Evers Calls For Governor, AG To Fight Transgender Bathroom Directive

May 20, 2016

State Senator Greg Evers has sent letters to Governor Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi urging them to provide legal support to school superintendents who have vowed to reject new federal guidelines on transgender school bathroom access.

“I formally request your office to direct every available legal resource to assist in the fight to protect common sense school policies and ensure that not one dime of federal funding is pulled from these
districts,” the letter from Evers said.

Schools across the Florida Panhandle already implement the least disruptive, most common sense approach to protecting student privacy, regardless of a student’s gender. The new guidelines, announced by the Obama Administration last Friday, would force schools to allow any student to use the locker room or bathroom of their choice. No parental permission, medical or psychiatric diagnosis is required.

Senator Evers has spoken with many of the school superintendents across his district who told him they plan to reject the new rules, even if it means the loss of federal funding.

“These school officials are making the right decision,” Evers said. “Now it’s up to us to back them up, to find a way to protect those students and families that could be affected if Obama pulls the plug on Title
IX funds. I’m going to fight this every way I can.”


19 Responses to “Evers Calls For Governor, AG To Fight Transgender Bathroom Directive”

  1. david lamb on May 21st, 2016 11:57 am

    Sorry John, but when GOD calls it a sin then he always gives you a way out. so if God calls it sin then you are not born with it!
    Another attempt to justify ones behavior and ‘feel good” about ones poor choices!
    AND ,There more things in America going on that need attention than this stupid issue!!!!!!
    I have been overseas too. Communal bathrooms are more prevalent overt there, including using the bathroom in the tiny streets!

  2. john on May 21st, 2016 11:06 am


    So tell me, by your own admission you wrote you only had sons, and I take it you (never had daughter’s), so lets say if you did have a daughter and she had to use the LADIES room and as she went in, three dudes went in behind her, would you go in to check on her? That’s all I have to say…and this isn’t Europe, look at the mess they are in.

  3. john on May 21st, 2016 10:53 am

    So, if some of you consider it hateful for me disagreeing with you ‘against shared bathrooms’ then I will consider you as hateful for you not agreeing with me on my stance on the matter.

  4. Vikingwench on May 21st, 2016 8:58 am

    I’ve got six brothers, two sons, and an ex husband. I’ve been sharing a bathroom all my life. I’ve worked in small military units or businesses where there was just one bathroom. In restuarants and clubs in Europe I often had to walk through the mens room, past men using urinals, to get to the stalls designated for women. You know what? I DON’T CARE. As long as you don’t pee on the seat and wash your hands when you’re done, I don’t care. I think this whole bathroom thing is another issue designed to keep the average American’s attention diverted from far more important issues. But hey, if you want to get your panties in a wad over someone invading the sanctity of a place designed for the elimination of bodily wastes, go right ahead. OH, and here’s a news flash. Transgender people have been using the bathrooms of the gender they identify with for YEARS. You didn’t even notice until someone brought it up in court.

  5. john on May 21st, 2016 8:09 am

    Some people are comparing making access for transgender people to any bathroom to the civil rights movement of the 60’s in eliminating black and white restrooms, THIS IS NOT THE SAME ISSUE, one mustn’t be penalized because the color of their skin, because they didn’t have a choice in that, and God made them that way, but as for transgender people God did not make them that way, somewhere along the way they chose that life-style and is rooted in evil. People shouldn’t receive special treatment purely based on their feelings. What if I were to say I felt in my body I was a single mother with five imaginary children, would that entitle me to financial assistance, (NOT TRYING TO PICK ON SINGLE MOTHERS, JUST MAKING AN EXAMPLE) I think not. Sould by one persons rights be allowed to trample over another’s purely based on feeling? The Bible says “That the borrower is servant to the lender” so everyone that is taking federal money give it back and tell them to go away far away!!!

    Black skin, White skin, Red skin etc. = Physical issue = no choice
    Transgender, Gay, Lesbian = Moral issue = choice

  6. Chris on May 21st, 2016 4:32 am

    What’s really sad is that so many close minded people are resistant to improving the life for all Americans. These rights are just as important as it was when blacks had to use separate bathrooms from whites! Now think about that

  7. david lamb on May 21st, 2016 4:30 am

    Chicago just had an * yr old girl strangled because a male was in the womens bathroom.
    We do understand the issue. It is explained extremely well in the B.I.B.L.E.!
    A book of rules that those that want to live sinful lifestyles must destroy. . That is why America is dying! Man thinks he is smarter than GOD!
    look out ,an awakening is coming!

  8. EMD on May 20th, 2016 8:12 pm

    Thank you Senator Evers.

  9. Melodies4us on May 20th, 2016 6:23 pm

    Thank you Mr. Evers. I think the best solution is to have several individual bathrooms. Students can use them privately 1 at a time.

  10. david lamb on May 20th, 2016 2:21 pm

    Why is it that 0.03% are forcing 99.97% to change? The transgenders that I have dealt with while driving between Omaha and Chicago have been vocal, loud , vulgar and in your face. They have used the us bathroom two at a time for their dastardly deeds and shown no regard for other passengers on the bus. I have had to stop, call State Patrol and have them removed more than once. To them the bathroom is only to add more drama to their perverted lifestyle. Has the world gone mad?
    Remember Sodom nd Gomorrah? America will pay a high penalty for this deviate lifestyle.

  11. EP on May 20th, 2016 1:18 pm

    it is a very very sad time in our country I wonder if people that voted for Obama if they could have seen eight years into the future would they have still voted for him, thru him we got same sex marriage, boys can go in girls locker rooms and bathrooms and vice versa and Muslims are favored over Christians, has to be the worst president in my life time and I was alive when Jimmy Carter was president so that says it all I think

  12. gdh on May 20th, 2016 1:11 pm

    Sorry folks but you are wrong and I know it is because you don’t understand the issue of transgender; understandable considering the lack of education we have on the most basic issues of sex, sexuality and gender, but first off, cities with this ordinance have had zero issues, the notion we’re protecting women and children is just fear mongering propaganda. We are suppose to treat every citizen equally in the eyes of the government and too often we don’t live up to this ideal and the notion one group has to have the majority’s approval is not correct. Our generation may not understand this issue and therefore enact hateful laws making the issues these people face even more troubling (such as a high suicide rate) you can bet the future generations will eventually correct this for they seem to have a better understanding of human diversity and better empathy toward others.

  13. Darth Soetoro on May 20th, 2016 10:44 am

    Common sense? Not so common anymore. Welcome to the Dark Side!

  14. southerner on May 20th, 2016 9:54 am

    Good. Fight It. Perhaps foolishness, perversion, poor educations, and perverted educations will cause many to turn away from the government school system.

  15. Rodney on May 20th, 2016 9:38 am

    It is impossible in this day and age to make everyone happy but forcing the will of many to be impacted by the choices of a few is wrong. A loss of federal funding for schools could be easily covered by forcing the lottery to pay more or end.

  16. anne on May 20th, 2016 9:37 am

    We need to start screaming against all of these stupid new laws! This is not OK, it’s never going to be OK. We have lived this long with separate restrooms. This appears to be yet another way to label our children and get them into trouble when they are good kids. I promise if this continues and a man comes into a restroom when I am there, all of you will see the man on the front page, and he will look
    worse than robbery suspect on the front page of today’s paper.

  17. fisherman on May 20th, 2016 8:50 am

    Less than 1% of the nations population can cause the rights of the other 99.9% to be violated. This country has gone crazy with political correctness. This is what happens when you turn your back on GOD!!!!

  18. ConcernedParent on May 20th, 2016 7:33 am

    I disagree with allowing children to decide which bathroom/locker room they feel they need to be in. If the schools allow opposite genders to use the locker room/bathroom of their choice I will be pulling my child out of public school and will be home schooling. I feel my child’s right to privacy and the feeling of a sense of security is being violated for the 0.3% of the population. I sure hope the schools continue to fight this.

  19. 429SCJ on May 20th, 2016 3:55 am

    I agree 100% with Mr Evers regarding what constitutes gender.

    More over I am of the opinion that America’s military, should end segregation in the Special Forces.