Resurfacing, Widening Projects Underway On Hwy 99, Barrineau Park Road

May 10, 2016

Projects are now 70 to 80 percent complete to widen and resurface several miles of County Road 99 and Barrineau Park Road.

Work is 70 percent complete on a project to widen and resurface seven miles of Highway 99 from Barrineau Park Road north to Highway 97A in Bay Springs, according to Escambia County.  Construction on the project began in October 2015 and  will be submitted to the Federal Highway Administration Agency (FHWA) for  reimbursement at an estimated project  construction cost of $2.87 million. Work is expected to be completed by November 2016.

The second project is 80 percent complete to widen and resurface Barrineau Park Road from Highway 99 to Jacks Branch Road. Escambia County will seek reimbursement for $1.2 million when work is completed in December 2016.

The contractor for both projects, Panhandle Grading and Paving, is continuing to add paved shoulders and widen the road to 11-foot travel lanes, and also install driveway pipes The project also includes  other work typically associated with resurfacing and widening, including drainage, sodding and pavement striping.

Both roads will be resurfaced with in final layer of asphalt.

In addition to the two county projects, the Florida Department of Transportation upgraded the railroad crossing on Highway 99  south Highway 97A. photos, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Resurfacing, Widening Projects Underway On Hwy 99, Barrineau Park Road”

  1. Willis on May 11th, 2016 9:43 pm

    Getting your road work information from a water company sounds kinda like getting medical advice from the post office…

  2. Oak Grove Bud on May 10th, 2016 6:33 pm

    Hwy 99 north of Hwy 97 – major route to Bratt elementary and North View High school, terrible road. Pine Barren road north from Breastworks road to Hwy 4 another terrible road. Do these schools get any considerations for repaving these roads? Teachers and students drive these awful roads.

  3. Kevin Bethea on May 10th, 2016 6:31 pm

    Let’s cut them a little slack, Mother Nature hasn’t been very cooperative for this project. I have lived my whole life in Bay Springs, and any improvement to this road is welcome no matter how long it takes. There will be a finish coat put down to even everything out towards the end of the project. It is always done last so that most of the heavy equipment traffic is finished and less likely to damage the finished product.

  4. Bonnie Exner on May 10th, 2016 2:33 pm

    Totally agree with BPSR.

  5. Papermaker on May 10th, 2016 10:46 am

    How many times did I run off the pavement, meeting log trucks etc., back when I made the daily commute from Dry Springs to the office at St. Regis? I had to check this out. Drove it just to see for myself.
    Next, finish paving Phillips (Barlow Rd.) “all the way” to Wolf Head Hill? Not in my lifetime?

  6. trish on May 10th, 2016 9:38 am

    Certainly would have been nice to have at least a smooth even widening on Hwy 99 from Hwy 97 up to the Alabama stateline……….

  7. B on May 10th, 2016 8:36 am

    I have so much dirt washing away around driveway, mailboxes, and drainage ditches. and driveway that was solidly paved before job started is horrible, with potholes. When I go to mailbox, I usually twist my ankle because of these holes. They should finish a job before taking on a new one. Very disappointed!!

  8. BPSR on May 10th, 2016 7:44 am

    During all of this work it is my understanding from personnel at Molino Utilities that they were also supposed to re-pave Barrineau Park School Road. Due to poor planning, the road was resurfaced prior to new waterline being installed. Since the re-paving, within the first week, we already had leaks that caused damage to our newly paved road. Now that all the waterline has been replaced the road needs to be re-paved. There are multiple damaged areas due to the old waterline leaking.

    Concerning the widening of Barrineau Park Road. When the section running from Hwy 29 to Jack’s Branch was re-paved, it was done right! The portion from the bridge close to Jack’s Branch interchange to Hwy 99, where only shoulders were added, causes your tire to grab and pull if you get close to the “seam” where the added portion meets the old portion due to the uneven “seam”. There is a shoulder portion that has been left uncomplete between Barrineau Park School Road and the bridge close to Jack’s Branch that is so poor it is actually a hazard. This is a prime place to “meet” a logging truck! Very thankful for the widening and replacement of guard rail at the curve just before the bridge.

    William, thank you for reporting what you have here. Please also report on some of these specific concerns when you are able to do so.

    Thankful for the widening, just would like to see it done in a “finished” and timely manner, more like the widening between Hwy 29 and Jack’s Branch area was done.

  9. steve on May 10th, 2016 7:27 am

    Hope it last a lot longer than the Beulah Rd Project. Its been patched about 5 times in the last 5 months and has a ton of problems already. The most recent repair was about 100 yards the patched is already bad again. Look like melted Cake.

    its supposed to last 10 years. It has not even been a year yet!!

  10. Hudson SR on May 10th, 2016 7:25 am

    I agree with CW except they did resurface ,only they did it before they did the shoulders. they need to go back and put a finish layer after all the widening is complete.

  11. dnl on May 10th, 2016 6:10 am

    It seems like work was moving along pretty good when they first started but not much has been going on lately except dirt work on the sides of the road. I welcome the new roads but wish that somehow whoever gets the bid for the job would have an incentive to get it completed in a more timely fashion.

  12. CW on May 10th, 2016 4:12 am

    I hate the way they widen these roads, the edges end up so uneven that you still need to drive towards the center. They should just wait until the whole thing needs resurfacing.