Incumbent McCall Prefiles For Century Mayor

June 15, 2016

Tuesday, incumbent Mayor Freddie McCall pre-filed to seek a third term.  McCall, 75, was elected to the Century Town Council in 2004, and was first elected mayor in 2007.

“We have too many good things going in Century right now, and I want to see them through,” McCall said, explaining his decision to seek reelection. “We have accomplished so much in Century, and I don’t want to see someone else mess it up.”

“I am running on my record, and I am looking for a better day in Century,” he said.

In addition to the mayor’s office, two councils seats are also for election in this year’s municipal election in Century.

The town has set qualifying dates for Council Seat 1, currently held by Ann Brooks; Council Seat 2, currently held by Annie Savage; and mayor, currently held by McCall.  Qualifying will be open from noon on Monday, June 20 until noon on Friday, June 24.

Interested candidates can qualify at the Supervisor of Elections Office in Pensacola during the week. In additional, a staff member from the Supervisor of Elections Office will be at the Century Town Hall on Wednesday, June 22 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to receive qualifying forms.

Council members must be residents of the town, while the town charter requires that the mayor have resided in the town for at least six months. file photo.


11 Responses to “Incumbent McCall Prefiles For Century Mayor”

  1. Retired on June 18th, 2016 2:00 pm!

    The mayor can continue to be reelected. I just typed the question in Google and this came up. I am going to read through it all.
    I seriously am asking this question. What would the residents of Century hope to see happen in this town? What are some of the problems that a mayor or town counsel can help with? What can they do better?

  2. just tired on June 18th, 2016 11:24 am

    Don’t they have limits on the number of times one can run for Mayor; somebody, anybody please say that I’m right. If not, then we as residents of Century need to make sure that Freddie McCall is not re-elected. Your vote should be worth more than having your gas or water bill paid.

  3. BG on June 15th, 2016 9:40 pm


  4. Willis on June 15th, 2016 9:09 pm

    So get your name on the ballot. Find out its more of a popularity contest locally than who can promise what.
    But please don’t knock the 4 or 5 people who are willing to take the verbal beatings of being a “Politician”. True enough we think so much more could be done, but which small town near us has a rainbow landing on it ?
    The one too the north or east of century ? All small towns are struggling but that doesn’t mean our officials aren’t trying.

    Get some new names on the ballot for sure, but I’m more depressed that I have to vote for Clinton or Trump than about Mr. Mccall.

  5. Angela on June 15th, 2016 5:51 pm

    We could do worse but let’s not! Let do better. Yes Thank you McCall but we want to do better!

  6. Brent on June 15th, 2016 5:29 pm

    Mr. McCall is a good Christian man, and means well in his efforts for Century. It’s an uphill battle with this little town, and he’s doing the best job he can. Nobody can wave a magic wand and create jobs, and if he could, the sad fact is 80% of people in town wouldn’t even want them. Give him another shot, because a town like Century is lucky to have someone that isn’t crooked running it. At least we’re not Pritchard.

  7. sam on June 15th, 2016 2:00 pm

    he hasn’t done a bad job. there is 0 tax base in century. very few jobs. mostly folks on the dole or retired. a few small businesses. on the wrong end of the county. we have more in common with alabama than florida. i’ll vote for McMall, we could do a lot worse.

  8. chris on June 15th, 2016 12:25 pm

    “We have too many good things going in Century right now” Is this comic relief? I would like to see that list of “good things.”

  9. Retired on June 15th, 2016 11:37 am

    Thank you Mayor for running again, your experience will be an asset. I support you and commend you for your willingness. As for the nay sayers, Who do you have in mind? There are a limited amount of folks in town and I hope some young qualified people will realize it could be them, at least to serve on the town council. I will support who ever is there, look for ways I can reach out and make improvements and hope these positions are filled. I don’t want to do it…Retired…supposed to be fishing!!! We are lucky to have some one like Freddie to keep on keeping on..I’m sure its tough..walk a mile in his shoes and see if you can do better. Contact them with solutions, ideas but it starts with each citizen pulling their own. If some one else puts in for it, I will consider them and Freddie deserves a break and could be a consultant but otherwise..Thank you again for your service Mr. McCall.

  10. Angela on June 15th, 2016 9:25 am

    I believe Century needs a fresh eye and a new mayor. Someone who wants a positive change. No changes since 2004 means we need a new mayor. His time has ended.

  11. Terrance Wright Sr on June 15th, 2016 9:06 am

    I’m hoping they get McCall out of there. Century could really be a nice place if he beat it. Also get Savage out of there I’m not a fan of her either!