Century Council President Boutwell Resigns, Qualifies To Run For Mayor

June 21, 2016

Century Town Council President Benjamin Boutwell has submitted his resignation so that he may run for the office of mayor.

His resignation, required by Florida law to seek another elected office, is not effective until the end of the day on January 1, 2017.

“It’s been a privilege to serve our residents of Century and I look forward to continuing to serve my town, town workers and my neighbors,” Boutwell said in his letter of resignation.

Monday, Boutwell became the first candidate to officially qualify to seek the mayor’s office in Century. Incumbent Freddie McCall pre-filed last week, but had not completed the qualification process by the close of business on Monday, according to the Escambia County Supervisor of Elections Office.  The qualification period ends at noon Friday.

“I love the town; I love the citizens here,” Boutwell said, adding that he said decided to run for mayor after being asked by numerous residents. “I think I could be a big asset to the town.”

Boutwell said he’s looking to bring businesses and jobs into the town.

He will retire in December after 30 plus years in the Air Force and DOD civil service.


7 Responses to “Century Council President Boutwell Resigns, Qualifies To Run For Mayor”

  1. Betsy Boutwell Wilkerson on June 22nd, 2016 7:48 am


  2. Good News on June 21st, 2016 9:16 pm

    Ben Boutwell..what good news..I just said to my husband last night….wouldn’t it be great to see Ben run for Mayor of Century….he would really bring a new and fresh approach to the town…this is what Century really needs…there are so many towns people with good ideas for change but a deaf ear seems to be all they have gotten….Ben would be different…he loves his home town and would always have an open door for all people. If given the chance Ben will be an honest ,hard working
    Mayor for Century….and bring much needed positive changes for the town….

  3. Citizen on June 21st, 2016 2:09 pm

    I think this is wonderful news! May God grant us the Serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the Courage to change the things we can and the Wisdom to know the difference. I believe someone is feeling the calling to serve on the town council. Yes you can do it. A door is opening.

  4. melissa on June 21st, 2016 9:31 am

    Thank you Thank you Thank you Mr Boutwell

  5. just listening on June 21st, 2016 6:20 am

    Thanks Ben, Century needs some younger blood. Mayor McCall has tried to do Century some good but spreads himself thin. You being completely retired can give more thought to Century. I know you love our little town by the way you keep you home and property up. Century families that do this show that they care about the look of the town. Good Luck!

  6. chris on June 21st, 2016 5:56 am

    Maybe somebody more relevant to how life is in 2016 has a chance at breathing life into Century.

  7. just tired on June 21st, 2016 3:18 am

    Thank you Mr. Boutwell!