community in schools to come together we need this thank you so much blessing and honor