Florida GOP Tries To Come To Terms With Trump

May 5, 2016

As Donald Trump essentially locked up the Republican presidential nomination late Tuesday, Florida GOP leaders began facing a decision none of them expected to be making a year ago: Line up behind the real-estate mogul’s White House bid, or figure out how to win around him in the fall.

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, the last Republican given much of a chance of beating Trump at the Republican National Convention this summer, dropped out of the race Tuesday night after a crushing loss in Indiana. Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who lagged far behind, followed suit Wednesday morning — clearing the field for Trump.

Shortly after Trump’s victory Tuesday, Republican Party of Florida Chairman Blaise Ingoglia issued a statement calling on the party to get over a contentious primary that once included U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

“Now, we must all come together as a party and complete the task at hand, which is defeating Hillary Clinton in November,” Ingoglia said. “A Clinton presidency would be disastrous for this country, our military, our debt, our freedoms and the Supreme Court.”

Joe Gruters, co-chairman of Trump’s campaign in Florida, said Wednesday the party has already started to gel behind the billionaire developer, who will now lead the GOP’s quest to put together 270 electoral votes in the general election. Florida is likely to be crucial to that effort. If Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee, simply wins the states that have voted for her party in every election dating back to 1992, a victory in Florida would put her in the White House.

“People will come together,” Gruters said. “It’s always difficult after an election to see your guy go down.”

Gov. Rick Scott long ago said the GOP should back Trump, and some candidates running for other offices began calling for party unity on Wednesday. Carlos Beruff, a U.S. Senate candidate whose outspoken style has drawn comparisons to Trump, called on his fellow Republicans to back the nominee.

Like many trying to rally the party around Trump — whose slashing attacks on presidential rivals helped spark a particularly contentious race — Beruff zeroed in on the possibility of a third straight presidential win for Democrats after President Barack Obama’s victories in 2008 and 2012.

“Beating Hillary Clinton in November should be the first goal of all Republicans,” Beruff said. “Donald Trump is the nominee of our party, and I am committed to voting for him and supporting him so that we can take our country back from the liberal policies of Obama and Clinton.”

But other Republicans were balking at the possibility. Members of the #NeverTrump movement that sprung up on social media in response to Trump’s growing popularity insisted that “never means never” — and that they would not vote for Trump in November.

“I expect enough Republicans of conscience and principle will not vote for Donald Trump that it’s going to make it very difficult to win the presidency,” said Rick Wilson, a Republican strategist in Florida who has been a leading voice against Trump.

Wilson said he also expected some Republicans, especially in swing districts, to be hesitant about lining up behind Trump. While some Democrats are already cautioning that Trump could have hidden strengths in a general election, the nominee still polls poorly among women and Hispanic voters.

“You’re not latching onto a campaign that has coattails in a possible direction for most candidates. … There will not be the rally effect that you normally get with a presidential candidate,” Wilson said.

Democrats were already seeking to capitalize on the dynamic of Trump at the top of the ticket. Congressional candidates sent out emails Wednesday trying to fundraise off the GOP front-runner, or get in some shots.

Congressman Patrick Murphy, one of two Democrats running for Florida’s open U.S. Senate seat, raised the possibility in a fund-raising letter of a Republican-controlled Senate confirming a Trump Supreme Court nominee. And the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee tried to tie a slew of Republican candidates running for Murphy’s U.S. House seat to the GOP presidential candidate.

“Inflammatory rhetoric cost Republicans in 2012, now with Trump at the top of the ticket, Brian Mast, Rebecca Negron, and the host of Republican candidates won’t be able to escape their divisive leader who has offended women, minorities and veterans across the Treasure Coast,” said Jermaine House of the DCCC.

State Rep. Dennis Baxley, an Ocala Republican running for the Florida Senate in a strongly Republican district, said he thought much of the anger behind the #NeverTrump movement would begin to cool with time.

“I do think people have to look at the big picture, too, and realize that governing is a crucible that will temper anyone’s posture,” he said.

Baxley also said candidates down the ballot might try to learn things from Trump’s unorthodox campaign, whether joining him in touting the fact that they’re investing in their own campaigns or shying away from referring to “endorsements” by that name.

And at least one prominent Democratic strategist noted parallels to a Florida election in 2010, when an outsider businessman clashed with the Republican Party establishment before winning the top spot on the ticket: Gov. Rick Scott.

“He rightly gambled that #NeverScott would go away after the primary, and the establishment would quickly come together,” strategist Steve Schale wrote in an open letter to fellow Democrats.

by Brandon Larrabee, The News Service of Florida


21 Responses to “Florida GOP Tries To Come To Terms With Trump”

  1. sd on May 8th, 2016 3:39 pm

    Carlos Beruff’s main claim to fame before becoming a Senate candidate was selling tainted Chinese drywall to unsuspecting homeowners and then fighting them in court over damages.

    As a Republican the quality of some of our candidates is shockingly bad.

  2. RC on May 7th, 2016 4:58 am

    As I watch this election “process” go on one thing has become clear to me, and it’s pretty disgusting. Our officials want a POLITICIAN in office, and it seems they want it that way so badly they (Republicans) are willing to sabotage Trump and essentially put Clinton in office because under the skin of being Republican or Democrat she’s “one of us”- a POLITICIAN. It seems to me that our people in government want what’s good for them, not us and not our country. Trump, while not my favorite person in the world, is the strongest candidate the Republicans have had running in a long time and the Party is undermining him every chance they get. It’s shocking to see the tactics they are employing to achieve what THEY want, not us. Yet most of them don’t want to be seen or own up to doing it. Perhaps it’s time for a mass purging in Washington. Remember what we’ve seen folks, and vote the ones that don’t do as we say (that’s their job, isn’t it?) out of office. The corruption runs deep on both sides and needs to be cut out like a cancer.

  3. Mike J. on May 6th, 2016 8:15 am

    In my opinion, my description of Donald Trump is an arrogant bully mean jerk. I can’t forget the way he treated Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz during the debates. You don’t attack and blame a man for the actions of his brother. Would any of you want to be blamed for something your brother or sister did?

    As far as business leadership, you don’t have to be a jerk in order to be a good CEO. Mitt Romney proved that in business and government. If you want a former CEO as President, I would rather have Romney instead of Trump. Both had business successes and failures, but Romney’s character handles it better.

    There is no way I would ever vote for Hillary, but she will win. Why? For several reasons: because of the “First Woman President” thing, because of the millions of Americans who want free handouts taken from the “rich”, because Trump has angered the Hispanics (now a larger minority than African-Americans), and because of Trump’s behavior that people see as not presidential.

    So you Trump fans are fooling yourselves if you really think Trump can beat Hillary. I choose to be pessimistic and realistic instead of optimistic and disappointed then depressed.

  4. Well on May 6th, 2016 6:47 am

    Seems most agree to vote against one or the other, not necessarily for one.

    Think I’ll vote against what’s been building for years.
    No more Clintons.

  5. Ponderosa hill on May 6th, 2016 5:24 am

    The 2012 Presidential election was essentially lost by Romney not winning Florida,Ohio,Penn,Va……Romney was almost the perfect candidate….handsome,well educated,rich,well connected, perfect hair & teeth & rhetoric….deeply religious and a great family man. “The perfect Candidate”. To me however, he grinned too much ( I called him Mr. Smiley ). For you Republicans to the bone I’d like you to understand there are millions MORE registered Democrats than registered Republicans. So how exactly do you plan to beat the Liberals/ democrats ? Trump seemed brash,arrogant, a braggart and was very painful to watch in the debates. I’m thinking this next election is more about our survival ( as a Republic ) . I switched to voting as an Independent probably 15/20 years ago. I never thought I could/ would back a New York Yankee ( I’m a Southerner ) but it’s our children and grand children’s future at stake. Trump ain’t my favorite human….but of the 7 billion on earth there’s only a handful that are. When our founders gave us our ” rules to live by ” they told us they’d given us a REPUBLIC if we could keep it. It’s time to “put up or shut up”

  6. Robert on May 6th, 2016 3:27 am

    I know I am in the minority in NW FL but Trump as president? He’ll probably pick Hulk Hogan as his running mate, Secretary of Defense Joe Arpaio, Secretary of State David Duke and so on. I just don’t think America is going to let that happen.

  7. Jcellops on May 6th, 2016 12:58 am

    Here’s how I think of it….with Clinton – we are DEFINATELY heading into the abyss …with Trump- we “might” be going into the abyss….I’m planning to hold my nose, pray and go with the best odds. Anonymous recently put out a VERY revealing documentary on Mrs. Clinton and her modus operandi from way back in her Arkansas political life- up to now…..It makes Trump’s ambiguous history look like child’s play. I’m anxiously awaiting the announcement of Trump’s running mate. (I’m thinking Newt)

  8. Mike on May 6th, 2016 12:15 am

    @ RTR:

    Always! LOL! :D

  9. Mike on May 6th, 2016 12:14 am

    @ Bob C.:

    Good idea, except mail can be “filtered”. :)

  10. EMD on May 6th, 2016 12:04 am

    Does anyone study history. I do not know who to trust, but I KNOW not to trust a Socialist or a Communist. All through history we see this system fail over and over and over again. The “leaders” get rich while their “subjects” get poorer and are punished and/or killed for dissenting. All the “freebies” for the “masses,” will become their CHAINS! Too many ignorant, brainwashed, drug addicted people allowed to vote. There is so much corruption in our government. If I had been out of this country for fifty years and just returned, I would not even recognize it as the country in which I was born and raised. MANY people who do not have a clue are going to vote. A vote for ANYONE other than Donald Trump, will now be a vote for Communist minded Hillary. So many uninformed people are going to vote for who they believe will give them what they want. If they win, they will soon be “slaves of the state.” So sad.

  11. Gregory Boyd on May 5th, 2016 11:41 pm

    RIP GOP. You couldn’t find a better candidate. Thanks for handing it to the hilldabeast

  12. sam on May 5th, 2016 8:58 pm

    no brainer for me. i despise any politician. they tell everyone what they want to hear and do nothing. i go with trump.

  13. RTR on May 5th, 2016 8:25 pm


  14. Bob C. on May 5th, 2016 7:20 pm

    @ Mike
    Encourage the groups you noted to Vote Absentee and make sure they mail in their ballot.
    Great for shut-ins and others with limited transportation means.

  15. Ajay on May 5th, 2016 5:40 pm

    I am tired on holding my nose to vote for someone who’s values and beliefs do not align with mine. To receive my vote you must come some what close. #awaitingelection2020

  16. Brenda on May 5th, 2016 5:35 pm

    Clinton does not need to be in the white house I don’t think a woman needs to be in the white house keep her out but GOD going to put whoever in there his word going to be full filled anyway no matter who gets get this country is already in a big mess no one can straight it out.

  17. FromTexas on May 5th, 2016 11:45 am

    Wendell, you are absolutely correct… Just because I will not vote for Trump doesn’t necessarily mean that I am voting for Clinton. Trump is a disgrace for destroying the character of a very good man who loves his family & this county and is devoted to the constitution. What we’re about to get is a populous, establishment/moderate and so-called republican, who will say and do anything to gain power. You brainwashed people have lost your moral compass and conservative values and gave the nomination to what a reality TV star who treats women like crap. This selection will cause severe problems in America, dark days are upon us; Obama started this and Trump will complete it…

  18. Mike on May 5th, 2016 9:47 am

    The Welfare Check & Wrap Me In Swaddling Clothes & Take All My Freedoms I Don’t Care faction will be pushing hard for their candidate (Hilly) so the Gray Brigade will need to be out in force, the vans & buses need to be at every nursing home in the nation to get them to the polls in November.

    Every base, VA Hospital & VFW will need transports to get the Military & ex-Military people to the polls. We have got to stem The Evil Tide That Wants A Free Ride on the backs of fine upstanding working people by VOTING FOR TRUMP!

    The power of Soros & Buffett can be overridden, & Trump can win. :)

  19. wendell on May 5th, 2016 9:30 am

    A vote for anyone other than Trump is not a vote for Clinton. Only a vote for Clinton is a vote for Clinton. I cannot forgive the way he chose to win. Constantly lying about and attacking the character of Cruz has only revealed his own. I will not support that man. Good luck, GOP. #NeverTrump

  20. dman on May 5th, 2016 8:54 am

    Give me Trump, give me carter, give me homey the clown over the liar Klinton. She’s being investigated by the FBI for crying out loud…but hides behind her last name and the corresponding media protection! Even the bluff post is lamenting about her avoidance of scrutiny- a problem that they created! Please DO NOT sit home on election day. PLEASE hold your nose and vote Trump- at least he’s created something!

  21. Bob C. on May 5th, 2016 7:00 am

    If you are Not voting for Mrs. Clinton,
    and if you are Republican and are one of the #NeverTrump believers,
    then by withholding your vote for Trump
    you are helping put Mrs. Clinton into the White House.

    And, PLEASE, do not push for the current governor of Florida to be Trump’s running mate.

    LORD, Help Us…