Inmate Airlifted To The Hospital After Altercation At Century Prison

May 28, 2016

The Florida Department of Corrections is releasing little information about an altercation at Century Correctional Institution that ended with an inmate airlifted to the hospital Friday.

“An inmate was injured as the result of an apparent inmate on inmate altercation,”  FDOC said in a written statement to

Escambia County EMS was called to the prison just after 7 a.m. Thursday. An inmate was reportedly transported to the EMS post in Century and then flown by LifeFlight helicopter to a Pensacola hospital. There was no information available on the extent of the inmate’s injuries or his condition.

The Florida Department of Corrections Office of Inspector General (OIG) is the lead investigative authority for the case.

“The Department will employ all available resources to ensure that a thorough investigation is completed. As this is an open and active criminal investigation, this is all of the information available at this time,” the FDOC statement said.


28 Responses to “Inmate Airlifted To The Hospital After Altercation At Century Prison”

  1. Duke of Wawbeek on June 1st, 2016 6:07 am

    To the devil with these cost issues, it is time for the administrators to allow the COs to get a firm upper hand over these inmates.

    As long as the inmates dictate policy, there will be never ending problems.

  2. Traumaqueen on May 31st, 2016 9:18 pm

    Uninsured,underinsured and poor people are transported by Life Flight all the time and we’re upset about an inmate being transported by helicopter? Who do you think pays those unpaid bills?

    Transportation,either by ambulance or helicopter, isn’t decided by the ability to pay. Thank goodness or a lot of critical patients would die before ever reaching the hospital. Wouldn’t it be horrible if it was one of your loved ones who needed transport and they didn’t get the transportation they need because they didn’t have the means to pay? Who made us God and let us decide who does or doesn’t get that type of care? Yes, it is horrible that you and I pay for the medical bills for those who don’t or can’t pay but it is a fact of life.

    Imagine your loved one has had a stroke and they are on medicare. They live in the country and need to be transported to the hospital within the “golden hour” to get the medicine they need so just maybe they won’t be permanently damaged by the stroke. It takes the ambulance 20 minutes to get to the residence,10 minutes to assess the pt and another 50 minutes to reach the hospital by ambulance. Do you really care if they can pay the bill or do you want them to get the medical care they need to recover or even live?

  3. David Huie Green on May 31st, 2016 10:58 am

    “Just because someone is in prison doesn’t mean they deserve to die because they were attacked. None of the details of the altercation were listed in the article, please try to have an open mind, it could be someone you love in there.”

    Or at least a friend, relative or old classmate.

    Read what folks really said.
    Nobody made a blanket statement calling on all to drop dead.
    At most, they expressed dislike of the expense and questioned the method of giving life-saving aid.

    This does, however, remind all that some inmates are not as good as we would wish, somewhat unsocial, downright dangerous.
    This is why they should remain locked away and why all should try to stay out of their reach.

    David for reading skills and better people

  4. be on May 31st, 2016 9:00 am

    Just because it was inmate on inmate doesn’t mean it was consensual. There are plenty of lifers there that don’t care about beating the crap out of someone that may only have a year left or that may be there from the Work Camp. Just because someone is in prison doesn’t mean they deserve to die because they were attacked. None of the details of the altercation were listed in the article, please try to have an open mind, it could be someone you love in there.

  5. David Huie Green on May 30th, 2016 4:58 pm

    “I think its is very unethical for someone to moan and complain about an inmate getting hurt and our tax dollars covering it.”*

    What code of ethics forbids complaining about taxes?

    “Before you complain about the tax dollars spent here why aren’t you complaining about people stealing food stamp money, ssi and medicaid etc.”

    What on earth would make you think tax-paying people aren’t complaining about that too?? They don’t like unnecessary expenses from parasites.

    “I was sent to prison for 3 years for breaking a car window. A frigging car window. Does that make me a bad person?”

    Not the being sent to prison part, no.
    The breaking a window vandalism? Yes, it does.
    The very fact that you think it doesn’t shows you still…
    Try The Golden Rule test: Would you like it if someone broke your window for fun and/or profit? Would a good person do that to you? “Thou art the man.”

    “If you’ve never been on the inside then don’t say a word.”

    I’ve never been nor will a bad person who forbids good people from speaking be heeded.

    David for understanding rather than excuses

  6. Jon Jones on May 30th, 2016 8:25 am

    @ Kevin according to public records from 2003 to 2009 you have 103 public records of some sort (Traffic, Domestic violence , various , misdemeanor’s , various felony’s and civil suit . 07/09/2006 CRIMINAL MISCHIEF/PROP.DAMAGE 3Y state prison on this sentence Release Date 12/17/2011. Also prior prison sentence of 1 year and 1 day CRIMINAL MISCHIEF/PROP.DAMAGE Release date 01/25/2008 So yes at that time you were a bad citizen don’t know you as a person and yes you can or may have changed good luck on being a productive citizen. People can have there opinions on what tax dollars spent right or wrong and you don’t have to like it ! Good Luck on remaining a Good Person and Good Citizen ! I am thinking maybe a field in politics for you !

  7. fisherman on May 30th, 2016 8:01 am

    @ Kevin have you checked your record at Escambia County Circuit Court friend I did and it’s more than a broken window. I am glad you got your life together and are doing well. You need to think before posting as I know your whole record and it’s not good.

  8. Josh on May 29th, 2016 8:28 am

    I remember you. When you got put in confinement you thretoto kill one of my sergeants when you got out. I remember you saying you would hide in the woods and shoot him when he got off work. But I guess that could have been a different Kevin enfinger because you are so good now

  9. fisherman on May 29th, 2016 7:46 am

    Stop and think if that was your family member hurt and a life flight could save their life you would be praising the individual who made that life flight call. Yea it’s expensive but a law suit would have cost a lot more so life flight was a cheap call.

  10. c,,w, on May 29th, 2016 5:21 am

    This has to make scott and jones happy.

  11. Who knows on May 29th, 2016 5:13 am

    ProudArmyParent & Ex co, you are exactly right, they even snoop these days, I’ve heard anyway, unless someone else reports to Tallahassee, you even have to be careful about jokes one places on Facebook, you don’t have to be an ugly person, just share a joke you think is funny when you read it & not think first. You have to be careful who you tell stuff too, some people will then run tell & twist or exaggerate your story. FDOC doesn’t like anybody knowing their business, especially when it’s bad that might give them a black eye. @ Kevin zen finger, it’s good that you do good now, keep it up, but your not as good as you think you are, because you broke the frigging window. I don’t know what happened, it could have been a mistake & yes without knowing what exactly happened 3 years does sound like alot, but if you were committing a crime, by breaking into a car, house, domestic violence, etc., you were in the wrong but you just think it’s a frigging window, it wasn’t just a frigging window, you broke it, own up to, you did wrong, except it & not make it sound so meaningless. Point is, you did it period, it was wrong. Face it, but if you got a problem with fake people, report them, they’re wrong too, by staying home, collecting money just to sit on their keister while others have to stand outside directly in the sun, watching other criminals, play outside for hours, get in a line to eat, etc., it’s their job yeah, But if the criminals would act right,by not breaking the law by whatever they do, they wouldn’t have to be watched like a bunch of babies.

  12. Congrats to you Mr. Enfinger! on May 29th, 2016 12:24 am

    @Kevin Enfinger….prison worked for you! Continue to improve yourself and contribute to society !

  13. Dan on May 29th, 2016 12:00 am

    Why can’t we complain how our tax dollars are spent Kevin while you were in prison we were supporting your sorry behind too. It may be true that everyone in prison is not bad but most people there did bad things and we the productive members of society that didn’t take three years for breaking a window are sick of it.

  14. Mike on May 28th, 2016 11:32 pm

    Inmate on inmate? Man, why can’t we get them to organize this on pay-per-view? It would help defray the cost of prisons. :D

  15. really on May 28th, 2016 10:53 pm

    Kevin you had a pretty long rap sheet so wasn’t just the window only your 4th criminal mischief and you barely did over a year (public record).

  16. Kevin Enfinger on May 28th, 2016 5:05 pm

    I think its is very unethical for someone to moan and complain about an inmate getting hurt and our tax dollars covering it. Just because someone is an inmate does not mean they are a bad person. I did 3 years at century ci and im not a bad person. People make mistakes all the time. some people get caught some people dont. Just becuase someone made a mistake does not make them a bad person or unworthy of help. Before you complain about the tax dolalrs spent here why arent you complaining about peopel stealing food stamp money ssi and medicaid ect. I knwo many people 100 percent capable of working. they live off of ssi disability and other means yet they have a brand new house and 2 brand new cars. Just because your incarcerated dont make you bad. It was a straight Blessing from God for me to be incarcerated it made me realize alot and get my life straight. Now im doing very well and contributing to societty. So before you go comeplaing thing about things nad family memebrs that may be seeing this post. Its not always that someone is bad. You wanna save tax dollar vote in another judge and do your duties as a citizen. I was sent to prison for 3 years for breaking a car window. A frigging car window. Does that make me a bad person. If youve never been on the inside then dont say a word.

  17. Ex co on May 28th, 2016 4:05 pm

    This has been going on for years. It’s just now coming out for public knowledge. They have also had another staff assault since the last one. The state can’t keep decent help because the wages are extremely low and this puts everyone at risk that works there.

  18. ProudArmyParent on May 28th, 2016 3:02 pm

    I hope you protect your sources as FDOC does not like their people to open up about what is truly going on. FDOC doesn’t believe in retaliation Officer on Inmate, but they don’t have a problem with ending a career when someone air FDOC’s dirty laundry.

  19. David Huie Green on May 28th, 2016 1:35 pm

    ” I’m more worried about our military spending $610.096 billion a year than the $39 billion a year our prison’s cost us.”

    How much is protection worth?

    David for survival

  20. David Huie Green on May 28th, 2016 1:33 pm

    Prison wouldn’t be so bad if you just had better neighbors and them a bit further away.

  21. Tom on May 28th, 2016 12:06 pm

    Taxes? I have no problem paying my taxes to support this prison and all other things that keep the State and Federal Government functioning. These people in prison will likely be back in society one day, It is utterly absurd to me that the citizens i.e. “tax payers” would likely refuse care for these jailed inmates given the choice. I’m more worried about our military spending $610.096 billion a year than the $39 billion a year our prison’s cost us.

  22. Jack on May 28th, 2016 12:03 pm

    Hey Mr. Dan

    I was told it was $50,000 a flight to be air lifted.

  23. Leadership issue on May 28th, 2016 10:54 am

    All these issues at this prison has to make someone besides me wonder why something isn’t being done to fix these problems. It only takes one or two bad apples to spoil the whole batch especially when the bad apples are on top.

  24. Don on May 28th, 2016 10:52 am

    The article reads”inmate on inmate” why do the taxpayers of this state have to pay for an air ambulance? I understand the need for emergency life saving measures,however when it is between inmates that is a different story,an ems ambulance would be slower but they also have “life support” onboard,let the chips fall well they may but.if your in prison BEHAVE!!! because you didn’t on the outside is why your IN THERE to start with!!!!

  25. Dan on May 28th, 2016 9:10 am

    I’m glad north escambia started reporting some of the things that go on at the prison. It helps the public know what The people that work there go through. Also just so the tax payers know that helicopter flight cost you 25 thousand that’s what they charge the state

  26. Well on May 28th, 2016 8:21 am

    Glad it wasn’t staff.

  27. Christina Helton on May 28th, 2016 7:23 am

    Hope everything is okay and pray it isnt my kids dad he is there dping a 15 year sentence gosh hope no one was bad hurt.

  28. Don on May 28th, 2016 6:13 am

    Yippee!!! more taxpayer dollars for expensive air ambulance….