Woman Pleads Guilty To ‘Brutal’ Murder Of Stepfather Near Munson

May 4, 2016

A young woman  accused of the 2014 murder of her stepfather near Munson has now pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of second degree manslaughter. She will be sentenced next month.

Taylor Lynn Crongeyer previously  pleaded not guilty to a homicide charge. Prosecutors said she shot 40-year Aubrey Dewayne Cooley who was found dead December 26, 2014,  with a gunshot wound to his head at his Dale Hall Road home. He was tied to the trailer hitch of a pickup truck with a rope around his ankles.

When they arrived on scene, Crongeyer exited the residence with a large amount of blood on her clothing, according to an arrest report. When deputies walked through the residence, they found blood spots on the floor, a bedroom mattress and outside on the front and back porch areas. They also found a rifle on the floor at the foot of a bed in the master bedroom.

A spokesman for the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office called incident a “brutal homicide”, arresting Crongeyer just hours after the shooting.

She remains in the Santa Rosa County Jail without bond.


7 Responses to “Woman Pleads Guilty To ‘Brutal’ Murder Of Stepfather Near Munson”

  1. ashlee on May 7th, 2016 12:00 pm

    No one should pass judgment but god and nobody truly knows what happened why don’t we be humble and have compassion for both

  2. Kane on May 6th, 2016 9:47 pm

    @Melodies So we are just supposed to take her word for it? How about some proof other then “she said so” that would be great, but you wont ever get that now because that man can no longer defend himself or give an account or even be questioned. It is easy to claim any type of story if you are the only story teller.

  3. Amazing on May 6th, 2016 5:15 pm

    It’s amazing how when some people see a young lady who has committed a heinous crime against a man you assume that the man must have somehow deserved it.

    Yet when a man commits a similar crime against a woman, yous got nothing to say.

    Sometimes people, both male and female are just bad apples…..

  4. danny bolton on May 4th, 2016 7:12 pm

    He must have done something to her for such an outrage.

  5. Melodies4us on May 4th, 2016 5:11 pm

    In response to ” why?” : If she was being abused, then her step father deserved it. . . . and unless you ‘ve ever been in an abusive relationship, do not pass judgement on her. There is no way out for a female in most abusive relationships.

  6. why? on May 4th, 2016 1:20 pm

    What would possess a once lovely young lady to do something so heinous? I’m glad she changed her plea, but it’s terribly sad. Her life is ruined.

  7. SHO-NUFF on May 4th, 2016 2:54 am

    How can you shoot someone in the head while they are sleeping, drag the body to the woods and attempt to bury it, then drag it back and be charged with second degree manslaughter?
    I guess the old saying a dead man cant testify in court is true.