Four Seek To Be Century’s Mayor; Two Council Members Unopposed

June 25, 2016

Four people are running for the office of mayor in Century, and two people have been re-elected to the town council by default.

Incumbent Mayor Freddie McCall is seeking a third term. He was elected to the Century Town Council in 2004, and was elected mayor in 2007 and to his current term in 2011.

McCall is being challenged by

  • Ben Boutwell, a first term member of the town council
  • Felic Fussner, a political newcomer
  • Henry Hawkins, a former council member who ran unsuccessfully for council in 2007 and mayor in 2011.

Five years ago, McCall defeated Hawkins 292 votes to 186.

Incumbents Ann Brooks and Annie Savage are headed back to the council; no one qualified to run against them.
A photo of Felic Fussner was not immediately available.


11 Responses to “Four Seek To Be Century’s Mayor; Two Council Members Unopposed”

  1. Old Soldier's wife on June 27th, 2016 12:08 am

    From the Old Straughn house in Century. Retired and happy to be here. Glad for all the candidates actually, I think we have it better here than many might know. Been around the world and back again. This is still a good place to be. Waves from the corner..Happy fourth of July!!! No matter who is voted in as mayor, I am optimistic. I really love this town even if a lot is based on childhood memories and ideals. There is always hope. The possibilities are endless.

  2. Watchdog on June 26th, 2016 4:47 pm

    If it matters to you, VOTE!!. registering is being made easy and believe you me, this will be made known and encouraged, as it should be. If you are 18, no felony,, resident, have ID card. They make it easy. You can get form, go to library if you can’t make it to DMV. You can request a mail in ballot and use your mailbox if you do not want to wait in line at the polls and get in all the crowd.
    Please read this link..yes You!!!
    Others will be, believe you me!!
    God Bless America and Century
    All the Best

  3. Watchdog on June 26th, 2016 3:54 pm

    “Vote splitting is an electoral effect in which the distribution of votes among multiple similar candidates reduce the chance of winning for any of the similar candidates, and increases the chance of winning for the dissimilar candidate” Wikapedia

    Hope the two that work together well and with the existing town council don’t compete and “shoot each other in the foot” and make a way for the one who doesn’t and hasn’t. I think you may have a true challenge on your hands.

  4. Citizen on June 26th, 2016 2:40 pm

    The absentee, mail in ballot is a regulated process, you can’t just pass them out. Some private citizens paid some water and gas bills anonymously and privately as not to cause jealousy but to attempt to instill hope with no other agenda but to instill a spark of hope. As far as a previous post, the decision to move the DMV and Courthouse was not made at the local level nor could it have been made otherwise. Please, no trouble makers, life is hard enough.

  5. BD on June 26th, 2016 12:35 pm

    Mr Mcall has put Century on the map. He’s done more for the town of century than anyone. I’ve never seen a harder working Mayor anywhere.

  6. just tired on June 26th, 2016 5:59 am

    I just hope and pray that the residents of Century vote for the best candidate. Your vote should be worth more than a paid water or gas bill, which is illegal anyways, and your vote shouldn’t based on friendship either. Vote for what is best for Century. We don’t need a Mayor who’s only interest is in trying to own as much of the town as he can. Century has lost enough, we need someone who is interested in more than their own personal gain. People make sure you go and vote. Don’t let anyone influence you, or bring you an absentee ballot, if at all possible, go and vote on your own. It’s time out for the corruption!

  7. David Huie Green on June 25th, 2016 9:32 pm

    “It is a very sad day in Century when anyone can run unopposed for a council. What does it say about our town. Do people not care to be anything other than top cat???”

    Couldn’t it mean they have confidence in the incumbent?

    “Work together~~~ not pull into your own little corner and try to make it “all about me” ”

    Isn’t that what they’re doing when they accept the incumbent?

    David for the best

  8. Katie on June 25th, 2016 4:20 pm

    Mr. McCall has my vote! Fyi… people have to have a vacation at some point! How was he suppose to know there was a tornado coming through?! I know he got home as quickly as possible,and did all he could to help the community out.

  9. Watchdog on June 25th, 2016 1:33 pm

    Although two council members ran unopposed, I see in the previous article that happens frequently even in Pensacola. What is the plan and vision that each candidate has? Will we hear from them.? I know Ben Boutwell will get my vote. I hope this is a chance for positive efforts to be brought to light not a chance for discention nor strife, acusation and misinformation and understanding. One to unite the whole town. I was disturbed when I began to read about Henry Hawkings in past articles and a new one in the Pensacola Voice. After the tornado, electricity and services were not turned on because things were marked by the county as substandard, NOT because the government or Gulf Power was picking on them. If you want to advance people tell them the truth, not encourage them to take a victim mentality. Use the new nonprofit that was formed for good of All of the community

  10. Sammy jo on June 25th, 2016 10:46 am

    It is a very sad day in Century when anyone can run unopposed for a council. What does it say about our town. Do people not care to be anything other than top cat???
    Get real folks. Work together~~~ not pull into your own little corner and try to make it “all about me”

  11. Justme on June 25th, 2016 9:30 am

    Henry Hawkins? What a joke. Ben has my vote all day. He was the one that was most present after the tornado while Freddie was at Daytona.