Century Awarded $25K Department of Economic Opportunity Grant

June 30, 2016

The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO)  has awarded a Community Planning Technical Assistance grant to the Town of Century.

The $25,000 grant will be used to update Century’s Land Development Code, which has not been updated since 1992.

Across the state, the DEO awarded grants totaling $1.3 million to 43 local governments and regional planning councils.

Cissy Proctor, Executive Director of DEO, said, “DEO’s team of community planners is committed to improving opportunities for economic development in communities both large and small across the state. Throughout the next year, technical assistance grants will help guide and support these local communities as they work to meet their area’s community, economic and workforce development needs.”

Since 2011-12, DEO has received funds to provide grants to local governments and regional planning councils. Community Planning Technical Assistance grants are for one fiscal year.

Grant funding is delivered to the community after performance measures in the grant agreement are met.

NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Century Awarded $25K Department of Economic Opportunity Grant”

  1. Century has Potential on June 30th, 2016 7:46 pm

    Been looking over the FDEO website. Thanks to the State of Florida for awarding the grant to the area. It looks like DEO awards grants and provides opportunities for those who will reach out and take advantage of them. To me it looks like DEO encourages the local government to work to establish a framework and environment for more potential growth. Then hopefully more individuals will be enabled to achieve. It is like a seed. Hope it is planted and grows. Looks like a good program to me. Perhaps Governor Scott boots on the ground did see a need and and providing in a way he saw is right after all.

  2. Resident of District 5 on June 30th, 2016 2:11 pm

    Thanks to DEO for the carrot. I suppose the planners in Century can look at the map and zones and say. “Works for me” or carefully consider how the land use can entice development or discourage it if desired. “Works for me” might be fine as variances may be granted if needed. A few tweaks here and there may have a positive affect. Thanks to the leaders for your efforts to maintain and or improve the quality of life for the residents in ways in which you can. It must be a complex yet very interesting endeavor to attempt community revitalization. Never give up! Your efforts are not going unnoticed and affect more than just the residents in the city limits Hope to see better days and noticeable improvements taking shape.