Escambia EMS Receives Florida Excellence Award

May 5, 2016

Escambia County Emergency Medical Services was selected as a Best Practices winner for the 2016 Florida Excellence Awards for the implementation of a customer satisfaction survey. The award will be presented to Escambia County EMS at the 2016 Florida Excellence Awards Best Practices Conference in Orlando on May 12 and 13.

Customer satisfaction surveys have been conducted by Escambia County EMS for a number of years, but they recently switched to a new service which allows staff to easily review the specifics on caregivers, feedback includes the patient’s perception of EMS’s quality of customer service.

The survey evaluates service from the 911 call to transport to billing performance of Escambia County EMS. The complaints EMS receives are typically not related to a patient’s care, but their perception on what could have been done differently during the encounter.

Additionally, Escambia County EMS shares data via ESO’s Health Data Exchange program, which allows medics to see their patient’s emergency room outcomes at West Florida Hospital.  Escambia County EMS hopes  to implement this data share with Sacred Heart and Baptist hospitals.


3 Responses to “Escambia EMS Receives Florida Excellence Award”

  1. stayingstrong on May 5th, 2016 11:21 pm

    All our Heros work hard together at times to produce excellant care.
    This does not mean to discredit anyone’s assistance on the calls.
    Yes EMS is self funded, but we never turn our backs to patients whether they can pay or have insurance
    We strive for all ways to improve or care in patients and the ESO program does help a lot.
    Thank you to ALL our Heros in Escambia

  2. Good Job on May 5th, 2016 3:22 pm

    ECFR Has decided not to respond to the vast majority of incidents that ECEMS responds to.
    Also, EMS has placed ALS quick response vehicles on the road to further reduce the number of responses made by ECFR, and funds those vehicles, and the EMT’s and Paramedics that staff them out of their own self-generated revenue, without using taxpayer money- the same revenue that they generate with their great customer service, and billing.
    That’s saving tax dollars that would go to the fire department, at the expense of revenue generated by EMS, with no thought or mention of reimbursement by ECFR.
    The only time ECFR response does anything to help response times is when EMS is holding calls, (which usually happens several times/day) or when they are greater than 10 minutes away, and only on high priority calls that warrant an immediate ALS response. Fire should not ride the coat tails of EMS, and the hard work of their dedicated employees. This award should go to the hard working men and women of ECEMS.

  3. lookdeeper on May 5th, 2016 9:38 am

    some of the recognition should go to fire for making their response times better and they also help with custome r satisfaction