Tate Hosts District Special Olympics (With Photo Gallery)

April 9, 2016

The 20th Annual Escambia County School District’s Special Olympics Spring Games were held Friday at Tate High School with over 500 student athletes. Over 600 Tate student volunteers assisted as “buddies” and event workers.

The event began with Special Olympic athletes running with the Special Olympics Torch around the track.  There will was also an Olympic Village with plenty of fun and games, and even a petting zoo, for the athletes to enjoy after they completed their track and field events.

Athletes received the traditional gold, silver and bronze medals for top finishes.

For more photos, click here.

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Tate Hosts District Special Olympics (With Photo Gallery)”

  1. tabatha levi on April 11th, 2016 11:44 am

    thank you

  2. Dwight on April 11th, 2016 9:31 am

    If any of the parents read these comments, please consider registering for the local Special Olympics program. These games featured in this article are designed to show the students/parents of the ECSD what Special Olympics has to offer, and to get all registered and involved in Special Olympics. Special Olympics came to the ECSD over 20 years ago to form these games due to the fact that no new people were entering the program. The program would have ceased to exist due to the aging population of the current athletes. The games at Tate had over 500 students participating, yet only about 10 of those are actually registered with Special Olympics. Special Olympics is free to all family members, and they offer year-round sports and other activities. How can we get these students/parents to register?

  3. Puddin on April 9th, 2016 8:07 am

    They look like they had fun. Happy smiles all around. Thanks to the hard working bus drivers who shuttled them back and forth from the surrounding schools. And the teachers and other helpers.