Judge Rules Death Penalty Fix Unconstitutional

May 10, 2016

A Miami-Dade County judge ruled Monday that a state law allowing the death penalty to be imposed without a unanimous jury decision is unconstitutional, adding to the challenges facing Florida’s capital punishment structure.

In his 18-page opinion, Circuit Judge Milton Hirsch said a recent change to death-penalty sentencing means Florida prosecutors now need the votes of all 12 jurors to impose the death penalty, instead of a majority or supermajority.

“A 21st-century Floridian seeking to argue that the right purported to be protected by (the state Constitution) does not include the requirement of a unanimous verdict must be prepared to rebut the unequivocal expression of the common law, the received wisdom of 19th-century Florida lawyers and judges, a handful of reported Florida opinions, and a century-and-a-half of shared understanding,” Hirsch wrote. “And he must be prepared to do so without any ammunition at all, for he will find no Florida cases, no Florida law-review articles, and no Florida history to support his position.”

Hirsch’s findings in the case of Karon Gaiter, who is charged with one count of first-degree murder, came after the Legislature approved changes to Florida’s death-penalty system during the annual session that ended in March. Those changes were prompted by a U.S. Supreme Court decision that tossed the state’s previous regime for instituting the death penalty.

Under the old system, a majority of jurors could issue a death-penalty recommendation that could be followed or ignored by the judge in the case. But under the new law, at least 10 members of the jury must vote for capital punishment in order for a convicted murderer to be put to death; the judge can instead sentence the defendant to life in prison, but can’t impose the death penalty if the jury hasn’t recommended it.

That, Hirsch wrote, essentially changed the jury’s decision from a “straw poll” to a verdict, which has always been understood to require a unanimous vote.

“Every verdict in every criminal case in Florida requires the concurrence, not of some, not of most, but of all jurors — every single one of them,” he wrote in the ruling, posted online by the Miami Herald.

During the spring legislative session, the state Senate pushed to require a unanimous vote for the death penalty, but the state House balked, and Attorney General Pam Bondi and state prosecutors also opposed the proposal. In a compromise, the two chambers settled on requiring 10 jurors to vote for the death penalty. Hirsch’s ruling is almost certain to be appealed.

Somewhat ironically, it was a different part of the sentencing process that drew the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that struck down Florida’s death penalty process. The high court’s 8-1 decision, in a case known as Hurst v. Florida, found that the state’s system of giving judges — and not juries — the power to impose death sentences is an unconstitutional violation of defendants’ Sixth Amendment right to trial by jury.

The Hurst decision dealt with what are known as aggravating circumstances that must be determined before defendants can be sentenced to death. A 2002 U.S. Supreme Court ruling, in a case known as Ring v. Arizona, requires that determinations of such aggravating circumstances must be made by juries, not judges.

Under Florida’s new law, juries will have to unanimously determine “the existence of at least one aggravating factor” before defendants can be eligible for death sentences. The law also requires at least 10 jurors to recommend the death penalty in order for the sentence to be imposed.

At the time that the law passed, some legislators raised the possibility that a non-unanimous jury recommendation could come back to haunt the Legislature. But prosecutors and victims’ advocates said the Supreme Court hasn’t ruled that unanimity is required.

Last week, the Florida Supreme Court heard arguments on whether convicted murderers who were sentenced to death before the Hurst decision are entitled to automatically have their sentences reduced to life in prison without the chance for parole. That case doesn’t revolve around the unanimity issue.

by Brandon Larrabee, The News Service Of Florida


7 Responses to “Judge Rules Death Penalty Fix Unconstitutional”

  1. Mike on May 13th, 2016 9:42 am

    Just an opinion right? I mean, as a county judge, he can’t really “rule” on this, correct? Higher courts hold sway, seems like.

  2. nod on May 12th, 2016 2:07 pm

    Where is your compassion. Don’t you understand that murders have more rights than their victims. It’s the American way. At least bleeding heart liberals believe that. I say hang’em high and let the vultures pick their ones.

  3. rasbone on May 12th, 2016 8:08 am

    Why do we even have a death penalty?It cost millions to house them and years,if ever,to put them to death.Some of them on death row have been there for 30 years.Either put them to death on get rid of the burden of housing them.

  4. Jim on May 10th, 2016 8:56 pm

    Is anyone tired of judges trying to make s name for themselves by legislating from the bench? The Constitution does not require unanimous verdict at the state court level. It’s already been rolled all by the Supreme Court in the past. If this judge was actually right then Oregon (10-2) and Louisiana (11-1) at the overturn every conviction and empty their prisons. I am so sick of judges not following the law.

  5. David Huie Green on May 10th, 2016 5:49 pm

    Interestingly, even though he cites Common Law, it seems he forgets United States Supreme Court decisions which state that unanimity is NOT required as long as the jury consists of more than six jurors.

    David for extended and more comprehensive reading

  6. Rodney on May 10th, 2016 8:28 am

    Is the system operating as designed if one juror decides the fate of the accused? Defendants are to be judged by a jury of their peers and to have a unanimous vote in a jury trial contradicts the democratic process. Why not consider the victims or their survivors and use the opposite choice? If one juror opts for the death penalty, the defendant receives that punishment. When did law stop caring for victims and their loved ones?

  7. john on May 10th, 2016 6:50 am

    This is just more proof that our justice system is broken, it is common knowledge that you always have at least juror that will against the death penalty, if your going to give all that power to one individual why have a jury system to begin with!!!! The jury is supposed to determine GUILTY or NOT GUILTY and the judge to issues the JUDGEMENT hince: JUDGE we have everything backwards. But then again we as a nation lack GOD given discernment, because we are separated from GOD!!! IT doesn’t take 18 pages to figure that out!!!