Bricks For Century High Monument Now On Sale

June 28, 2016

Bricks from the former Century High School are now for sale.

Engraved bricks will be sold at $50 each to be placed around a 1936 monument and flagpole salvaged from the former school, which was demolished due to tornado damage. In total, about 2,100 bricks were saved from the school building for the project. The $50 covers the cost of engraving the brick and construction of the monument; there is no profit made.

To print an order form, visit

The design of the monument and its exact location are yet to be determined. A committee established by the town is exploring the possibility of constructing the monument at, or very near, the actual site of the former Century High School on Hecker Road.


10 Responses to “Bricks For Century High Monument Now On Sale”

  1. Richard McCurdy on July 22nd, 2016 10:17 am

    Is the donors name being printed on brick or just CHS? Is it possible to get entire class placed together when laid, as in Class of 1963?

  2. Randy on June 29th, 2016 10:18 pm

    Sara you said it : You hit the nail right on the Head . What was the deal with it had to be torn down so quick . I saw them watering down all the debris during the demolition. Was there asbestos scare ? If so how much and is that the reason for so much secrecy and for the Rapid DEMO . Yeah some would’ve liked to have had the opportunity to have been able to take a few memorable photos . $50 per brick seems a gold bricker working here ha . A Lot of un answered questions . Sad but True .

  3. Just saying on June 29th, 2016 8:59 pm

    Way to much!! This is ridiculous!!

  4. Butting in on June 29th, 2016 3:42 pm

    I hate to hear people are still suffering there. I wonder if a higher price here may simply be because thery are old bricks, pay postage to send them somewhere, then engrave and postage to ship back. Wonder if your local monument maker could be a savings…just butting in but looks like you’ve got some bargain hunters and smart people around there. I know this must seem trivial to some if you are still waiting for other repairs.

  5. Justme on June 29th, 2016 11:09 am

    Is the $50 set in stone? Now I can see where that price does make this project upsetting and raise questions instead of offer comfort.

  6. Mindhunters on June 29th, 2016 4:44 am

    I agree $50 is way too much. When the Milton Veteran’s Memorial did their bricks it did not cost that much. I paid $30 with name and date on a new brick.Some people are still suffering after the storm. Most people around here can not afford that!

  7. Justme on June 29th, 2016 12:27 am

    Sorry the school had to come down but I think this is a commendable gesture even so. I think the idea of the flagpole and bricks in a landfill covered in garbage is even sadder. I hope you sell enough to cover the cost to erect something at least as a token of this bitter sweet memory and time in this town. I hope Century heals heart and soul and remembers.”If the tea ain’t sweet enough, add some more sugar.” I imagine they will keep good records, have some left over. Perhaps there is room on the committee if one wants to get involved. If you don’t have the $50, thats OK in time perhaps alumni and other folks will contribute. The bricks unwritten and unclaimed in the monument can represent anyone or anything you can imagine. May the tears flow and the anger and frustrations start to be left behind as we fiigure out a way to let go and move forward.

  8. Sage 2 on June 28th, 2016 7:18 pm

    Just a thought! These bricks may have more historical significance than just CHS.

    There were several brick kilns in and around Barth and Century. Could these bricks have been made and fired at the “coke” furnaces? Buy a piece of history anyway….

  9. myra.reid on June 28th, 2016 6:59 am

    I think @ some more people out there may agree if u have that.many bricks u should not have to pay they much for a brick. Flomaton when they tore down the old high school only charged 5.00 dollars a brick.with the name on it too. I could see 10.00 the max 25
    .00 which is high. The thing u r building will not be that.much.much money what.will.happen to the rest @eho will be accountable?!!! Upset.

  10. Sara on June 28th, 2016 6:54 am

    This really takes the cake; do you really think that the people of Century (for the most part) can afford a $50. brick? I’m still angry at the way this historic school building was just demolished, without a care in the world. I would have been more likely to pitch in $50. to help with the repairs to bring Century High School back to it’s early grandeur. So many memories gone, with no notice for a last tour or even a photo opportunity.