Cantonment Couple Charged In ‘Heart-Wrenching’ Child Abuse Case

May 26, 2016

A Cantonment couple has been charged in a child abuse case that Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan called “heart-wrenching” and one of the worst he has ever seen.

Jeffrey Scott Linton, 48, and Rachel Watkins Linton, 34, of Muscogee Road in Cantonment, are facing multiple child abuse charges based upon allegations that they inflicted severe  physical abuse on three young children.

“It is one of those things that bring tears to your eyes to think that a child would be treated in this manner,” Morgan said during a Wednesday afternoon press conference.  He said there were nine total children in the home – eight biologically belonging to Rachel Linton, one the biological child of Jeffrey Linton.  The charges filed relate to the three youngest of the children.

All of the children have been removed from the home.

The investigation began after the Department of Children and Families received an anonymous tip. That led to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office opening an investigation and executing a search warrant at the couple’s Cantonment home.

“These investigations are always ongoing. If at any point and time additional facts come out that warrant additional charges being filed, we would review it at that time and file the appropriate charges,” Assistant State Attorney Greg Marcille said. “We do take these types of cases very seriously.”

Jeffrey Linton remains in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $1.5 million; Rachel Linton’s also remains in jail with a bond set at $900,000.

The allegations against the Lintons span the period August 2015 to May 23, 2016, according to an arrest report obtained by On May 24, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office was made aware of the allegations.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The remainder of this story details some of the severe physical child abuse allegations in this case. There are details that some readers will find disturbing.

The report indicates that about one month ago, one of the victims suffered a broken leg and then a broken arm caused by one of the siblings, and that Rachel Linton did not feed or bathe the children or take them to medical appointments. Two of the victims were born prematurely and are developmentally delayed.

DCF received a tip that Rachel Linton was planning to flee the area and has a history of fleeing when she is under investigation.

DCF received a report that two victims had injuries to their faces and heads, and Rachel Linton took the victims to West Florida Hospital where a trauma survey found that one victim had two broken arms and a broken leg and all three victims were malnourished.

The report says Rachel Linton frequently hits the victims’ heads on the walls and that Jeffrey Linton also abuses them. Rachel Linton threatened the children with further punishment if they provided any information to DCF about the ongoing abuse in the home. Both allegedly told the children to blame their injuries on the other children in the home.

One child allegedly suffered a broken arm as the result of Jeffrey Linton twisting an arm. DCF discovered the children had multiple bruises on their faces, back and arms, and that the children had knots on the back and tops of their heads. They suffered a variety of other injuries, including an abscess on the bottom of a foot, scarring and scabbing of lips, scarring of a nose, lacerations to their ears and bruising to their genital areas.

A witness alleged that Jeffrey Linton would hold the victims upside down by their feet and hit their heads on the floor as punishment and that he would hit them with a paddle “2-3 feet long” and throw them and slam their heads against a wall, and he would allegedly hit them with a fly swatter.

The witness said the paddle is now broken from use, and that she would hear the children cry and scream in pain.


101 Responses to “Cantonment Couple Charged In ‘Heart-Wrenching’ Child Abuse Case”

  1. uhdo what? on May 31st, 2016 5:55 pm

    So not sure what angle your going for with the abused in the relationship terri but this lady has 8 kids at 34 and 1 was his? But she was being abused and that’s why the kids were? Come on I’ve been silent on this But these people are trash pure and simple and i hope his “brothers” and “sisters” take care of him if he gets out. “Wolf” is a great name for him because he sure made those kids his prey

  2. Terri Sanders on May 30th, 2016 1:52 pm

    With Favor House and other organizations there is no reason for a woman to stay in a abusive relationship. No reason except fear of the unknown. And fear is a horribly controlling emotion. Abused children grow up to abuse children..plain and simple.
    And for those who are screaming about the abuse. Ask yourself..honestly..would you be willing to take in any or all of those children for any length of time…what about a year while mom gets her life together? Would you be willing to come along side of her and help her? mentor her? Sadly we live in a world where no one wants to get involved at any level..We hide behind our closed doors and scream injustice but rarely venture to pull our head outside and hold out our hand.

  3. amandah owen on May 30th, 2016 12:47 am

    I pray they meet someone who is as kind to them as they were to their babies..they should feel blessed to know that the Lord has protected them by allowing them to b jailed instead of the slow painful justice lenching they deserve

  4. Jessie on May 29th, 2016 3:29 pm

    They need too do too them as they done too them kids beat them like they did them kids

  5. shannon haley on May 29th, 2016 11:45 am

    I am sickeded !!! These people are part of our biker family yet no one that goes out to that house to drink and party ALL the time never stood up for these children. I’m taking a good hard look at who I call my biker family anymore. I have been invitied out to their house many times but never went, HOWEVER I know quiet alot of people are there ALL the time.Shame on you all . YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lock them up and throw away the key. If you know of abuse and don’t try to do anything about it you are as guilty as they are !!!!

  6. Woman on May 29th, 2016 10:38 am

    Omg Lord I thank you for helping these kids out of dis Hell hole dey were in !!!

  7. Christy on May 28th, 2016 8:39 am

    Check out pics and posts on their Facebook page…absolutely sickening. Blaming the siblings for injuries and the friends telling the mom to beat the kids behinds

  8. Kelli on May 27th, 2016 7:22 pm

    Any person convicted of brutalizing a child physically, mentally or sexually should be put to death!!! End the gene pool , end the cycle!!

  9. Nanc on May 27th, 2016 5:15 pm

    What amazes me are the people that live next to them and around them that don’t do anything to help even if it’s calling the police. When they hear and see those kids and witness this garbage going on, freaking call the police. Something is better then nothing and 9 mos of being witness to this crap is ridiculous. In my book, they are no different then the parents to just let it continue to happen and do nothing to help. They don’t say anything until the media is in their face and then admit that they’ve been hearing it and seeing it all along. How do you sleep at night? We need more people to step up and stop child abuse. Kudos to the person that finally found courage to report it. Hopefully these kids will have a chance at a better life now.

  10. Terri Fields on May 27th, 2016 4:53 pm

    First off I am not trying to excuse anything by saying what I did about drugs in my eyes there is absolutely no excuse for what these children were put through and I pray these two monsters are punished accordingly . But as the system goes these precious babies will more than likely be placed back with these two sorry excuses of human beings because from what I have been told they both tested positive for drugs and after they go through treatment for a few months and are monitored by CPS our system will fail these children and they will be given back to them to endure more abuse and will probably end up being killed by these two . So rather than bashing on me for a simple comment why don’t you do as I have been doing and pray that God intervenes and these children are not given back to these monsters …. PRAYER WORKS and God is the only chance these children may have if the system fails them .

  11. Survivor on May 27th, 2016 1:42 pm

    I’m quite sure that these two monsters didn’t wake up last August and decide to start abusing their three youngest children. I also am quite sure that all nine of those children have been abused and/or are still being abused. The point I am making and the question I’m asking is this; with that many children from the same family all showing questionable injuries why did it take this long? These children have no one but society and social programs meant to protect children, to oversee their safety. It would seem that no one cared. ” The mother has a history of running when being investigated”, which means there is a record of past abuses. Apparently, which ever program was investigating her decided she was a fit parent and never checked on the children once from August 2015 to May 2016. These children have been failed by the very ones who are paid to protect them which truly is disgusting and inexcusable. somebody needs to lose their job over this.

  12. David Huie Green on May 27th, 2016 1:38 pm

    “You hurt a child you deserve to die! No questions asked”

    Nope. Some things hurt but are good for a child.
    We need to distinguish a vaccination shot from a nail in the hand or a slam in the wall,
    a beating from a spanking,
    acts of love from acts of hatred or indifference.

    David for asking questions

  13. David Huie Green on May 27th, 2016 1:30 pm

    This is why two parents is not always what is best for children.
    It depends on the parents.

    David for better parents

  14. Mother of 4 on May 27th, 2016 12:17 pm

    I hope these two get the maximum penalty ! My opinion … They need to rot in jail !! I cannot understand how anyone could do those horrible things to an innocent child ! Makes me sick to my stomach thinking about it ! I pray the children are NEVER placed back with their parents ! They deserve so much more ! It will happen again if they go back ! PrAyers !!

  15. fisherman on May 27th, 2016 7:32 am

    She will shed a lot of tears and blame him. What I would like to know is where was the family of these individuals. Some appeared in court with them when she cried the pore is me scared of him crap. I can’t believe this took 9 months for help to come the children’s way. I myself would be glad to pull the switch or trigger on both of them. They are worse than animals and pure EVIL!!!!!

  16. Brooke on May 27th, 2016 2:51 am

    I’m going to echo what Nikki posted and ask: NorthEscambia, can you please dig deeper into this and find out what these children need? Also, I know a VERY good, well-off family that takes in families in similar situations and could probably take in all 9 children. I can speak to them and see if they’re capable of helping. Can you please get more information for your readers? It sounds like a lot of us are willing to step up to help get supplies and funds to these littles.

    We don’t need too many details, but ages, clothing sizes, drop off location would be very helpful. Also if they have any special wants, like a comforting toy/blanket for the smalls and games for the bigs, I would love to send some things their way to help make them feel special. Please let us know.

  17. Pam on May 26th, 2016 9:25 pm

    This makes me so furious!! How in the world can the people that are suppose to protect and take care of and love these precious children do this? I got a answer, they are just evil!! Anyone who abuses and elderly person or a defenseless child are just EVIL!! There are some men and women who would love to have children that aren’t able to and these 2 sick animals(not calling them anything human) do this to innocent children. I hope the other inmates do the same thing to them, beat the crap out of them, bang their heads on the floor and into walls, break EVERY bone in their bodies,etc.. and hope the guards just look the other way!! This should have been caught way before now, my heart just hurts for the children, so sad and I just cannot imagine what has been going through their little minds!! I hope they have been placed together and with someone who is gonna show them how they are suppose to be loved and taken care of, I also hope the other older children are getting help and lived too cause even though this is about the 3 younger children, I guarantee you the other children have been abused to!! My GOD, I just don’t understand how anyone could hurt children, but it happens all the time! If ANYBODY EVER hurt one of my Grand-daughter’s , they might not make it to jail if I got anywhere close to them!! I pray GOD helps these sweet children recover physically and mentally from this abuse, cause you all know as well as I do that this is so traumatizing to them!! I will continue to pray for them and the other children for complete healing!! I hope these animals don’t make bail and get out of jail!! They are right where they need to be and like we all hope they get what’s coming to them while they are in there , but they probably have them separated from other inmates to protect them . If they do somebody needs to step up and ask did anyone protect these innocent children, NO , cause the one’s that should have been are the one’s who were hurting them!!!

  18. ???? on May 26th, 2016 9:19 pm

    @Sedition, I don’t think any of your average human beings care if they get shanked. I support it. After what they have done to these children that cannot even defend themselves!? They deserve it all

  19. Who, Me on May 26th, 2016 7:48 pm

    May the Lord be with the children. May the parents be punished justly.

  20. Jackie on May 26th, 2016 7:23 pm

    If you see something, say something, my God, my God. Please put them in the cell with the worst inmates and let them do the same thing to them and turn your head. I pray these babies are being shown some love and compassion cause this is traumatizing.

  21. Sedition on May 26th, 2016 5:57 pm

    You had better keep them in prison in solitary.
    General population will shank them, and if let out, the public will tenderize them.

  22. Shirley Hales on May 26th, 2016 4:37 pm

    Makes me cry when I think of these little ones being abused. May God bless these precious children and wherever they are now, they’re being treated like little angels should be treated. If I had the means to do so, I would take all of them, and show them what a loving Mother should be like. I have a precious little great grandaughter, and anyone that hurts her, better watch out. The whole family would deal with them. Can’t understand why someone didn’t see this before now. God please help these babies.

  23. Dennis HE Wiggins on May 26th, 2016 3:24 pm

    I volunteer not only for jury duty but also to “take care of them” after sentencing. WARNING – I MAY NOT follow sentencing perfectly.

  24. John C on May 26th, 2016 2:08 pm

    You hurt a child you deserve to die! No questions asked

  25. Shelly Pittman on May 26th, 2016 1:52 pm

    i just looked her and the family up on FB. I will pray for all these children and for justice!

  26. Puddin from Beulah on May 26th, 2016 1:50 pm

    First let me say that no child should ever have to go through what these kids did. I love my kids and grand kids and it hurts me to know that they were hurt!
    That being said. I have known Jeff and his family since high school and would never have though that he could do something so sickening. I keep trying to see into this deeper to figure it out. I know some will read my comments and think I am trying to defend Jeff. I am not. I am saying that the Jeff that I grew up with was kind hearted and was not capable of doing this. I also hope that the kids can find peace in this and find someone to love them and care for them.

  27. Jessica on May 26th, 2016 1:48 pm

    It hurts my heart to know that these 2 people who brought children into this world, but are by no means parents are most likely not going to get nearly the punishment they deserve. Our system is broken. These children will be paying for this for years to come, and in several different ways. No person, or any living thing should be treated as these children were. It angers me to know if they had treated an animal this badly the punishment would be so much worse. Nothing deserves this treatment, but people, especially children need to be the most protected. I hate the thought that these children will probably have to face these people again because these scumbags have “rights”. Their rights should be immediately and permanently revoked.

  28. Trish on May 26th, 2016 1:23 pm

    I have to wonder when I read about these neighbors who say they heard the children crying and screaming, why didn’t they call someone? I wonder why the teachers at school didn’t turn them in. Children don’t ask to be born. We as adults make a decision to have them. Children are on loan to us from God and it is our responsibility to take care of them.. I just pray for these children.

  29. Brande B on May 26th, 2016 1:06 pm

    One I would love to no WHY it took so long to rescue this angels from hell. And why in the world didn’t any other adult “Family,Friends,Teachers,etc….” report theses innocent angels being TORTURED for SO LONG!!! To me this is why worse then abused. And as far as the mother”she shouldn’t even have the privilege of being called a mother”and her crying in the court room cause she was scared to say anything to her husband or he would abuse her also. What a liar!!!! She’s crying cause she got caught. I hope they get sentenced to stay in prison for a VERY LONGGGG TIME!!! And I hope they get what they deserve while their in prison. May God Bless This Beautiful Innocent Angels

  30. Wesley on May 26th, 2016 12:58 pm

    Most kids cry for their mommy or daddy when they’re hurt. Who did these kids cry for? There is a special place in hell for these two.

  31. Freeda on May 26th, 2016 12:02 pm

    Out of eight children one is this man’s biological child? So what happened to all the father’s and family of the other children? Does noone care or have enough heart to stand up for these children. It took a year to get help. I understand fighting for children can be hard but if someone is persistent and continues to try to get help someone is gonna help you eventually or tell you how to get help. I really hate noone out of 8 children pressed this. Most of all I hope that the people who chose not to get involved remember one day KARMA is gonna hit you real hard.

  32. matchbox on May 26th, 2016 11:46 am

    I hope they burn in hell

  33. LaShauna on May 26th, 2016 11:45 am

    Y they have the privelege of being a parent if da gonna be stupid n cruel at being a parent. Maybe da should get a license to bring a child into the world and it be a privelege instead of a given..The children will have better odds at surviving these dayz some people should notta have em cause they cant support em , . give the unborn some rights (the right to have responsible parents who can support em and da have parent skills ) and stop abuse 4 it happen.

  34. Bobby on May 26th, 2016 11:25 am

    Thank goodness for DCF and their good work. These children are the lucky ones. Some dont make it out to be safe. Sure hope and pray these two never bring anymore innocent babies into their miserable life. Shame Shame on both irresponsible baby makers.

  35. Laurel on May 26th, 2016 11:05 am

    I don’t understand the heartlessness and how you have so many children you obviously weren’t capable of loving. Praying for all these babies. I’m so sorry for what you have endured.

  36. Darlene on May 26th, 2016 11:04 am

    I am so distraught, by the abuse that the children had to endure. I know God is with them and have them in his healing hands…As for the pathetic individuals, well GOD is with you as well…We are Givin our children by GOD.Those are his cildren he just employed you to be there parents. So when you fail, it is on both of you.May God have mercy on your souls when you stand before God. Good luck when you get sent to prison. You think those precious Angels were abused. You both will definitely have your Ass Whoopins waiting on you, and what ever else is Givin to you..

  37. Mary on May 26th, 2016 10:35 am

    I will keep my words to myself..this is very disturbing…MY prayers & Hopes are for 9..NINE children….I didnt see if they printed the ages of all of the children…No it really doesnt matter..those poor children..The parents(used very loosely) should be locked away w/a death date…I pray justice will prevail in this….

  38. Erlinda on May 26th, 2016 10:30 am

    I pray for the children that they may find a loving family. God bless them all.

  39. Karen on May 26th, 2016 10:17 am

    These 2 are or was part of the biker community. They were on the biker run for abused children. All of us that know these people would have never thought they were capable of doing such a horrible thing. We are still in shock.

  40. Dewayne on May 26th, 2016 10:16 am

    Upon there release members of the community should pay them a visit and give them back what they were dishing out.

  41. Rachel on May 26th, 2016 10:05 am


  42. Susan on May 26th, 2016 9:57 am

    Incredibly sad. My heart goes out for those little ones. Society failed you.

  43. Too Kind on May 26th, 2016 9:24 am


    With explicit details by “witnesses” of hearing the children scream in pain, knowing about the paddle (board) used in some of the abuse even to the point of the measurements and now “broken” from use, why did the “witness” not do something to intervene to help these children? Who would listen to a child or children “scream” in pain and not do ANYTHING to help them? Discipline is one thing. ABUSE is something totally different and I would think the “witness” surely knew the difference.

  44. bella on May 26th, 2016 8:06 am

    The will burn in hell

  45. Mike on May 26th, 2016 8:00 am

    @ Terri Fields:


    Sorry to be shouting, but terrible people did this, and some lame excuse about being on dope is not gonna cut it.


  46. Tom on May 26th, 2016 7:57 am

    This is justification for the death penalty . It should be carried out by abuse over a long period of time. Show these animals what they have done to their children.

  47. Terri Fields on May 26th, 2016 7:03 am

    I know the Mother and children and I must say my heart is broken as I woke and saw this , I don’t know what happened to cause Rachel to abuse her children or to allow anyone to abuse them I am assuming drugs must be involved as well as Rachel possibly being abused herself and fearing for her children’s lives as well as her own . . My heart hurts for these beautiful children I love them they are all good children and should never have been put through this …plz everyone pray for these babies they deserve to be loved and treated good I am honestly in awe at this :(

  48. Mike on May 26th, 2016 7:02 am

    They will be waiting for you 2 in prison. I hate to think about what is going to happen to you 2 in there. I’m with fisherman, my opinion is unprintable.

    This brought tears to my eyes, and I never cry. :mad:

  49. Shawn R on May 26th, 2016 6:59 am

    @No Excuse, that passage in Matthew in its context is Jesus illustrating we are all children of God and as the children of God we should not cause someone to sin. If we do we should tie a millstone around our necks.

    Now there’s one thing from the Bible we should still be able to do today. Drag these two out into the street and stone them to death. That is what they deserve. They don’t deserve three hots and a cot. What will most likely end up happening if this is their first offenses. A few years probation, supervised visits with their children and after some time allowed to have their children back with bi-monthly welfare check-ups by the state. Sad we live in a world like we do. Pray without ceasing people.

    There is one verse from scripture in its proper context that comes to mind:

    Psalms 27:10:
    “When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up”

    Lord use your divine providence to protect these children and see justice served upon these individuals.

  50. Lori on May 26th, 2016 6:46 am

    I hope these heartless people are treated just as unkindly in jail & realize the way their children felt. I pray those children can grow to trust again & realize their parents are very sick. Praying for those children.

  51. Pale Horse on May 26th, 2016 6:38 am

    Karma, it comes around.

  52. john on May 26th, 2016 6:30 am

    Children in America have so much against them now days, First you must survive the first nine months and not get butchered, Second after you are born you had better hope you are born to good parents, Third you had better hope that love you and teach you about the LORD. Forth they love you enough to keep you out of the failing, brain washing, public school system, Fifth take you to church and learn about Jesus, Six they would make whatever sacrifice to prepare you for life’s challenges.

  53. Lisa on May 26th, 2016 6:27 am

    She had been under investigation several times? Why were these children ever let go from the hospital to start with. Come on, two broken arms and a broken leg, hello??
    If she didn’t want children then why did she have seven?
    Jail is too good for these two. Child abusers and pedophiles should face the death penalty like a murderer because they have murdered their souls.
    I hope and pray none of the children become this way when they get older. What’s sad is the older children have already learned how to lie and deceive because of them.
    I pray these children get the love and help they deserve.

  54. Nikki on May 26th, 2016 6:26 am

    The one thing in common with everyone’s comments-bashing the situation. Yes, this is completely horrible, but why does no one care to ask how we can help?? These kids have suffered so much, why don’t we as a community show them that there is good in this world? Or are we all just going to sit & pray about it??
    How can I donate all my kids old clothes & some cash for a decent meal or two, anything would help I’m sure! Especially if everyone just gave just a little.

    The parents will get what is coming to them, but what is coming next for the kids??

  55. AnotherSharon on May 26th, 2016 6:15 am

    Thank The LORD, the children were finally rescued! I really don’t know what should become of these too! I know what I would like to do to them, but vegence is not for us! And yes, I know personally how DCF works, but eventually the good case workers step in and do what’s right! It just sickens me to think of what they had to go thru!

  56. Stacy on May 26th, 2016 6:07 am

    Prayers for them babies. Screw the adults they got it made 3 hot meals, shower, n bed for free while them babies suffer.. To bad we can have our way with people like this..

  57. Bill on May 26th, 2016 6:03 am

    Now we see what is around us every day so what to do ? I just wish i could have had 30 seconds with both these scumbags l promise there would be no fee to our tax payers for me to fix the problem permanently remember one chance one shot one time done

  58. chris in Molino on May 26th, 2016 4:41 am

    Since the world we live in will not allow the kind of punishment required to be a deterrent for behavior such as this, I can only pray that the Father is preparing for these two.
    I agree with Molinoman. There should be media attention to this story for the community to help these babies. We all spend too much on useless crap anyway. It breaks my heart to know these children probably feel they can trust no one and will probably be split up. William, hope you can create some attention to this.

  59. Sharon on May 26th, 2016 1:50 am

    Jail is to good for people who abuse children. You don’t hurt God’s children God’s a loving God but you will answer for this kind of treatment to babies. I pray these babies gets the help they need and in a loving family. I’m praying for them I sure pray they aren’t hurt for life from this awful treatment. God bless you sweet babies.

  60. whit on May 26th, 2016 12:21 am

    Sad thing is kids have to suffer and probably be separated.

  61. Sue on May 26th, 2016 12:17 am

    I pray for these children.. May their hearts and minds be rescued and saved

  62. Annette Mays on May 25th, 2016 11:40 pm

    Why did it take 9 months to save those children from that home of torture?

  63. aubrey jerkins on May 25th, 2016 11:12 pm

    May those two live and rest in everlasting hell fire. an eye for an eye…tooth for a tooth. I pray the devil has his way with them for all eternity!!

  64. No Excuses on May 25th, 2016 10:57 pm

    I don’t know, Nod. There is a scripture in Matthew (I believe) that says it’s better for a man to tie a millstone about his neck and drop it, and him off into the deepest part of the ocean than to harm a hair on the head of one such as these (referring to the children who had come to see Jesus).

  65. Melody on May 25th, 2016 10:51 pm

    wherever these innocent Angels are right now I pray they are being respected, being loved, they are receiving extra special attention, they are getting proper nourishment, clean clothes and are bathed – the special things and necessities we give our children every day without thinking twice. God loves the children – God bless them and bless the ones these babies are with tonight.

  66. tomtom50 on May 25th, 2016 10:41 pm

    They both need to be fixed so they can’t have any more kids.

  67. James on May 25th, 2016 10:36 pm

    They should be beaten to near death. That’s how this WILL stop. There’s NO other way. Let others (?) learn from THEIR mistake of abusing children. Damned savages.

  68. Too Kind on May 25th, 2016 10:36 pm

    I was in court with these yesterday. I watched the mother cry as if she was innocent! My question is where were the teachers? Neighbors? Other family members? There were several people in court with them that appeared to be family. How do children suffer broken arms and legs and someone not recognize the abuse! I know God can forgive but while they are on this earth, I hope they get what they deserve!!!

  69. Marion on May 25th, 2016 9:59 pm

    I realize we all turn our heads the other way on some things, on this seems someone had to notice something so why wasn’t it reported. If screams could be heard, bruises seen, anything, then it should have been reported. I witnessed abuse at Walmart and was cussed out for stepping in. When I asked the employee why she didn’t call security or step in to help she said the aren’t allowed. Its pitiful when an employee will get fired for protecting a child. Guess I’ll go to jail one day for getting involved, I’ve been one that didn’t get involved before and I have to live with that.

  70. Jenny on May 25th, 2016 9:25 pm

    Ever notice that people like that would never let the thought of abortion enter their dark, undeveloped little minds?

  71. lily on May 25th, 2016 9:14 pm


  72. Jessie Nicole on May 25th, 2016 9:03 pm

    I hope these two pathetic excuses for human beings get beaten to death in prison. I would love to beat them to death myself. This story broke my heart into a million pieces. Those children did not ask to be born.

  73. Ny buck on May 25th, 2016 8:59 pm

    They both need to be hung over a ant hill. There is no place sever enough to torture them the way they did those children. The authorities that allowed them to have those children back need to be stripped of there positions and put to work in an abuse shelter so they can learn a few things this includes the judge to the social workers.
    Hats off to the people that finally turned them in I wish you would have done it sooner. Did the children go to school? Why didn’t teachers see anything? I just can’t believe

  74. Jeannie on May 25th, 2016 8:55 pm

    Its so sad that someone didn’t come forward sooner. What in heaven did these poor kids think of humanity? Praying for theses kids.

  75. nod on May 25th, 2016 8:49 pm

    I know what these people deserve, but believe it or not GOD will forgive them if they ask sincerely.

  76. Alana McCurdy on May 25th, 2016 8:47 pm

    I am honestly to the point of no return. How can a mother one who gets to feel the baby’s first everything as they grow inside do anything to their very own flesh and blood. How can a man or image of what resembles a man do this?? I pray they get exactly what they deserve. Poor kids marked for the rest of their life for what?? A couple of pukes that don’t deserve the air they breathe. I prayed for kids for a long time, and to my surprise at the age of 38 at a emergency room visit where I thought I had pulled a muscle in my lower abdomen area from hanging sheetrock I found that I was pregnant. One week later I gave birth to my first born son and I call him Levi. Born at 2lbs 8 tenths of a ounce. My husband and I now have two and I’m done with having babies at the age of 41. I longed for this for so long and to see people do this i get beside myself cause they didn’t ask to be put here and don’t deserve this sort of treatment by anyone but for their parent to do this has me baffled and honestly I would love to be left alone with them for a short while.

  77. Don on May 25th, 2016 8:45 pm

    I am sure the CO’s will announce their arrival and let the inmates welcome them, me myself would feed them feet first into a chipper./shredder…SLOWLY !!……….

  78. Isabella Brown on May 25th, 2016 8:32 pm

    Sickening to see so much abuse nowadays..these are not human beings…I never wish harm to a flea, but in this instance Im counting on someone bigger, badder and even sicker to to address them..As sure as there’s a God in Heaven, these monsters will roast in hell..wish we had a front row seat. This is not mental illness, this is pure unadulterated evil. Makes me want to be a child advocate. If anyone knows how, please let me know.

  79. Jennifer gaugler on May 25th, 2016 8:32 pm

    The way it work’s here they will get probation probably get kids back because there is not enough homes here for 9 kids!! When they take kids from people that are providing a good environment.

  80. anne on May 25th, 2016 8:30 pm

    Reading the comments shows the goodness of the readers, none of them could
    put into words a punishment bad enough to get even with those people, I just cannot call them parents. I guess it’s not our job to get even for those children but I will think twice the next time I see a bruised child.

  81. Beth on May 25th, 2016 8:28 pm

    Praying for decent foster situations. These sweet babied don’t deserve to be victims, twice.

  82. Puddin on May 25th, 2016 8:17 pm

    Prayers for the children, and for this couple. May God touch their hearts and heal them. Evict the demons in their souls. People like this were often abused themselves. Not excusing the behavior. The kids need a safe place to be and a new Forever home where they will be cared for and loved. The adults need to be educated, and taught how to show love. Not sure if they should ever be allowed kids, or even animals again though. Sad situation. Sad that it had to get this far before something was done.

  83. Gary on May 25th, 2016 7:54 pm

    Those two heathens should be given a slow painful death. They are useless, absolute trash for what they have done to these precious. If they have a record of previous violence the judge who let them out should be sentenced to the same prison cell.

  84. Heather on May 25th, 2016 7:47 pm

    They better hope none of the other inmates find out what their charges are.. If they do, they’ll need PC for real.

  85. Erica Thomas on May 25th, 2016 7:37 pm

    These people should NEVER b allowed by law 2 have any children in their home EVER again…they should b castrated….they should b submitted 2 the same punishments that they inflicted on those poor children…there is a special place in hell just 4 people who do these things. Those children will b forever scared & scarred from the damage they have endured. What a sad world we live in.

  86. Ali on May 25th, 2016 7:36 pm

    I pray for those kids, I was severly abused as a child, I don’t mean spanking, things I don’t talk about! I don’t wish it on anyone, you always remember and it takes a long time to trust people and to stop ducking every time you see a hand move near you! I pray they will get care they need not just physical care but the mental care needed to deal with the abuse! For the parents there’s a special place in hell for people like them

  87. Nonnie on May 25th, 2016 7:35 pm

    I will stand in agreement with Brenda and pray over these children. I wish I could just take them and show them what true parents are to children. My heart is broken and worried for their healing in body and spirit. Please continue to report on their recovery.

  88. molinoman on May 25th, 2016 7:31 pm

    I would say the death penalty but these two deserve to suffer, long and hard for the rest of their lives, cremated and flushed down the toilet, if they indeed do these things. Which I suspect they did, but we’ll see what our courts say.

    I hope these children find homes that can show them what love is and how a family is supposed to be. My heart bleeds for them. William I know there are organizations that we can donate through, but if there is anyway we can do something directly for these children, let the community know.

  89. Cheyenne on May 25th, 2016 7:20 pm

    What a sick thing to do! Never in my life would think or know you could do those things I’ve been knowing you for four years!!! Seriously!!!

  90. Joseph kittrell on May 25th, 2016 7:18 pm

    Put them away for LIFE

  91. Linda Hester on May 25th, 2016 7:15 pm

    There is no punishment that we here on Earth can possibly inflict that would even begin to be severe enough for this couple. They should be shot in the back of the head and sent on their way to hell. There is no possibility of there being some kind of help for them, some kind of help for these poor children. Why even bother with a jury? Why tie up state funds, county funds or anything to keep them alive in prison for the rest of their life? Actually, a bullet to the back of the head is too good for them. Just let them out about midnight and tell everyone exactly where, then leave. I’m sure they’ll be taken care of.

  92. Destaney on May 25th, 2016 7:09 pm

    Sick I hope they rott in prison

  93. Brenda Thompson on May 25th, 2016 7:06 pm

    Dear God please keep your hands on all these children and help them not to hate.If children can’t trust the parents then whom can they just.I also pray for these parents that God will forgive them for what they have done to these children.Hope and pray these children find homes where they are loved and took care of.This story breaks my heart to know that their are parents in this world that would treat children like this.please someone show these children that the world can be a happy place to live and love.

  94. Susan helton on May 25th, 2016 6:44 pm

    STERILIZE HER IMMEDIATELY AND CASTRATE HIM. send them both to prison and make sure the inmates know what they did. They won’t live long. God bless those poor kids. Hope a good family takes them in where they will know love

  95. Kay Campbell on May 25th, 2016 6:41 pm

    Thank god the children were removed from the home. Hopefully The Linton’s won’t ever get out of jail. There is no punishment to severe for those who hurt children!

  96. Lyn on May 25th, 2016 6:40 pm

    String. Them. Up.

  97. Vicky Pagonis on May 25th, 2016 6:35 pm

    They need to be starved and hung from their feet outside where passersby’s can come and hit/beat them with whatever type tool/weapon they choose to use for as long as it takes the devil to prepare for their arrival in HELL!!!

  98. fisherman on May 25th, 2016 6:32 pm

    Justice will be served one way or the other and that’s a FACT!!!! 34 years old and 8 children and this is what she does to them. No punishment can be severe enough for them. Let me hold them by the feet and hit there heads on the floor. I would say more but William won’t allow it !!!!!!

  99. John on May 25th, 2016 6:30 pm

    Hang them!

  100. DW on May 25th, 2016 6:24 pm

    There is a special place in hell waiting for child abusers like you.

  101. mick on May 25th, 2016 6:23 pm

    These aren’t parents, they are predators. Removing the children from the misery they deal with on a daily basis would be a blessing. It is a shame it has taken this long for the children’s suffering to come to the attention of authorities.