Gun Sales Soar After Orlando Shooting

June 20, 2016

Gun sales have dramatically increased in Florida in the wake of Sunday’s mass shooting at an Orlando nightclub that left 49 people dead and dozens wounded.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement ran 9,854 background checks Sunday, Monday and Tuesday on people hoping to buy firearms, more than double the 4,468 during the same time frame in 2015. Another 3,956 background checks were conducted Wednesday, according to state numbers. Also, gun ranges and businesses offering concealed-weapons classes said they are seeing a spike in business.

“Anytime there is a tragedy around the United States, where people perceive that had they been armed they could have made a difference, it increases our feeling of vulnerability,” said Charlie Strickland, co-owner of the Talon Training Group gun range in Tallahassee. “In our country, you’ll see a corresponding increase in the purchase of firearms and an increase in training.”

Last year, more than 885,000 background checks were conducted for gun purchases in Florida, a record number. The state is on track to break that record in 2016, as month-to-month background check comparisons show an increase for every month when compared to the same time in 2015.


11 Responses to “Gun Sales Soar After Orlando Shooting”

  1. David Huie Green on June 22nd, 2016 10:54 pm

    “Gun makers are sure going to miss Obama”

    I suspect this time next year, everybody will.

    David for better choices

  2. Nora on June 22nd, 2016 5:17 pm

    Our government is bringing in 1,000,000,000 refugees from war torn countries. Our president has signed a rush order for them to get green cards. These people have not had any background checks at all. They could be many thousands of Isis terrorists in the mix. We Americans have had background checks before we could purchase a gun. Since the Orlando terrorist attack, our government has stepped up its campaign to confiscate law abiding citizens weapons and never speak against our do anything about the terrorist. I am more afraid of my government than anything else.

  3. Traumaqueen on June 21st, 2016 9:52 pm

    Of course he was. This helps his agenda on stricter gun control.

  4. just sayin on June 21st, 2016 10:22 am

    Gun makers are sure going to miss Obama

  5. john on June 21st, 2016 6:46 am

    I will purchase me an AR. I think I will buy my wife one of those pink ones she will just love it!!!

  6. Facetious Bob on June 20th, 2016 6:23 pm

    It’s ironic that the president and the veep were in Orlando, comforting the city, and the victims, and families, which is an honorable thing to do….The politicians in Washington are being “comforted” by the Hollywood elite, who spew violent, bloody, slasher movies, and video “games. Is there some hypocrisy here? Deluded people watch some of this trash, and think they could do the same, as it must be “normal.”

  7. David Huie Green on June 20th, 2016 5:15 pm

    And there is the inevitable thought:
    There are people out there who would kill me for no reason at all.
    The government can’t protect me from them.
    Lots of folks always talk about disarming those who obey the law which would only leave us helpless before those who disobey the law.
    I better protect myself while I still can.

    If such killings become rare, normal people feel safe and forget about their weapons.

    David for effective, benevolent governments.

  8. Sedition on June 20th, 2016 2:11 pm

    That sound is the sound of people arming themselves for a possible battle against bad guys…namely our own government if/when they eventually attempt to do away with the 2nd Amendment.
    Can you hear us now?

  9. anne on June 20th, 2016 9:47 am

    Yes,every time a tragedy strikes and all we hear is “get the guns ” everyone wants to add to their collection. No one thinks, yeah, time to turn in my gun. Americans only turn in a gun when they need to eat or pay rent as in the big cities where they pay a flat rate for each gun turned in. You can believe the gun turned in was not the only gun in the house.

  10. dman on June 20th, 2016 9:39 am

    I think this is great. More weapons in the hands of law abiding citizens will make our society much, much safer. Obama can spin the blame against conservative Christians, responsible gun owners, and Jesus himself all he wants…but until he arms the Secret Service with Bowie Knives only (and not to mention drops the wall around the WH), his words are nothing more than a bunch of wind.

  11. Sam on June 20th, 2016 5:45 am

    The american people have an inherent distrust of big government. When the government tries to take power away from the people an impose its will, people turn on it and restore order. The majority rules in a republic. The government should take notice.